SCM, I'd like to know of a USM department that has a two-course-per-semester teaching load and, beyond that, gives further reductions to new faculty. I though the IHL had some guidelines about that.
I wrote: Newbies come here, and instead of given the time and resources needed to develop their scholarship, they are overwhelmed with teaching and service.
ONHICW responded:
I suggest that somebody speak with your department chair about that. I assume that chairs determine teaching loads. Ask him or her to do like the big boys do: give new faculty members a reasonable course load reduction while they're getting their research program established.
Actually, our chair has done this. We are now in line (at least on the outer edge) with many of the "majors," but it took years to make the adjustment for reasons the chair has no control over. New people get reductions for the first two years, and our overall teaching load follows a differential load model to a degree. But I was speaking more globally across our institution--about our culture. I don't know what department you are in, but if you look at biology, chemistry, psychology, finance, english, math, education departments, and you name it, (1) teaching loads, and (2) start up money, and (3) summer support without teaching, and (4) space, and (5) grad student support, and (6) starting salaries, and (7) benefits, and (8) not being SACed out by data requests, and (9) so on and so on, just aren't where the "big boys" are at. If you are playing on the same field as a Tier 1 at USM, I would really like to know which department has all that cash to pass around. Are you in polymer?
I wrote: Following your med model. new USM faculty would be asked to teach about 1 course per year initially, and supported for three years of research and minor service work before any external funding is required to appear. Failure to do so would result in an increased teaching load and more service.
Hog wrote:
I don't think anon said anything about supporting the medical school teaching model at USM. But it is not unusual for good doctoral-level universities to require two courses per semester as a normal teaching load. It would not be unreasonable to give new faculty members a course reduction of one course per semester for a limited period of time.
You are correct in that Anon did not say that he was supporting a med school model at USM, but was using the analogy of clinical work as part of med school contract obligations to hypothesize that our institution is in dnager of providing 1/2 time contracts to teach, with the rest supported by external sources or internal service. My point was that this was a poor analogy--too many differences in fiscal structures, mission, professional obligations and so forth.
I agree that a 2/2 is not unusual at all. My department has a 2/2 load at USM for "research active" faculty prior to any grant buy outs. Higher teaching loads are given to those who are less research productive. If you look at the MSU and UM websites, you will see that this is their standard also for doctoral granting departments. The "big boys" (another poster used this phrase) in my discipline can be much more supportive (1/1 or 1/2 first two years is not unusual, first summer paid for research, summer before tenure paid, plus about 4 times the start up money and better lab and office space).
Black and Gold Standard wrote: Arnold wrote: Many years ago I noticed that the USM administration was equating "research" with money, no matter how the money was acquired. When a contract to develop a square-hole widget for the Ajax Widget Corporation takes front seat to a research grant from NSF something is seriously wrong. I had this conversation with our SPA director, who I much respect, several years ago, when explaining (in the context of choosing research awardees) why a small but competitive NSF or NIH or NEA research grant as prinicipal investigator is much more prestigious than receiving a subcontract on an NSF or NIH grant or industry contract, or contract work overall (where we might not even have proprietary rights to data-such as drug company bucks), or on a line-item Thad or Trent bring our way (the "who you know" grant program). But, on the other hand, one of my department mates who I also respect and has done great FS work, has brought in over $1 mill in state and local contracts to provide services in the schools. This effort also needs to be honored and respected and rewarded-they piggy back much research off these contracts, support grad students at a living wage, provide support to their program, and, most important, do good for the community. Unfortunately, he receives no monetary "bonus" for this because of the way the contracts and MIDAS is structured (maybe the next prez will correct this). I don't say all green is created equal in terms of research prestige, but most of the folks I know who bring in the cash put it to good and honorable use--and this needs to be respected and applauded.
Do you think the current Midas program is good or not good for the University of Southern Mississippi? For your college? For your department?
ANON2, Do you think the current Midas program is good or not good for the University of Southern Mississippi? For your college? For your department?
I wrote on another post that I have mixed feelings about MIDAS. I have been the recipient of 1 MIDAS check, but have bought out for years without a MIDAS check. I would be seeking external funding with or without MIDAS--so, at least for me, it wasn't a big incentive. Many institutions have similar programs, but USM isn't most institutions. We have many open sores that need to heal, and allowing about 10% of the faculty to recover some money they brought in rubs a lot of people the wrong way. The issue in my department (and I agree with this needs to be fixed) is that people who bring in cash but not course buy outs can't recover money. For the university, we have many wonderful scholars who, by the nature of their disciplines, are not in a position to compete for grant dollars in the same way that some of us are. I think that there are many ways of rewarding these people also (including raises). I think the recent trend toward increasing the cash amount of various awards and honors across the university is a good start--and this should be expanded--and shared. I think that all researchers and scholars need greater access to F&A recovery--when you can pay for various and sundry items (journals, membership fees, travel) off prof dev accounts, this is akin to a raise.
But I think some of the angst related to MIDAS goes to a very basic issue-I, as a university faculty member, really do not want to think of myself as a cash generating machine. I got into this business because I love to teach and to do research. But the times they are a changing--I need to think about student FTEs and SCHs generated, outlay for various and sundry items I need to do research, making sure my grad students can eat... I am told that I need to think like a businessman and that I need to look for sources of cash to support my department and college. It's not what I set out to do, but it is now what I do.
I think that MIDAS, in some ways, has become a symbol for what many of us believe ails higher ed. It's not just USM--it's happened at Universities across the nation. The almighty dollar and "accountability" have become so much of the center of our discussions (waiting for the yearly budget has become so much a part of our lives), that it's easy to forget why we chose this profession in the first place.
The "current" MIDAS program needs to be re-visited. I see nothing wrong in rewarding people for their efforts, and using a pool of F&A (not current MIDAS) and salary recovery money (current MIDAS) to do this. But this needs to be spread around more equitably. If 25% of my measly MIDAS check were diverted and matched by F&A funds to reward a faculty member who published an award winning series of short stories that took years to write, I'd be way cool with that (my wife might complain though). I like to think that we are a University "community." Programs and people that divide us need a good, hard look.