USM Sympathizer wrote: Richard Dawson wrote: I am quite sure that Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Chopin, et. al., would be listed in a 100-person survey of "top composers." My statement was that Donne wouldn't make the list of "top poets." As such, Tone Deaf, your statement is irrelevant -- you are not even making a parallel comparison. As for Donne's significance, I find it interesting that Donne is being focused on now, many years after so many of his contemporaries have achieved status. You Donnites are the academic equivalent of USM football fans -- keep telling yourself that your particular favorite is top quality and pretty soon you start believing it.
Dick, Any informed person would place Donne WAY high up among the top English poets. He is in EVERY major anthology; he is taught in ANY survey course that pretends to be even remotely respectable; he is actually deeply loved by almost anyone who has ever bothered to read him (as I suspect you have not). The only reason there is a need for a Donne variorium edition is PRECISELY because Donne is so widely read and so widely studied. Have you ever looked at one of the DV volumes? They are huge, and they are filled with the detailed responses that many highly intelligent (i.e., non-Dick) readers over the centuries have offered to Donne. Literally millions of dollars have been allocated to produce the DV -- which would be a pretty dumb thing to do if Donne were considered an insignificant poet. People in his own day regarded him as one of the very best writers of their era, and major writers in the 20th century have been greatly influenced by him (e.g., T.S. Eliot). In short, Dick, you have no idea what you are talking about (but why am I not surprised?).
So, jack, give me your top 10 poets. Show me your all-time list.
A report I just read said that 2,000 people attended the Donne performance at St. Paul's last night. FYI, St. Paul's is that little neighborhood church in London where Princess Di and Prince Charles were married. A not-insignificant venue.
Also, as the the Donne "rediscovery" -- somebody correct me, but I thought the poems weren't even published in his lifetime, but were circulated among friends. In his own day, wasn't he much more famous as a preacher?
USM Sympathizer wrote: Richard Dawson wrote: I am quite sure that Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Chopin, et. al., would be listed in a 100-person survey of "top composers." My statement was that Donne wouldn't make the list of "top poets." As such, Tone Deaf, your statement is irrelevant -- you are not even making a parallel comparison. As for Donne's significance, I find it interesting that Donne is being focused on now, many years after so many of his contemporaries have achieved status. You Donnites are the academic equivalent of USM football fans -- keep telling yourself that your particular favorite is top quality and pretty soon you start believing it. Dick, Any informed person would place Donne WAY high up among the top English poets. He is in EVERY major anthology; he is taught in ANY survey course that pretends to be even remotely respectable; he is actually deeply loved by almost anyone who has ever bothered to read him (as I suspect you have not). The only reason there is a need for a Donne variorium edition is PRECISELY because Donne is so widely read and so widely studied. Have you ever looked at one of the DV volumes? They are huge, and they are filled with the detailed responses that many highly intelligent (i.e., non-Dick) readers over the centuries have offered to Donne. Literally millions of dollars have been allocated to produce the DV -- which would be a pretty dumb thing to do if Donne were considered an insignificant poet. People in his own day regarded him as one of the very best writers of their era, and major writers in the 20th century have been greatly influenced by him (e.g., T.S. Eliot). In short, Dick, you have no idea what you are talking about (but why am I not surprised?). So, jack, give me your top 10 poets. Show me your all-time list.
Take a look at William Harmon's Classic One Hundred Poems, which is a highly respected distillation of the poems regarded as "best" by the experts and by general readers. Seven of the hundred are by Donne.
Take a look at ANY -- and I mean ANY -- comprehensive anthology of English poetry and tell me which one does NOT give very prominent coverage to Donne.
Take a look at the MLA bibliography and tell me which poet is more widely written about than Donne.
Take a look at the syllabus of any decent college survey course covering the first half of English literature and tell me which ones do not include Donne.
Dick, you just can't admit that you are shooting blanks. You are incompetent. No WONDER you admire Shelby!
