This should be an interesting week with both the PUC and the Faculty Senate having scheduled meeting. The PUC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8 at 7 a.m. in the Union. Faculty Senate will meet on Friday, June 10 at 2 p.m. in the Union. Both meeting are open and the press usually attends.
At the PUC they will probably give the "head count" enrollment figures showing we are ahead of last year. The faculty will have to fight for the credit hours generated to calculate the FTE that will probably be the same or down form last year.
The chapters in this book are getting so predictable.
This is just one example of a reporting standard that the Faculty Senate and other faculty bodies should be insisting on, so administrators are no longer able to misrepresent the condition of the university to the IHL Board, the press, and the publc.
Enrollment reporting in FTEs should be mandatory. This is just one example of a reporting standard that the Faculty Senate and other faculty bodies should be insisting on, so administrators are no longer able to misrepresent the condition of the university to the IHL Board, the press, and the publc. Robert Campbell
What have you been smoking? This is Mississippi, Robert. Here at Southern Miss, we like to use the Shelbeethian method of computing student enrollment. FTE's? We don't need no stinkin' FTE's down here. You need to make a visit to the Burg, and spend some time with Drs. Thames and Malone. Then you'll understand.
Try to make sure #7 gets done, even if you have to stay over.
Yes, the interesting Faculty Senate questions usually come at the end. I hope SFT doesn't have to run out early again. I heard the Hattiesburg American will attend and so may I.
The University of Southern Mississippi Faculty Senate Meeting June 10, 2005 Union Hall of Honors 2:00 p.m.
8.0 Call to Order (Continuation of May 6, 2005 meeting)
9.0 Election of 2004-2005 Faculty Senate Officers
9.1 Election of Senate President-Elect
9.2 Election of Senate Secretary-Elect
10.0 Adjournment of May Meeting
1.0 Approval of June 10, 2005 Agenda
2.0 Approval of February 11, March 4, and April 8 minutes
3.0 Officers' Reports 3.1 President 3.1.1 Toy McLaughlin 3.1.2 Faculty Leadership Council 3.1.3 Gulf Coast Library 3.1.4 President’s Council Election (2 members) 3.1.5 Budget 3.1.6 Search for VP of Research 3.1.7 Cabinet Report 3.1.8 WP and WF 3.1.9 Other
3.3 Secretary 3.3.1 Follow-up on Faculty Departures 3.3.2 Follow-up on State Retirement
3.4 Secretary-Elect
4.0 Committee Reports 4.1 Academic and Governance 4.2 Administration and Faculty Evaluations 4.3 Awards 4.4 Budget 4.5 Constitution and Bylaws 4.6 Faculty Welfare 4.7 Government Relations 4.8 Technology 4.9 Elections 4.10 Ad hoc committee reports and liaison reports (AAUP and others) 4.10.1 PUC 4.10.2 AAUP 4.0 Out-going President’s Remarks and Reflections 5.0 Seating of new senators/officers 6.0 Passing of gavel to Bill Powell 7.0 New President’s Remarks 8.0 Adjournment