truth4usm/AH wrote: Ding, dong, Kenbot is almost gone!
I'm sure the folks on the Coast are breathing a collective sigh of relief!
The Coast's verdict on Malone is not as clear cut as many here might think. It's true that he was/is autocratic and pretty much ignorant of university governance and academic protocols. Sometimes dangerously ignorant. It's true that he cultivated--purposely or not--something of a climate of fear on the Coast; I'm sure that staff, who suffered the most from his authoritarian tendencies, are indeed breathing that proverbial sigh, although, in truth, by privatizing Gulf Park janitorial services, the Kenbot drastically reduced the number of folks who realize they have something to sigh about! (No healthcare/retirement benefits for the privatized janitors, by the way: instead a princely wage, something like $14 per hour).
However, the point must be made that in Malone the Coast had something it has never had before: a genuine advocate, someone with clout, who was actually interested in the Coast operation, and who could see the possibilities for growth, and for strong programs there.
The malign lack of interest in the Coast demonstrated by A. Lucas and many administrators in Fleming's regime posed a real danger to USM-GC. Malone may have worn more hats than Coast faculty and professional staff thought productive--he was typically only on the Coast two days a week--but at least his view of the place wasn't distorted by his Hattiesburg business and real estate interests!
Further, I can't resist commenting that there's often a genuine failure on this very board to take any interest in the Coast. Almost any thread that starts out discussing the Coast seems, to me anyhow, to almost immediately become about something that's irrelevant to the original posting. Does anyone else see this? Or am I just being oversensitive? For instance, the original post on this thread pointed out that Malone's stepping down from his position as COO for the Coast; how many of the replies above this one said anything at all about that? One, wasn't it?
I can't resist commenting that there's often a genuine failure on this very board to take any interest in the Coast. As a passive outsider who neither works at usm nor lives in either of its locations, I've noticed how few comments on this board are clearly identified as coming from the coast faculty. I was beginning to think that the usm's coastal people have little interest in what is going on.
Coast Watcher wrote: I can't resist commenting that there's often a genuine failure on this very board to take any interest in the Coast. As a passive outsider who neither works at usm nor lives in either of its locations, I've noticed how few comments on this board are clearly identified as coming from the coast faculty. I was beginning to think that the usm's coastal people have little interest in what is going on.
Midway, you are very perceptive in noticing the lack of response. However, you might be surprised by the true "interest" taken by coast faculty and staff. I believe the lack of response you mention is due to fear, rather than lack of interest.
Midway, you are very perceptive in noticing the lack of response. However, you might be surprised by the true "interest" taken by coast faculty and staff. I believe the lack of response you mention is due to fear, rather than lack of interest.
Do they have more to fear than your people on the Hattiesburg campus? The incident involving those two professors suggests it is the Hattiesburg faculty who have cause for fear.
There's an old story about a bird getting a late start flying south for the winter...some of you know the story...the moral may be the reason some of the coast faculty don't involve themselves in the controversy. That moral is:
"If you are warm and happy in a pile of sh!t, keep your mouth shut."
Read a bit more carefully wrote: Its a press release. If you have any questions about the press release--maybe you're a reporter--call White or Mapp. If you want to be the next associate provost at the Gulf Park campus,tough luck, because SFT will appoint one of his lackeys.
White is the highest ranking P R person USM has right now. I have no idea why anyone would want to call Mapp.
Read a bit more carefully wrote: Its a press release. If you have any questions about the press release--maybe you're a reporter--call White or Mapp. If you want to be the next associate provost at the Gulf Park campus,tough luck, because SFT will appoint one of his lackeys. White is the highest ranking P R person USM has right now. I have no idea why anyone would want to call Mapp.
Not to split hairs, but why would anyone call Mapp if he WAS the highest ranking P.R. person?
Mr Mapp has extreme difficulty in determining fact and fiction, so he usually goes with fiction.
I must agree about Shelia White: She's the most professional, loyal, hard-working person in PR, along with Judy Isbell. Plus, they are about the nicest people you'll ever meet.
I can't figure out why they are even advertising for a PR director - White's right there and has been for what, 25 years? Maybe she doesn't want the job. I don't know.
Or maybe they won't promote her because she's on the Coast. What do they care about where the director's located anyway (if they do)? They kicked out PR from its specially designed offices, including the director's office from the dome, so PR is not now part of the dominant coalition. This is important because if PR is not part of the administration (working for the good of the UNIVERSITY), then decisions pertaining to the university are made without a PR expert - one with a degree in the proper discipline, as well as a lot of experience in actual PR - helping to guide the decision makers. This means more of the same old mistakes are coming in the future.
Oh, well. I wish all this didn't still bother me so much. All I know for sure is that I personally would come back to work for Southern Miss in a heartbeat if under White or Isbell. It would be a pleasure.
I've worked with both Shelia White and Chris Mapp in my years at USM. I have a high opinion of both. It is staff professionals like them that keep this place running despite all the turmoil.
For all the "Media Alerts" and "Information for the Unversity Community" messages we receive, as best I can tell, the change in Ken Malone's status was not sent to all campuses.
Does Ken Malone's departure from the "COO" position mean that his salary gets reduced by $49,500? Robert Campbell
So clearly, despite his previous management title on the coast, Malone was acting in an academic capacity. His position is being replaced with an associate provost. How much clearer evidence is there that when someone lacks the academic credentials to do the job we just change the title and hire them? Then, when they shift jobs we return to the previous practice. There is no greater example of cronyism has corrupted hiring practices at the admnistrative level.
"Malone, a 1991 graduate of Southern Miss' polymer science doctorate program, returned to the university in November 2002 after working for Atofina Chemicals as a as a director of planning and finance."
In all the commentary on KM over the past two years, I had somehow missed this small but significant detail. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
We've probably mentioned this before, but I can't think of a single "big" Shelby hire or henchperson who has any serious academic credentials whatsoever. None.