I thought the poems weren't even published in his lifetime, but were circulated among friends. In his own day, wasn't he much more famous as a preacher?
People who knew Donne's poems in his own day -- who were often the best poets of the time -- highly valued them. I am thinking of people such as Jonson, Herbert, the other "metaphysical" poets, etc. As soon as the poems were printed after Donne's death, they were more widely recognized as among the best poems of the era. Unlike Dick, Donne was an incredibly well read and intelligent man and was respected by almost anyone who knew of any aspect of his work.
I just checked the Library of Congress catalogue, which lists 117 books of criticism on Donne's work (this does not include bibliographies, biographies, etc). Not bad for a poet nobody cares about, right, Dick?
I just dragged out my Norton Critical Edition of Donne's poetry and discovered a fascinating essay by "my man" C.S. Lewis. In an essay written in 1938, Lewis refers to "the phenomena of the present popularity of Donne . . ." Lewis is actually not overly keen on Donne's love poetry, and following his essay is a counter-argument by Professor Joan Bennett, and that is followed by an essay by Cleanth Brooks. (I have an edition copyright 1966. I don't know if there is a later one.)
RD speaks of "favorite" -- this is a meaningless term in academia. Today's "favorite" is tomorrow's "who?" and vice-versa. Importance, in this sense, has more to do with influence and staying power. Lewis wrote in 1938, and the interest in Donne has not abated since.
I submit, and this is my last comment on this matter, that the fact of an argument between C.S. Lewis and Joan Bennett over Donne's poetry, and the fact of Donne scholarship by many, many of the most important critics of the twentieth century, tells us what we need to know about the importance of Donne, whether or not someone "likes" his poetry.
I just checked the computerized MLA bibliography, which goes back only to 1963. There were 2310 items listed for Donne. This total does not include encyclopedia articles, dictionary articles, etc., etc., nor does it include the hundreds of other items published before 1963. Again -- not bad for a poet nobody cares about, right, Dick?
Dick, I now expect that you, like many of the other trolls who visit this board, will drop from sight, having no evidence with which to support your lame attempts at argument.
By the way, you dishonor a good man when you choose "Richard Dawkins" as your nom de plume. The REAL Richard Dawkins knows how to respect evidence and how to marshall it to support an argument. Unlike you, Dick.
Dick, you get in here, boy! Don't you be messin' with stuff you don't understand -- you hear me, boy?! You makin' a fool o' yourself and o' me for havin' ya! Now you get your butt in this door right now, boy! You an embarassment, boy! You leave that poetry stuff alone!
USM Sympathizer wrote: Hey Dick, I just checked the computerized MLA bibliography, which goes back only to 1963. There were 2310 items listed for Donne. This total does not include encyclopedia articles, dictionary articles, etc., etc., nor does it include the hundreds of other items published before 1963. Again -- not bad for a poet nobody cares about, right, Dick? Dick, I now expect that you, like many of the other trolls who visit this board, will drop from sight, having no evidence with which to support your lame attempts at argument. By the way, you dishonor a good man when you choose "Richard Dawkins" as your nom de plume. The REAL Richard Dawkins knows how to respect evidence and how to marshall it to support an argument. Unlike you, Dick.
Ah, yes. I should just accept the arguments from an individual who obviously cannot even read my name correctly.
So i ran my favorites and got more hits on the LOC website than Donne did. I guess by your self-reported standard that these three are more important.
Also, your hasty response to my screen name suggests that you didn't even read my first post or you would have put two and two together. Perhaps Madermath is invading the hearts and minds of this group as well.
