I see the American flag ..........used on underwear and used for paper plates
The fact that the American flag is seen on underwear and paper plates says nothing about the manufacturer's patriotism or lack thereof any more than Ole Miss' use of Colonel Rebel says anything about their political views or lack thereof.
Poll start date: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 Poll expiration date: Thursday, June 23, 2005
Should the state of Mississippi seek to prosecute others who may have been involved in the murders of three civil rights workers in Neshoba County in 1964?
Don't fool yourself: these sentiments aren't isolated. What's even worse is that there are plenty of politicians out there more than willing to cater to this type of sensibility. Don't forget: the lynchers of Emmet Till never went to jail even though two of them confessed to killing Till to "Life" magazine back in the day; and don't forget Trent Lott honored Strom Thurmond's retirement by "joking" that his election to President in 1948 would have "solved a lot of problems"; and don't forget that Haley Barbour was photographed at the Blackhawk Barbecue cavorting with members of the CCC (read "KKK") and never bothered to issue an explanation; and don't forget that an overwhelming majority of white Mississippians voted to retain the old state flag with its Confederate symbol even though the whole fugging world thinks that symbol is synonymous with racism and genocide; and don't forget that the Harrison County board of supervisors voted along racial lines to retain the Confederate battle flag at county expense on the beach in Biloxi/Gulfport . Just don't forget . . . You are right on the money.These sentiments are especially strong in the academic community.They preach tolerance and diversity in public,but when you run into them on the golf course or at cocktail parties , it's the same racist views .
You are right on the money.These sentiments are especially strong in the academic community.They preach tolerance and diversity in public,but when you run into them on the golf course or at cocktail parties , it's the same racist views .
Oh come on, Community Man. "Especially strong" in the academic community? I agree you will find individual racist in all walks of life, but the academic community will have very few compared to the general public and especially when considering a southern community like H'burg.
Since someone brought up the issue of changing the state flag, I might point out that Invictus favored changing the state flag from what was essentially a unit infantry standard to this:
The actual national flag of the Confederacy. The beautiful thing about it is that it carries none of the so-called "negative" connotations that the St. Andrews cross flag has collected.
It galls me no end that the Confederate Battle Flag was co-opted by racist sunsabitches. Look at the place names on the last flag of the 11th Mississippi (below). Those aren't slave markets. Sad as it is, those are battlefields without which none of us, black, white or indifferent, would be Americans today. That flag isn't a tribute to racism; it is a memorial to young men who died a long way from home. That's what it means to me.
BTW, when you think about the "fraternal order" founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, here are a few things to do: (a) go look at the county name on the nearest license plate and (b) ask about the history of the Kappa Alpha order & Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity.
Community man wrote: You are right on the money.These sentiments are especially strong in the academic community.They preach tolerance and diversity in public,but when you run into them on the golf course or at cocktail parties , it's the same racist views . Oh come on, Community Man. "Especially strong" in the academic community? I agree you will find individual racist in all walks of life, but the academic community will have very few compared to the general public and especially when considering a southern community like H'burg.
I disagree some of the most virulent,hypocritical racists are from the academic community,especially academicians who move here from other states. Scratch below the surface and you'll be surprised what you find.
KKK Wrote: "Especially strong" in the academic community? I agree you will find individual racist in all walks of life, but the academic community will have very few compared to the general public and especially when considering a southern community like H'burg.
COMMUNIY MAN wrote: I disagree some of the most virulent,hypocritical racists are from the academic community,especially academicians who move here from other states. Scratch below the surface and you'll be surprised what you find.
If you are referring to the "strength of racism" you many be correct that a few academics are "strong" racist. But the original statement was about the "number" or the "percent" of academics that are racists. Very few in academia are racist, however, as in any group, there are some. But I would think that particular group may have the lowest percent of racists.
Can you think of a group with a lower percent of racists? And please don’t say preachers.
some of the most virulent,hypocritical racists are from the academic community,especially academicians who move here from other states. Scratch below the surface and you'll be surprised what you find.
Some of them scream in public their professed lack of bigotry, but their language and actions in private suggest just the opposite.
COMMUNIY MAN wrote: some of the most virulent,hypocritical racists are from the academic community,especially academicians who move here from other states. Scratch below the surface and you'll be surprised what you find. Some of them scream in public their professed lack of bigotry, but their language and actions in private suggest just the opposite.
Yeah, right. I guess that accounts for the rising percentage of African-American students at USM.
The last time I heard the N word used by a faculty member at USM was about 1983.
Seeker wrote: All I can say on this issue, is that there are a-holes everywhere, and they are no respector of color, race or creed.
Seeker, we have a problem when I start agreeing with most of the things you post here, but I'm with you on this one. The sad thing is that folks who aren't generally "a-holes" don't get a whole lot of press.
Meet some more of your neighbors: Next for Hood? Killers of Jesus? http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050626/OPINION/506260428/1009 Killen trial 'lynching of a good' http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050626/OPINION/506260427/1009 May we please put an end to this? http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050626/OPINION/506260301/1009 Killen a warning for old, evil 'seeds' http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050626/OPINION/506260314/1009 Tell outsiders to tend to their own http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050626/OPINION/506260429/1009
As the former mayor of Philadelphia, MS just said, the KKK is a "peaceable" group. Now, if you could just get that good ole boy in Jackson, Mr. Barbour, to come to some of our CCC meetings again, maybe I can see my way to forgivin' him for not putting a stop to that Commie Hood's vendetta against our cherished way of life.
I have a vague memory of bing told that most of the Mississippi troops fought under the Mississippi state flag - had some sort of vertical stripe and a magnolia tree?
View from a Distance wrote: Invictus, I have a vague memory of bing told that most of the Mississippi troops fought under the Mississippi state flag - had some sort of vertical stripe and a magnolia tree?
Most Mississippi troops were not "regular" Confederate army & fought in Mississippi campaigns (notably Vicksburg). The Mississippi State Flag, adopted on January 26, 1861 (a couple of weeks after secession), is the "Magnolia Flag".
The Magnolia Flag was the "official" state flag until the current Confederate Battle Flag version was rolled out in 1894. Personally, I think the flag referendum a few years ago might've gone differently had the original 1861 Magnolia Flag been an option. There's a compelling historical reason for using it & it contains no "negative connotations.