1. Relocation of the Department of Marketing and Public Relations
Beginning June 16, 2005, The Department of Marketing and Public Relations will be closed for relocation from the second floor of Bond Hall to the second floor of College Hall. The office will reopen at the new location on Monday, June 20, 2005. All contact information and mailing addresses will remain the same. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you should have any questions, please contact the Department of Marketing and Public Relations at (601)266-4491. Thank you.
Beginning June 21, 2005, The Department of Human Resources will closed for relocation to McLemore Hall, Room 307. The office will reopen at the new location on June 23, 2005. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you should have any questions, please contact the Department of Human Resources at 266-4050. Thank you.
The move to McLemore by HR will mean better access for the public, but I highly recommend a few parking meters out front. And guys, the elevator is cursed.
I heard LSM was barely out of the parking lot for the last time before Cyn Moore came over to Bond Hall to tell PR they were being kicked out. About the same time, Exline was dusting off LSM's old desk in the dome. (Someone else had started a cleanup in LSM's dome office, even asking her when she'd be out. Turns out he had jumped the gun and wasn't being handed the job.)
"Everybody's moving, If they ain't already there, Everybody's moving, Somewhere. Stick with me, baby, Stick with me anyhow, Things should start to get interesting, Right about now."
- Bob Dylan, "Mississippi" (Love & Theft, 9/11/2001)
The Procurement Services Department is relocating to Bond Hall on Thursday and Friday, June 23 and 24. We will be operating on a limited basis for these two days, so please be patient. Our phone numbers and box number will remain the same. Procurement Services includes Purchasing, Accounts Payable and Travel.
The Office of Affirmative Action/ Equal Employment Opportunity has moved from 223 Weathersby Hall, to 310 McLemore Hall. The box number (5168), phone number (6-6618), and all other contact information will remain the same. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you.
I wonder if they could move ex-provost Henry to the Iberville campus, The faclty Senate did not like him in that slot and now AAUP loves him. If you do not remember use the HA archives.
I wonder if they could move ex-provost Henry to the Iberville campus, The faclty Senate did not like him in that slot and now AAUP loves him. If you do not remember use the HA archives.
Trolls are out early because of the hurricane. Don't feed the trolls.
I wonder if they could move ex-provost Henry to the Iberville campus, The faclty Senate did not like him in that slot and now AAUP loves him. If you do not remember use the HA archives.
Better get use to Dr. Henry being around, JoJo. He was just elected "President Elect" of Faculty Senate so he will be president during SFT's final year.
Explain how someone that the FS did not want as Provost is now their leader? Sounds like someone is talking out both sides of the mouth!! I forgot if you present the truth you are a troll!!
Explain how someone that the FS did not want as Provost is now their leader? Sounds like someone is talking out both sides of the mouth!! I forgot if you present the truth you are a troll!!
JoJo, things change. People digest information and change positions. It isn't like a religious belief; it's called logical reasoning. The Faculty Senate has changed and the issues have changed. No big deal.
To answer your question, Dr. Henry is a very articulate and knowledgeable member of the faculty. He clearly states what faculty think and so is a natural faculty leader.
You were called a troll from your former statements. When you engage in logical discussion without making unsubstantiated assertions and without calling posters derogatory names, people will no longer call you a troll. See, even you and people on this board can change.
But don't expect people to stop pointing out mistakes of this administration unless SFT's administration stops making dumb mistakes.
P.S. I don't recall you ever saying why you have such hatred for Dr. Henry. Will you explain this to us? You already know the many reasons people here loath SFT, so there is no need to go into that.
I understand that someone is not competent for one position is competenet for another spot.
Yes, indeed. SFT is a perfect example of that. But as far as Dr. Henry is concerned I don't know the reason he was fired as provost so I can't comment on if it had to do with competence.
Broad Brush wrote: Wasn't there an across-the-board purge of some competent administrators at that time?
Weather Girl wrote: Broad Brush, My memory may be getting weak because I don't recall an "across-the-board-purge". Can you refresh my memory as to whom was let go with Henry?
I ended my sentence with a question mark. You also ended yours with a question mark. Perhaps somebody knowledgtable will answer our questions.
I will report comments made to me by faculty members. There were issues with Dr. Henry's approach and manner. Like Dr. Fleming, he did things that angered faculty, things that seem much less important these days than then. Dr. Henry seems to have grown and deepened as a leader in the past couple of years. People speak of him with a new respect. My impression is that he has stepped forward at a time when he is sorely needed. The things that used to annoy others have changed or no longer seem significant. I personally like him, but I don't deal with him in a professional capacity. Also, he has had some health issues and these can give people a changed perspective. Sometimes adversity brings out the best in people. I think we're lucky to have him, whatever may have happened under Fleming. That whole era seems like a dream, doesn't it?
Dr. Henry once told me he didn't know why he was fired. He said he was never given a reason.
Myron was canned as Provost at Kent State University also, and he was very tight lipped about the reasons why when he interviewed here. I spoke to some colleagues, and they were very clear that he was not a friend of the faculty at Kent, but they would not go into specifics (litigation wary). I was disappointed when he was hired, but that seems to be the USM way. As Provost here, he was a rude and insensitive nightmare. If you laid bets that MH, while Provost, would someday turn into a FS hero, you would have really cashed in. I guess it's never to late to redeem oneself. What next, KM as FS Prez? Anyone offering 1,000 to 1 odds or better? That bet would be worth a buck or two.
They way opinions change on the FS, Sft may be your leader in 08. The wind changes and opinions are every where. The FS is known for one thing " Shifting sand and no concrete."
They way opinions change on the FS, Sft may be your leader in 08. The wind changes and opinions are every where. The FS is known for one thing " Shifting sand and no concrete."
I agree with you, JoJo. I form an opinion of a person or an issue and I stick to it no matter what. All these people talking and stating facts just make me confused. Know what I mean?
How can anyone be confident and decisive if they have to think about all the facts and all that talking. I don't what to be considered an indecisive sissy. Know what I mean?