As a side note to the trolls who claim this is a USM-specific academic interest, I went to high school in Mississippil and I read Donne in my 10th grade literature class. As a side note, that year we also read Wycliff, Spenser, Kyd, Dryden, Bunyan, Keats, Yeats, Byron, Milton, Shelley, Chaucer, Marlowe, Jonson, Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Tennyson, the Brownings, Conrad (yes I know he's Russian but for some reason they also include Heart of Darkness in Brit Lit stuff--that being said, I did NOT enjoy his book, although I do think I'm in a minority), Eliot, Lawrence, Auden, etc. (The Norton Brit Lit Anthology was one of our texts, so there's a lot of good stuff in there).
So for those trolls who think this stuff is "not important," high schools in MS (or at least mine) think it's "important enough" to teach! Or at least my teacher did!
My only regret about the whole situation was that I didn't fully appreciate these authors/poets as a 15 year old! (I do remember being very angry that I had to memorize the prelude to the Canterbury Tales in Old English however. When a classmate of mine asked our teacher why we had to do this assignment, he retorted, "Because when you're 25 and at a cocktail party in Manhattan, you'll be able to recite it for all of your friends..." Not sure if that was a good answer, but we all memorized it). Now at 21 I wish I could re-learn all this stuff all over again.
It's never too late. That's what makes great literature "great" -- for instance, I read The Scarlet Letter in high school (didn't get much out of it then) then again in college (more) then taught it to a class of mostly adult night students (best by far.) Get out your old books and read again. You'll be surprized.
I think I understand what this Donne stuff is really about. Gary Stringer was supposed to have been punished and he was supposed to stay punished. He was designated for the crusher, to be ground up and obliterated for his crime of daring to question a Thames hiring decision. Too bad, he went on to bigger and better things, and what's worse, he did it without T's divine permission and IN SECRET. T. was publicly embarrassed by the big Gary Goes to TAMU headlines and furious that Gary got out of his clutches. When T. destroys you, by God, you're supposed to stay destroyed. So it's not enough to hate Gary Stringer, you have to hate his work and everything about it too. At least that's what it looks like from over here.
Richard Dawson wrote: So, jack, give me your top 10 poets. Show me your all-time list.
I wanted to respond to this post on two levels.
I'm in college out of state (hence the name) where I'm minoring in English. As such, I know that there's some really exciting new neuropsych/linguistics/English research going on that's trying to understand how poetry is read/processed in the brain and why people are attracted to certain poems. I know there are at least a few scholars out there that argue most people are attracted to poetry that takes a certain structural shape that mimicks the poetry or songs we are acclimated to as children (i.e. nursery rhymes, for example). So really, the "top ten poets of all time" may simply be a regurgitation of the poets who write in structural patterns familiar to us from our childhoods, not "the best."
If you meant in terms of popularity, I'd imagine the poets that are most frequently taught in high schools would be the most common answer. Most Americans, I'd venture, don't actively pursue poetry outside of forced scholarly endeavors.
As for my own top-10 list?
It's too hard to rank them, but I'd put Plath, Stein, Eliot, Komunyakaa, Yeats, Whitman, Dickinson, Shelley, Rich, and Joyce on my least for this moment :P
Also, Dawson, the following is from the "Top 500 Poems" (written in English) culled by William Harmon, who assembled the list based upon critics, reviews, anthologies, etc....
Worldwide Best English-Language 13 from Top 500 Poems by William Harmon. Harmon shows the 500 English-language poems (in English) written in the last 750 years. His wonderful idea was to present the poems that most appealed to hundreds of contemporary editors, critics, and poets: they had included these poems in the varied anthologies indexed in the Ninth Edition of The Columbia Granger's Index to Poetry. Thus they are the "democratic" choice of many, not the choice of one anthologizer.
