Outstanding response; you spoke for many of us. People need to understand faculty and staff are equally as dedicated to our students and jobs (vocations) as they might be to theirs! Nice job.
I add my voice to the chorus of praise, and hope that this letter elicits other letters of support from outside the USM community.
By way of seeking clarification, let me point out that what Moulder wrote was: "With the inmates running the asylum in most universities..." Applin responds: "...Moulder...has called the faculty of USM prison 'inmates running the asylum.'" While Applin's "prison" interpretation is probably closer to Shelby's perception of his institution, I think the common interpretation of Moulder's reference would be to an insane asylum. Which is more insulting? Maybe we could get the Hattiesburg-American to do a poll.
Speaking of letters, since it doesn't look as if the CL will publish the one I sent them early last week (they haven't contacted me to verify that I exist, so now I am experiencing existential anxiety), I thought I'd post that letter here, FWIW:
The Clarion-Ledger's editorial of May 23 says that the decision by the state's College Board to let Shelby Thames step down as president of USM by May 2007 is "mutually beneficial." I must respectfully disagree. Instead, the decision leaves USM treading water for two years under the leadership of a man who has brought national disgrace not only to his school but also to his state. The disastrous Thames presidency is now widely known among academics throughout the country, most of whom cannot believe that this situation has been allowed to fester for so long. Now it will fester even longer, reflecting poorly on USM in particular and on Mississippi in general.
Even if it were wise to operate a university as if it were a conventional business, Shelby Thames has proven himself an inept and bungling chief executive. He does not know how to manage people. If USM really were a business, the stockholders would have removed him long ago. To allow him to remain in office for another two years is simply to allow him twenty four months' worth of opportunities to make a further mess of things. He will increasingly be seen as an ineffective (and perhaps vindictive) lame duck; he will inspire even less long-term loyalty than he has already; the administrators who serve directly under him will abandon ship even more quickly than has already been happening. For the sake of USM and the reputation of Mississippi, President Thames should return to his lab much sooner than by May 2007.
Prof. Evans, what a fine letter! It's a shame they have not seen fit to print it.
I hope you feel secure in the relative reality of your existence.
(Unless we are all in some kind of Matrix movie or Philip K. Dick novel. Or unless you are just the product of my solipsism. Or I, yours. But, hey, I though W.J. Johnson was real, too.)
quote: Originally posted by: Voter "By way of seeking clarification ...."
It was Hattiesburg resident William Johnson who wrote in the Clarion Ledger of Feb. 15, 2005, of faculty "inmates" and the "warden" of USM, for those people keeping a metaphor scorecard.
quote: Originally posted by: info " It was Hattiesburg resident William Johnson who wrote in the Clarion Ledger of Feb. 15, 2005, of faculty "inmates" and the "warden" of USM, for those people keeping a metaphor scorecard."
Ah ha! And that was a week before our old friend BJ showed up on this board. You're a card, info!
I received no call from the C.L. either, Robert. Below is my letter:
"As a retired faculty member, who served 37 years at Southern Miss, I must respond to comments made in your editorial of 5/23/05, “USM’s Thames, Board decision is mutually beneficial”. Your statement, “Thames' detractors can now focus their attention not on attacking the university administration, but on doing their jobs.”,is disturbing. Youcharacterize standing up for common academic principles with “attacking”.
Journalists also have standard principles of operation. Recently Newsweek had an article concerning the desecration of the Koran, which it now appears was reported from only one source, violating a principle of journalism.
Do you characterize the media as “attacking” the journalist when they point out this violation? Why then do you say the faculty ‘attack” the university administration?
Your editorial mentions, “…reducing administrative bureaucracy” as an accomplishment of Thames. Have you more than one source to support this statement?
Faculty investigations of these claims leave much in doubt . Although the number of deans was reduced, Thames added to the bureaucracy by hiring two provost, a risk manager, a Chief Operating Officer, and an Assistant to the President for Accreditation, Planning, and Articulation to name a few. These were new positions.
I see nothing in your editorial that indicates the action of the IHL Board will be beneficial to USM. The only evidence I have, previous performance, leads me to the opposite opinion. "
quote: Originally posted by: A little slow on the uptake "Ah ha! And that was a week before our old friend BJ showed up on this board. You're a card, info!"
No, really, honest. There's a link below to our thread from the day Johnson's editorial appeared. It was a few days later that "William Johnson" started posting to the board and rumors of his appointment and new office space in the College of Business of Economic Development, formerly the College of Business and now once again the College of Business, began to appear on the board.
quote: Originally posted by: info " No, really, honest. There's a link below to our thread from the day Johnson's editorial appeared. It was a few days later that "William Johnson" started posting to the board and rumors of his appointment and new office space in the College of Business of Economic Development, formerly the College of Business and now once again the College of Business, began to appear on the board. "
I understood, info. The point of my post was to give you credit for the original connection that I missed last February.
quote: Originally posted by: disgusted student "Great letter! Thank you for expressing the student's views. Many are afraid to speak out. "
I don't understand why students would be afraid to speak out, unless grad students of a few particular professors might be afraid. Otherwise, you should be the most outspoken people on campus. There is very little that can be done to you.
quote: Originally posted by: disgusted student "LVN, you still do not understand. Their situation could happen to all students and the students know it."
I'm sorry, but out of >10,000 students there are at least a few who can speak out. Truth is a student, for heaven's sake. There are students on campus who are 45 years old!
Yes, I have written several, and one was published early on. I also used to write a column for the HA. However, my last letter was pretty badly mangled, so I quit. I also wrote to the Governor and never got an acknowledgement.
quote: Originally posted by: LVN "Yes, I have written several, and one was published early on. I also used to write a column for the HA. However, my last letter was pretty badly mangled, so I quit. I also wrote to the Governor and never got an acknowledgement. "
Here is one from last year. The HA cut the "notorious criminal"
Please note that I am copying and pasting from my own draft of my own letter, not from the HA website. Thank you.
To the American:
Well, we can all breathe easier now that the notorious criminal professor, Dr. Gary Stringer, will be taking his million-dollar, world-famous NEH grant and leaving us for Texas A&M. And taking his musician wife, Dr. Mary Ann Stringer with him. It was brilliant of Dr. Thames to get rid of two faculty members in one fell swoop. Three, if we count Dr. Glamser. How efficient! Way to go, Dr. Thames and friends at the IHL. This is an important step towards the establishment of a fine technical institute where a university used to be.
Here's another one, which MAY have been printed, I don't remember. Again, my personal draft, not the HA version (if any.)
To the American:
I am appalled at the letter from Mr. Kenneth Shearer, in which he castigates opponents of Dr. Shelby Thames for “disrupting the learning environment” of USM by their protests and other actions. For Mr. Shearer’s information, Dr. Glamser was teaching over 130 students when he was fired in the middle of the semester. Dr. Stringer, a world-renowned scholar, was engaged in a project which brought significant scholarly attention, prestige, and grant money to USM. Mr. Shearer should take note of the “disruption” of entire programs as faculty leave USM in droves. It’s disruptive to lose department heads, deans, long-time dedicated faculty and staff because of the abuses of the Thames administration over the past two years. Mr. Shearer may be a dedicated alumni, but he has clearly lost touch with the situation at USM.
quote: Originally posted by: disgusted student "LVN, have you written a letter to the editor? I haven't seen one."
LVN has been one of the most vocal supporters of the ideals that most of the posters on this board share regarding the way academia works in any reasonable university. She has been "out" since the very beginning. In fact, reading her posts on the old FireShelby board inspired me to reveal my identity way back when. She never hid behind her screen name and I decided I didn't want to either.