I have had another communication from Mlle de Guerre. She reports that she is not able to read the message board consistently due partly to connection difficulties, and partly to the time difference. Unfortunately, neither she nor I has a good head for the intricacies of time zones. All I know is that we are seriously out of synch, as you say. Mlle. reports that she will probably not see Professor Lares or any of her other friends who are travelling this summer. Her time is completely committed to family. In fact, the half-German cousin has arranged for them to go to Bayreuth. I thought I knew Mlle's musical preferences as well as my own, so I was surprised at the sudden interest in Wagner. Mlle says, however, that the "sturm und drang" with all the sword-brandishing, the largish blond ladies, lies, betrayal, ruined innocence and all that sort of thing, seem particularly appropriate at the present.
I will keep our friends apprised of any further developments.
Good evening to all,
Herminone Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
P.S. Mlle de Guerre's favorite poet in English is someone named Survant. My own is Wordsworth, although I greatly admire Tennyson's Ulysses poem, the exact title escapes me.
It's just called "Ulysses" -- the aging king seeks one last adventure, refusing to sit at home and sink into dotage. Here is the very end, and it strikes me as somewhat fitting for us:
"Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho' We are not now that strength which in the old days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; One equal-temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
I cannot believe anyone engages Hermione Angleterre or Monique de Guerre in any sort of honest repartee. This nonsense is worse than attacks by trolls.
I cannot believe anyone engages Hermione Angleterre or Monique de Guerre in any sort of honest repartee. This nonsense is worse than attacks by trolls.
The net sure is nice for using just a word or two to find an almost forgotten poem. What with the Donne thread and the "rank the poets" game, I've been reading stuff that I just blew by in school. Came across two passages in "A Shropshire Lad" - one is even appropos, I think:
That is the land of lost content, I see it shining plain, the happy highways where I went and cannot come again.
-------------------------------------------------- . . . malt does more than Milton can To justify God's ways to man.
So I guess that means Housman ranked Bass or Newcastle higher than Milton, huh?