The council was called to order by Dr. Scott Piland at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, May 10, 2005, Room H of the University Union. Council members present at the meeting were Dr. Shelby Thames, Dr. Joan Exline, Dr. Trellis Green, Dr. Tammy Greer, Dr. Charles Mayo, Dr. Myron Henry, Mr. Ray Scott, Mr. Douglas Hancock, Dr. Glen Shearer, Mr. Mark Bell, Dr. Lin Agler, Ms. Lyndsey Jalvia, Mr. Mike Mitchell, Mr. Bryan Billings, Mr. Robin Ryder, Dr. Anne Wallace, and Ms. Pam Posey. Others in attendance were Dr. Joe Paul, vice president for student affairs; and Mr. Reuben Mees of the Hattiesburg American.
Dr. Piland stated that the March minutes had been distributed. Ms. Posey stated that in an earlier e-mail she had asked whether or not the SCH data that was requested at the last meeting and received later should be included as an appendix to the March minutes. Members present agreed that the SCH data should be included. Dr. Piland asked for a motion to approve the minutes as discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Ray Scott and seconded by Dr. Anne Wallace; the minutes were approved unanimously.
Dr. Piland announced that the Council would follow the distributed agenda and turned the floor over to Dr. Thames.
2. Update on the Budget (Dr. Shelby Thames)
Revenues are up in the state. There is a one-time tax rebate (settlement with WorldCom) to the state of approximately $100 million. What the legislature will do with this money is yet to be determined; however, there is some discussion that the legislature would take care of K-12 this year and higher education next year. However, we are estimating about a 5 percent reduction. This will realize about a $3.7 million cut (of Southern Miss $75 million allocation), in addition to our fixed costs that are estimated to be about $2.8 million for an overall cut of about $6.5 million. This is just speculation; nothing has been determined at this time.
At the last IHL Board meeting, there was intense discussion about appropriations and how money was appropriated. A formula is being reviewed based on a modification of the Texas System formula. If this system was used, Southern Miss would receive more than $9 million; therefore our allocation could be $84 million if there were not budget cuts. This formula is based more on weighted student credit hour production and level of student credit hour production with more money being allocated on upper level and graduate level production and more of a formula based on production, which is good for us.
Dr. Thames indicated that Southern Miss has grown and under the present allocation formula, we are toward the bottom of the FTE funding formula. It is time to revisit the present allocation structure.
3. Status of SACS Activities (Dr. Joan Exline)
Margaret Sullivan has been here the last two days and has stated that after reviewing all the assessment plans that we had made momentous progress. She is continuing to work with us on our probation report and our reaffirmation process. We are forming an oversight committee for noncredit activity and this committee will develop policies and procedures. The strategic plan has been submitted to the Board Office. Dr. Exline also thanked everyone involved in these SACS efforts.
The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is on improving written and oral communications with our students. Several open forums in Hattiesburg and on the Coast have been held, and they have been well attended. A committee was formed to hire a QEP Coordinator, and Dr. Mary Lux accepted the position. This is a summer position with release time in the fall.
Dr. Exline also stated that Continuing Education and Distance Learning is no longer in the credit hour business; they will only offer non-credit activities. Credit activity has been assigned to the colleges.
Dr. Anne Wallace stated that at Graduate Council there was a question on what constituted a program. Dr. Exline stated that a program is generally one where a core of new faculty is hired.
4. Questions about Recent Publications (Dr. Joan Exline)
Dr. Henry had inquired as to how much the document, Work In Progress, cost the university. Dr. Exline indicated that this was basically a report to the community from Marketing and Public Relations. The first printing was $7,852 for 2500 copies (in house). It was mailed to various stakeholders around the state. In addition, other businesses around town have requested copies to include in their recruitment materials, such as Hattiesburg Clinic. A second printing was done, and 4,000 additional copies were printed. The total cost for both printings was $13,845.35.
Dr. Henry stated that he thought some of the information in the document could be interpreted as misleading. One specific issue dealt with all research dollars for FY 2002 being listed under the Thames administration. Dr. Exline talked with Dr. Burge, and he indicated that his thought was that “whoever was sitting in the seat” at the end of the year was where that number was reported. Another specific example was that the report indicated that during the Thames’ administration, the university had realized a 7.2 percent increase in enrollment over a two-year period. Dr. Henry stated that in actuality numbers form Institutional Research indicate that the Student Credit hour increase over a two-year period is only 0.49 percent increase (see appendix 1). Dr. Henry also noted that tuition revenue is based on all term student credit hours, not fall only head count.
Dr. Paul indicated that there is no doubt that a lot of our growth is on the Coast with part-time students and also that patterns of students have changed in particular to upper division. There is basically an increase in student credit hours. Dr. Exline responded that official head count is reported in the fall to the IHL Board of Trustees. FTE is based on student credit hours. Tuition revenue is up due to a combination of factors, but primarily because of tuition increases.
Data is reported the same as all other institutions by head count. Dr. Paul stated there is a 10-day head count number (that institutions use for “bragging”), and all institutions give a detailed report of student credit hours and enrollment, etc. Dr. Henry stated that we should report more than just headcount in order to accurately reflect enrollment trends. He also stated that student credit hours are the "gold standard."
Dr. Wallace commented that for those in the public relations field our situation (as for other institutions as well) is perceptually difficult to portray; it is their job to soften the issues. However, when a document comes out such as "A Work in Progress," it is difficult for the university community to accept its validity because we are facing budget cuts and have various other issues that are not so rosy. The other point is that the faculty did not know about this publication and thus were questioning some of its content.
Dr. Thames repeated that historically our allocation formula has not been based on student credit hours. Dr. Thames also stated that 87 percent of our students are from Mississippi; we are making a significant contribution to our state.
5. New Members (Dr. Joan Exline)
Dr. Exline reminded everyone that she has been in contact with the various groups soliciting replacements for those who rotate off in June. Those rotating off in June are Ms. Kathy Newman (Arts and Letters), Dr. Trellis Green (Business), Dr. Tammy Greer (Education and Psychology), Ms. Miriam Cabana (Health), Ms. Pam Posey (Science and Technology), Ms. Sakina Hoskins (Science and Technology), Dr. Myron Henry (Faculty Senate), Mr. Doug Hancock (Finance Division), Dr. Lin Agler (Gulf Park Campus), Mr. Ray Scott (Staff Council), Mr. Mike Mitchell (Student Affairs Division), and Mr. Jonathan Krebs (Student Government Association).
6. Other Questions/Comments
Dr. Mayo announced that the School of Mass Communication and Journalism received full accreditation recently.
Ms. Posey announced that the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8