Though you are a troll I will respond. My work is very important -- I get the chance to educate the leaders and followers of the coming generation. That is important. What I publish is important enough to be published on four continents and -- well to put it bluntly -- publishers think that it is important enough to pay me to do it. Sounds fine to me. Also I am a card-totin' Christian and I teach at USM. You only flaunt your own ignorance by calling us all atheists. Finally in the end I think that you and Mamma Troll are in the end jealous. You did not stay in school long enough (whether due to inability or due to lack of effort) to have our jobs or our importance. You go to your unimportant job in a cubicle every day and wish you had the ability to write books that matter and to teach the next generation. My advice is to go back to school and try to become one of us. Bet you can't do it.
DUMP THE BOSSES OFF YOUR BACK (JOHN BRILL) (1916) Tune: "What a Friend We Have In Jesus/Take It to the Lord in Prayer"
First published in the 9th edition (Joe Hill Memorial Edition) of the Industrial Worker "Little Red Songbook," March 1916.
Are you poor, forlorn and hungry? Are there lots of things you lack? Is your life made up of misery? Then dump the bosses off your back. Are your clothes all patched and tattered? Are you living in a shack ? Would you have your troubles scattered? Then dump the bosses off your back.
Are you almost split asunder? Loaded like a long-eared jack? Boob - why don't you buck like thunder, And dump the bosses off your back? All the agonies you suffer You can end with one good whack; Stiffen up, you orn'ry duffer And dump the bosses off your back