Enron Edith, if you think business people are maggots, what do you suggest as an alternative?
TW, I'm sure that EE wasn't faulting all business people . Business people are much like other professionals including university professors. The overwhelming majority ascribe to high principles. A small handfull are slimy. EE is probably acquainted with some the Security and Exchange Commissions's inquiries and court rulings mandating lots of jail time. The posting name EE chose does point to that. She could have called herself WorldCom Connie. Those who held stock in Enron and WorldCom probably feel the same way. The problem has grown to such a magnitude that many business schools require their students to take a course in business ethics.
So, there is still no word whether Doty remains business dean. I wonder if Lassen is waiting in the wings now too. Or Ken Malone. My money's on Alvin Williams, with Doty back to the faculty.
Your Business wrote: Let me guess....you lean to the left....hate the free market system, and believe the government should take care of everyone. Let me guess....you overgeneralize.
Not generalizing...asking an individual about his/her individual comments.
Not generalizing...asking an individual about his/her individual comments.
When I suggested that not all business people have high principles (I've actually met a business maggot or two), you suggested that I probably " ...lean to the left....hate the free market system, and believe the government should take care of everyone.
I'd call your comments "overgeneralizing." And a sweeping overgeralization at that.
Actually, I lean to the right. Overgeneralizations such as you engaged in are going to give we conservatives a bad name.
When I suggested that not all business people have high principles (I've actually met a business maggot or two), you suggested that I probably " ...lean to the left....hate the free market system, and believe the government should take care of everyone. I'd call your comments "overgeneralizing." And a sweeping overgeralization at that. Actually, I lean to the right. Overgeneralizations such as you engaged in are going to give we conservatives a bad name.
Well answered, Enron Edith! The statement made by your interlocutor was neither specific nor a question.
(Sorry to be picky, but please note that your final clause needs the objective case: "to give us conservatives." You would only use "we" if it were the subject of the clause. But here endeth the lesson.)
Sorry to be picky, but please note that your final clause needs the objective case: "to give us conservatives." You would only use "we" if it were the subject of the clause.
My grammatical error stuck out like a sore thumb when I read it.
Your Business wrote: Not generalizing...asking an individual about his/her individual comments. When I suggested that not all business people have high principles (I've actually met a business maggot or two), you suggested that I probably " ...lean to the left....hate the free market system, and believe the government should take care of everyone. I'd call your comments "overgeneralizing." And a sweeping overgeralization at that. Actually, I lean to the right. Overgeneralizations such as you engaged in are going to give we conservatives a bad name.
You must be standing far to the left if you're leaning to the right.
No...i think the original name that was used above was "maggots."
YB, you appear to have a thin skin; and you don't seem to fully appreciate a play on words. Perhaps you should reconsider going into the world of business. Customers come first, you know.
Your Business wrote: No...i think the original name that was used above was "maggots." YB, you appear to have a thin skin; and you don't seem to fully appreciate a play on words. Perhaps you should reconsider going into the world of business. Customers come first, you know.
Nope...no thin skin here. Didn't like the terminology. And most retail businesses Ive been in lately seem to be annoyed by customers.
And most retail businesses Ive been in lately seem to be annoyed by customers.
Of course. That's why we spend so much money on advertising. It drives customers away. We hate the filthy money they spend in our establishments. We'd rather customers not walk in our doors.
Your Busines wrote: And most retail businesses Ive been in lately seem to be annoyed by customers. Of course. That's why we spend so much money on advertising. It drives customers away. We hate the filthy money they spend in our establishments. We'd rather customers not walk in our doors.
I was referring to the horrible service typically provided by retail sales employees...they seem annoyed by the presence of a customer. It annoys me when Im made to feel like im inconvieniencing someone to whom i'm trying to give money!
Your Business wrote: I was referring to the horrible service typically provided by retail sales employees...they seem annoyed by the presence of a customer. It annoys me when Im made to feel like im inconvieniencing someone to whom i'm trying to give money!
A friend recently noted the sharp decline in quality of service at restaurants and other "service-related" industries in Hattiesburg. Her comment was that since most of these types of positions are staffed by students, the sharp decline in the quality of the USM student body has carried over into other areas. I have recently had to redefine my "usual" dining rotation because of such issues. If the quality of the student body continues to drop, I may decide to "brown bag" a PB&J for every meal away from home. Safer and happier that way.
Your Business wrote: I was referring to the horrible service typically provided by retail sales employees...they seem annoyed by the presence of a customer. It annoys me when Im made to feel like im inconvieniencing someone to whom i'm trying to give money! A friend recently noted the sharp decline in quality of service at restaurants and other "service-related" industries in Hattiesburg. Her comment was that since most of these types of positions are staffed by students, the sharp decline in the quality of the USM student body has carried over into other areas. I have recently had to redefine my "usual" dining rotation because of such issues. If the quality of the student body continues to drop, I may decide to "brown bag" a PB&J for every meal away from home. Safer and happier that way.
That may be true, but I think it's a general phenomenon...not just in Hattiesburg. I've noticed this behavior in all types of establishments.
Your Business wrote: It annoys me when Im made to feel like im inconvieniencing someone to whom i'm trying to give money! Then avail yourself of our free enterprise system and shop at another store. It's a buyer's market.
Yep, I agree with voting with your dollars, but this is a widespread phenomenon...you can't escape by just going to the next store.
It's sad when even the greeters at Walmart are surly and indifferent !!!
I take offense at that. I'm only mean to those with USM wear, reminds me of my worthless degree. Luckily in this town, very few wear anything gold and black.
the greeters at walmart are working there because they have to, not because they want to. it's not exactly an ideal job.
Observer, are sure of what you way about greeters at Walmart? I'm not a Walmart fan, but the few I have patronized seemed to use retirees as greeters. My impression is that the retirees were happy to have the job as it supplemented their retirement income and their medicare.
sorry, i didn't mean to target greeters at walmat as malcontents, but meant in general low level jobs like customer service where people are working just to make ends meet and don't have much choice in their line of work. i'm just saying, it's not surprising that some are not quite happy doing what they do in some cases.
That's true as well...but the business needs to do something to change that!! Customers should not be made to feel as if they're inconveniencing the staff who are supposed to be assisting them!