Well, it didn't take long for someone to forward me the latest outrage, this one related to the MIDAS program. I have no reason to doubt my source, so this is 99.9% likely true. Imagine the following: a professor announces he needs a break from USM, gets a one-year job at another institution for next year, that institution is paying him his salary. Did he get a research grant? No. Is this experience at another institution going to aid USM in any way? No. Will he teach any courses at USM next year? No. Did he get a MIDAS check for 30% of his USM yearly salary? Yes. Why? Well, his dean made sure that he qualified under the MIDAS program since another entity is paying his salary thus saving USM salary money. This proves beyond a doubt that the MIDAS program has NOTHING to do with enhancing the research or teaching environment at USM (for this professor will be doing neither). It has everything to do with bilking the system of money to enhance personal profit at the expense of USM. Simply outrageous. I purposely left the identity of this professor hidden, but others may wish to expose the culprit (and his dean).
Well, it didn't take long for someone to forward me the latest outrage, this one related to the MIDAS program. I have no reason to doubt my source, so this is 99.9% likely true. Imagine the following: a professor announces he needs a break from USM, gets a one-year job at another institution for next year, that institution is paying him his salary. Did he get a research grant? No. Is this experience at another institution going to aid USM in any way? No. Will he teach any courses at USM next year? No. Did he get a MIDAS check for 30% of his USM yearly salary? Yes. Why? Well, his dean made sure that he qualified under the MIDAS program since another entity is paying his salary thus saving USM salary money. This proves beyond a doubt that the MIDAS program has NOTHING to do with enhancing the research or teaching environment at USM (for this professor will be doing neither). It has everything to do with bilking the system of money to enhance personal profit at the expense of USM. Simply outrageous. I purposely left the identity of this professor hidden, but others may wish to expose the culprit (and his dean).
Please check your source again. This story was posted to this board the other day. I believe the poster meant it as a joke to show how the system could be misused.
Angeline wrote: Well, it didn't take long for someone to forward me the latest outrage, this one related to the MIDAS program. I have no reason to doubt my source, so this is 99.9% likely true. Imagine the following: a professor announces he needs a break from USM, gets a one-year job at another institution for next year, that institution is paying him his salary. Did he get a research grant? No. Is this experience at another institution going to aid USM in any way? No. Will he teach any courses at USM next year? No. Did he get a MIDAS check for 30% of his USM yearly salary? Yes. Why? Well, his dean made sure that he qualified under the MIDAS program since another entity is paying his salary thus saving USM salary money. This proves beyond a doubt that the MIDAS program has NOTHING to do with enhancing the research or teaching environment at USM (for this professor will be doing neither). It has everything to do with bilking the system of money to enhance personal profit at the expense of USM. Simply outrageous. I purposely left the identity of this professor hidden, but others may wish to expose the culprit (and his dean). Angeline Please check your source again. This story was posted to this board the other day. I believe the poster meant it as a joke to show how the system could be misused.
Nope - it is NOT a joke. I know the name, the department, and some of this person's colleagues.
Angeline wrote: ...Nope - it is NOT a joke. I know the name, the department, and some of this person's colleagues. Angeline, Can you at least tell us which of the five colleges?
That's the ironic thing. This is the college that does not have access to large, salary-replacing grants. Once you know the college, you know the dean, and then, if you think about it, you know the person.
Let me get this straight because I find it hard to believe. The faculty member gets a "leave of absence" to teach at another college for a year. The department chair and the dean sign the BLUE Transmittal Sheet so that it is recorded as funding by an outside source. In addition the other college agrees to pay the professor full salary plus benefits throughUSM in order to keep the retirement benefits going into PERS.
It is my understanding that all of this would have to happen for the process to result in a MIDAS bonus. This is the source of my disbelief.
Well, it didn't take long for someone to forward me the latest outrage, this one related to the MIDAS program. I have no reason to doubt my source, so this is 99.9% likely true. Imagine the following: a professor announces he needs a break from USM, gets a one-year job at another institution for next year, that institution is paying him his salary. Did he get a research grant? No. Is this experience at another institution going to aid USM in any way? No. Will he teach any courses at USM next year? No. Did he get a MIDAS check for 30% of his USM yearly salary? Yes. Why? Well, his dean made sure that he qualified under the MIDAS program since another entity is paying his salary thus saving USM salary money. This proves beyond a doubt that the MIDAS program has NOTHING to do with enhancing the research or teaching environment at USM (for this professor will be doing neither). It has everything to do with bilking the system of money to enhance personal profit at the expense of USM. Simply outrageous. I purposely left the identity of this professor hidden, but others may wish to expose the culprit (and his dean).
I know at least one person who is leaving USM who received a MIDAS check (I am pretty sure this is a different person than your culprit). Whether you agree with this MIDAS thing or not, it is not bilking the system (at least for the person I know) because it was money earned in AY 2004-2005. It would be scummier to say I am not giving you the pay I agreed to give you for last year because you are leaving (usually to a better job).
I hope you don't mean that your person will get a MIDAS check at the end of next year after working full time at another institution. That would be scummy. Is that what you mean?
When Thames, Reeves-Kazelskis, and Kazelskis got individual ones based on Thad Cochran pork barrel "Literacy Assessment Center"- I knew the system was way way off. However, I also think several legit people were included so the waters weren't so muddied. Check those last names out, and you'll see who got the largest Midas's for last year. Same old research from the late 80's early 90's . Not cutting edge - not anything except a big thank you from Ole' Shelby to the ones who take care of his daughter. (btw, they are not doing a very good job of it.)
Suppose a faculty member took a 1-year sabbatical where USM paid a certain percentage of the salary and the other university paid the remainder in the manner Angeline described in the first post on this thread and thus qualified for MIDAS money. This would be the sweetest of all sweetheart deals. Would this be tripple dipping?