Outside Man wrote:. The reason faculty members complain so much is that they have very little power. They are basically a group of enuchs in Sultan Shelby's harem. They have fancy slogans such as "shared governance " and such,but they are ,as much as they hate it,employees. Much the same as the folks working at Wal Mart. The faculty complaints are very valid.They have been treated like chattel. Unfotunately,Sultan Shelby has bested them in the public relations field and they have very little support among the non -academic community.
College boy:This post unfortunately illustrates the impotence of USM faculty members.They produce alot of sound and fury but little else.
Looks to me like "Outside Man" = "College boy", a troll working very hard trying to get a flame war started. Must be a boring Thursday with the schools being out for the summer.
Didn't Mark Dvorak get into a fight with Doug Chambers outside Purple Parrot one evening recently?
Wrong thread for MD gossip, but according to reliable accounts, there was at least a verbal altercation outside the PP. Don't know about fisticuffs between the two gents.