1.The Tiger, William Blake. 2. Sir Patrick Spens, Anonymous (traditional). 3. To Autumn, John Keats. 4. That Time of Year Thou Mayst in Me Behold, William Shakespeare. 5. Pied Beauty, Gerard Manley Hopkins. 6. Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, Robert Frost. 7. Kubla Khan, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. (I LOVE THIS POEM AS A SIDE NOTE) 8. Dover Beach, Matthew Arnold. 9. La Belle Dame Sans Merci, John Keats. 10. To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time, Robert Herrick. 11. To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvell. 12. The Passionate Shepherd to his Love, Christopher Marlow. 13. Death, Be Not Proud, John Donne
Those are the top 13 poems according to these scholars/critics....13. Death, Be Not Proud, John Donne
Wow, my favorite poet (Keats) and favorite poem (To Autumn) made the list. Thanks student. Interesting how different your "favorites" list is from mine (I cannot stand Sylvia Plath. Not that she's a bad poet, it's just that my neuro-linguistic whatever is engaged in a very negative way when I read her. Likewise I have never appreciated Eliot as much as I'm supposed to.
Dickie--let's make a deal: you quit talking about things you don't understand here and we won't go over to Eagletalk and talk about tight ends and wideouts and Xs and Os and all that stuff that YOU think is important.
I love this thread . . . and even "Richard Dawson" 's comments. Who'd a thought an argument about the relative merits of various poets could continue so long? I'm glad my favorite, Frost, made the cut, but what about e.e. cummings and "lightweights" Ogden Nash and Don Marquis?
I googled a few "best poets" lists and have been pleasantly surprised to see that Gerard Manley Hopkins enjoys greater regard now than he did thirty years ago. I'd bet he still wouldn't make Family Feud's top ten answers. Snoop Dogg probably would, however. And that's okay, but I'm not sure what exactly we think is measured by (assumed) inclusion on a game show list.
I would really like for Mr. Dawson to tell us who his favorite poet is, and why. I don't think telling people to go away is the right approach. Let's hear what he has to say, if he does have something positive to say. He knows how to access the Library of Congress catalog which not every troll does. But if he's going to dimiss John Donne, let's see some critical and literary reasoning, something better than "hack" and some alternatives.
So, Donne gets 2310 hits. Shakespeare gets 9,976. Frost gets 6,151. Dickenson gets 5,501. So i ran my favorites and got more hits on the LOC website than Donne did. I guess by your self-reported standard that these three are more important. Also, your hasty response to my screen name suggests that you didn't even read my first post or you would have put two and two together. Perhaps Madermath is invading the hearts and minds of this group as well.
Shakespeare deserves more hits than Donne. He wrote much more poetry (I include the plays as "poetry") that Donne did, and has had far more influence than probably any other poet in the history of English (if not indeed Western) literature. He is also a uniquely talented writer -- perhaps the greatest writer who ever lived. Frankly, I am surprised that the proportion of Shakespeare vs. Donne is only 4 10 1. Frost and Dickinson benefit from the fact that they are American writers, closer in time, easier to understand, easier to teach, and easier to write about. However, I would be perfectly happy to include those two (especially Dickinson) on my list of most important poets, along with Donne. So far YOU, Dick, are the one who is challenging the status of a poet whom everyone else regards as first-rate. You are not going to get any argument from me about Shakespeare and Dickinson (maybe a slight disagreement about Frost). Don't forget, too, that we have had only a century or so to decide about the reputations of Dickinson and Frost; it remains to be seen whether, four hundred years from now, they will still be ranked as highly as they are at present (I suspect that Dickinson will; less sure about Frost). Meanwhile, NO ONE BESIDES YOU, DICK, doubts the importance of John Donne -- and the only reason you do (I suspect) is that it makes you feel better that your highly intelligent and highly competent university president ran off ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT DONNE SCHOLARS IN THE WORLD, thereby bringing international shame and ignominy to him and to USM.
ram wrote: I love this thread . . . and even "Richard Dawson" 's comments. Who'd a thought an argument about the relative merits of various poets could continue so long? I'm glad my favorite, Frost, made the cut, but what about e.e. cummings and "lightweights" Ogden Nash and Don Marquis? I googled a few "best poets" lists and have been pleasantly surprised to see that Gerard Manley Hopkins enjoys greater regard now than he did thirty years ago. I'd bet he still wouldn't make Family Feud's top ten answers. Snoop Dogg probably would, however. And that's okay, but I'm not sure what exactly we think is measured by (assumed) inclusion on a game show list.
