Judge Cooley's Driver wrote: Invictus wrote: Seeker wrote: It's a fact that I've tried to hide from everyone here, I also drive a Pink Corvette. I sincerely hope you will not think less of me for it. Miss Information always been partial to 1959 Cadillacs. Pink, of course, but that pre-dates Mary Kay. (Miss I notes that the only thing that will remove Mary Kay lipstick from clothing happens to be an Amway product. She does not believe this is coincidental.) Here's Miss Information's car... "GOOD CAR TO DRIVE, AFTER A WAR." This is a remarkable coincidence. Mrs. Cooley also is partial to vintage pink Cadillacs, but only the ones with tail fins. Could she possibly be related to Miss Information?
I believe she attended one of the Ladies Missionary Society teas last spring.