Since when do UM and MSU have first-rate football programs?
Questionnaire wrote: Swap Meet wrote: A modest proposal. USM agrees to drop all intercollegiate athletics and UM and MSU agree to shut down any of their graduate programs that can be transferred to USM. They get football and we get academics. If this hypothetical trade were possible, Roy and the boys would probably leap on it.
Why would UM and MSU give up the first rate grad programs, given that they already have first-rate football?
Since when do UM and MSU have first-rate football programs?
A school doesn't have to win consistently in order to have a first-rate football program. A school doesn't even have to have skyboxes or gold plated fixtures in the men's rooms.
Why would UM and MSU give up the first rate grad programs, given that they already have first-rate football?
I don't know about football, but I do know that Ole Miss and MSU do not have any "first rate" graduate programs, if one wants to rate them on a national level.
Here is the plan. USM keeps the coast campus. Ole Miss keeps the med school. State gets the W, maybe make it separate honors college. Jackson State is given Alcorn, Delta and Valley as branch campuses, or make them more equal as a system (eg UL schools). This gives us 4 universities all between 16k-19k students, gives State a new recruiting tool for top students, Ole Miss doesn't break with tradition, USM keeps possible growth on the coast, and makes for one big HBCU that should not threaten Ayers.
State gets the W, maybe make it separate honors college . . gives State a new recruiting tool for top students
Do you really think honor students would attend Mississippi State if they knew they would live in Columbus and be isolated from the main campus? If they were residential students in Columbus they'd have to be bussed to Starkville for their classes (unless their classes, including expensive laboratory equipment, were bussed to Columbus). If they were residential students in Starkville they'd have to be bussed to Columbus for what?
asdf wrote: Here is the plan. USM keeps the coast campus. Ole Miss keeps the med school. State gets the W, maybe make it separate honors college. Jackson State is given Alcorn, Delta and Valley as branch campuses, or make them more equal as a system (eg UL schools). This gives us 4 universities all between 16k-19k students, gives State a new recruiting tool for top students, Ole Miss doesn't break with tradition, USM keeps possible growth on the coast, and makes for one big HBCU that should not threaten Ayers.
This is very similar to the "plan" in the late '80s that was effectively killed by the combined power of the Valley, MUW & DSU alumni associations with a tablespoon of politicking from the Delta Council.
OK. I'm giving those folks more credit than they may be due. Part of that proposal was to place the community colleges under IHL. At present -- and this has been the situation since the 1920s AFAIK -- community college all have separate local boards of trustees, appointed by county supervisors. Eliminating local boards would have taken away a considerable amount of poltiical clout from the supervisors & this arguably had a lot to do with the failure of that proposal.
The only point he makes is the blunder of having seperate boards for the universities and the community colleges. I don't know how most states do it, but in Georgia, it's all run by the University System of Georgia. The rest of it sounds like him crying because he didn't get his way.