OK, let me reveal a bit about my motives here. First, my original post had a "Family Feud" reference, which is why I called myself "Richard Dawson." Just a little homage to the man who made kissing unfamiliar women (and, for that matter, men) cool on daytime TV.
I think it's humorous that you have let me tie you up all day by making such ridiculous arguments. You are (within the confines of your own opinion) correct, with the exception of the post in which my pseudonym was misstated. However, John Donne is just another poet. If you read peotry according to the "J. Evans Pritchett" scale from "Dead Poets Society," then you can go along assigning greatness to poems according to their objective merits, etc., etc., etc. What about how the poems make the reader feel? If you read a William Carlos Williams poem, an e.e. cummings poem, a Walt Whitman poem, or even a Snoop Dogg rap, do those forms of poetry carry less weight than Shakespeare? Ironically, the topicality of many "great" poems is extremely similar to the topic matter in more modern poetry, except that the imagery has changed along with the meter and rhyme (due to the changes in language over time).
My mother taught literature in the 1970s, and she used a variety of sources to engage students' imaginations regarding poetry, including excerpts from "Jesus Christ Superstar," "Hair," and other popular musical outlets. These contemporary works were compared and contrasted (on the basis of theme, etc.) to "classic" works. Students seemed to like the setup of that and seemed to like poetry more as a consequence.
My only real gripe with Donne is that USM seems "eat up" with Donne because of Stringer. What else is anyone in the English Department working on? Is there even another focus for scholarship in the department?
By the way, USM Sympathizer, I think you took a cheap shot at Robert Frost. Yes, he wrote in a more understandable style, but saying that Frost is baby food compared to Donne is like saying that nothing ever written in English is as good as anything written in Egyptian heiroglyphics because heiroglyphics are harder to read.
Dick never weren't too smart. That's one reason we changed his name, age of about 14, from Irving to "Dick." Now, you guys just try'n go easy on Dick here. Remember: his elevator don't go all the way to the top floor. I mean, he ain't exactly the brightest bulb in the pack. There's a pickle missin' from the boy's sandwich. There's a tire missin' from his cranial car. He weren't exactly the smartest pup in the litter. His kite don't have no long tail. His mental water bed is only half full. You get my drift . . . . Cut the boy some slack.
ram wrote: I love this thread . . . and even "Richard Dawson" 's comments. Who'd a thought an argument about the relative merits of various poets could continue so long? I'm glad my favorite, Frost, made the cut, but what about e.e. cummings and "lightweights" Ogden Nash and Don Marquis? I googled a few "best poets" lists and have been pleasantly surprised to see that Gerard Manley Hopkins enjoys greater regard now than he did thirty years ago. I'd bet he still wouldn't make Family Feud's top ten answers. Snoop Dogg probably would, however. And that's okay, but I'm not sure what exactly we think is measured by (assumed) inclusion on a game show list. OK, let me reveal a bit about my motives here. First, my original post had a "Family Feud" reference, which is why I called myself "Richard Dawson." Just a little homage to the man who made kissing unfamiliar women (and, for that matter, men) cool on daytime TV. I think it's humorous that you have let me tie you up all day by making such ridiculous arguments. You are (within the confines of your own opinion) correct, with the exception of the post in which my pseudonym was misstated. However, John Donne is just another poet. If you read peotry according to the "J. Evans Pritchett" scale from "Dead Poets Society," then you can go along assigning greatness to poems according to their objective merits, etc., etc., etc. What about how the poems make the reader feel? If you read a William Carlos Williams poem, an e.e. cummings poem, a Walt Whitman poem, or even a Snoop Dogg rap, do those forms of poetry carry less weight than Shakespeare? Ironically, the topicality of many "great" poems is extremely similar to the topic matter in more modern poetry, except that the imagery has changed along with the meter and rhyme (due to the changes in language over time). My mother taught literature in the 1970s, and she used a variety of sources to engage students' imaginations regarding poetry, including excerpts from "Jesus Christ Superstar," "Hair," and other popular musical outlets. These contemporary works were compared and contrasted (on the basis of theme, etc.) to "classic" works. Students seemed to like the setup of that and seemed to like poetry more as a consequence. My only real gripe with Donne is that USM seems "eat up" with Donne because of Stringer. What else is anyone in the English Department working on? Is there even another focus for scholarship in the department? By the way, USM Sympathizer, I think you took a cheap shot at Robert Frost. Yes, he wrote in a more understandable style, but saying that Frost is baby food compared to Donne is like saying that nothing ever written in English is as good as anything written in Egyptian heiroglyphics because heiroglyphics are harder to read.
Dick, Dick, Dick: where to begin?
First of all, you haven't taken up my whole day at all. I've actually gotten quite a bit of work done (I'm working on a nineteenth-century American woman writer just now, just to show you that I'm not Donne-obsessed). I just sit here at my computer, working away, and then, when I need a break, I look over here, see what latest dumb thing you've said, and then type a reply. I've always typed quickly (if not always accurately), so you've taken up very little of my time. In fact, I went out for a couple of hours and did some shopping and went to a restaurant. You are just the dessert.
Donne is a wonderful poet, Dick, if you'd ever give him a chance. He's funny, moving, bawdy, thoughtful, clever, engaging, probing, etc., etc. etc. -- and sometimes all in the same poem. It's true that he requires a bit of intelligence to read sometimes, but the best things in life sometimes require a little work to grasp fully.
Nice story about your Mom. Somehow, though, I don't think that a hundred years from now anyone will care about "Hair" or "JCS" (or Snoop Dog). If reading those things helped your mom's students to appreciate good poetry, though, more power to her. Apparently she had a wider range of tastes than you have.
You show your complete ignorance of the USM English department in your final comments. In fact, a very fine Frost scholar is on the faculty at USM (and is not fan of Shelby, from what I can tell). USM once had an English department that was objectively ranked among the top 10% in the country. It was a department about which I had only heard good things, and I knew by their sterling reputuation the work of a number of its scholars (including Noel Polk, whom Shelby also ran off). I am afraid that thanks to your boy Shelby, the English department today is a shadow of its former self. Maybe that was the plan all along. After all, we don't need Donne, or Faulkner, or even Dickinson and Frost. All we really need, Dick, is stinkless paint.
I hope you hold at least a doctorate in some form of literature. If you do not, then you are throwing barbs at a more educated and cultivated person.
Do you not like the fact that I played you like a fiddle, as the saying goes? Do you not like the fact that I baited you into stepping out and showing the world your rear end? Or is it because you typed so fast that you didn't really have time to read and digest my posts and that your responses now seem childish and combative?
Here's what I'm saying: I read about John Donne this and John Donne that. My only assumption is that no one else on the USM English faculty must be working on anything else. Where is a discussion of this great work on Frost and other writers? Where are the threads discussing how important the research in these areas is? Nowhere! And these individuals remain at USM! How disheartening it must be to have the intellectual crowd continuously swoon over a departed (wrongly though it may have been) colleague. More disheartening still is that scholars in English continue to leave and no one opens a message board "shrine" to their work. How disappointing that must be to them. "I guess I don't matter in comparison to Gary Stringer," they may say.
I baited you into showing your cards, USMS. You are nothing but an attack dog, ready to bite anyone who dares question your devotion to your departed Maharishi. At least you got to work on your internet skills, finding a little evidence to try to buttress your otherwise emotion-charged argument.
By the way, I was a grown man when my mother taught that stuff. I watched her pupils take to poetry in a way that I would doubt many at USM ever will. Your arrogant statement regarding those forms of art shows your prejudice and lack of reflection.
I think I understand what this Donne stuff is really about. Gary Stringer was supposed to have been punished and he was supposed to stay punished. He was designated for the crusher, to be ground up and obliterated for his crime of daring to question a Thames hiring decision. Too bad, he went on to bigger and better things, and what's worse, he did it without T's divine permission and IN SECRET. T. was publicly embarrassed by the big Gary Goes to TAMU headlines and furious that Gary got out of his clutches. When T. destroys you, by God, you're supposed to stay destroyed. So it's not enough to hate Gary Stringer, you have to hate his work and everything about it too. At least that's what it looks like from over here.
By the way, TW, you (as usual) hit the nail right on the head. This is exactly it.
Gary Stringer will retire from TAMU as a highly valued professor -- loved by his students, respected by his colleagues, and honored by literary scholars the world over. A hundred years from now, people will still be consulting the Donne Variorum.
Shelby will slink back to his lab and hope that most people, a few decades from now, will have forgotten the debacle that was his presidency. A hundred years from now he will be completely forgotten except by the few readers of the sequel to Exit 13.
USM Sympathizer, I hope you hold at least a doctorate in some form of literature. If you do not, then you are throwing barbs at a more educated and cultivated person. Do you not like the fact that I played you like a fiddle, as the saying goes? Do you not like the fact that I baited you into stepping out and showing the world your rear end? Or is it because you typed so fast that you didn't really have time to read and digest my posts and that your responses now seem childish and combative? Here's what I'm saying: I read about John Donne this and John Donne that. My only assumption is that no one else on the USM English faculty must be working on anything else. Where is a discussion of this great work on Frost and other writers? Where are the threads discussing how important the research in these areas is? Nowhere! And these individuals remain at USM! How disheartening it must be to have the intellectual crowd continuously swoon over a departed (wrongly though it may have been) colleague. More disheartening still is that scholars in English continue to leave and no one opens a message board "shrine" to their work. How disappointing that must be to them. "I guess I don't matter in comparison to Gary Stringer," they may say. I baited you into showing your cards, USMS. You are nothing but an attack dog, ready to bite anyone who dares question your devotion to your departed Maharishi. At least you got to work on your internet skills, finding a little evidence to try to buttress your otherwise emotion-charged argument. By the way, I was a grown man when my mother taught that stuff. I watched her pupils take to poetry in a way that I would doubt many at USM ever will. Your arrogant statement regarding those forms of art shows your prejudice and lack of reflection.
If other scholars had been treated in QUITE the same shabby (Shebby?) way as Gary Stringer, you'd be hearing about them, too. As far as I know, however, none of the others were locked out of their offices, fired, accused of being criminals, or treated in quite so demeaning a fashion. Through his treatment of Gary Stringer, Shelby outdid even himself (no mean accomplishment -- or, since we're talking about Shelby, I guess a typically mean accomplishment). That's why people keep mentioning Stringer: because he was SO distinguished and he was treated SO badly.
Trust me, Dick: my academic credentials are at least the equal of yours. One reason I have responded to you as caustically as I have (and most readers of this board will, I think, support me when I say that usually I go out of my way to deal nicely even with people I suspect of being trolls) is that your posts showed unusual ignorance and malice -- not only toward a genuinely good man who is still alive (GS) but also toward a genuinely good man who is no longer alive to defend himself (JD).
Once your boy Shelby is out of office, and if (as I hope) an intelligent and competent new president is chosen, then perhaps the English department at USM can get back to doing what it has (until very recently) done very well: teach and research the whole canon of great writers. Maybe you can even take a class on Donne and learn something.
Let me make clear once more: I admire your Mom as a teacher. I just don't admire her son as a thinker.