quote: Originally posted by: EagleListener " (Please note that no EagleTalk message has been copied in its entirety, that I seek only to educate readers of this board through news reporting and to offer comment, that I've referenced the relevant web address, and that I neither make profit from my posting here nor seek to diminish the potential monetary value of S.O.B.'s remarks there. My attorney spent the night at a Holiday Inn and reminds me that, for the right fee, she'll take either side of the case.) "
Your attorney has a clever client. Thanks for the grin.
I can't figure Son of Bubba. He came on board claiming to be unbiased, then proceeded to take offense at the most innocuous of postings. Meanwhile, he insinuates that we are arrogant pinheads. (Isn't that sort of a strange, inherent contradiction?)
Now he is on ET talking about us kicking in doors and leading folks to the gas chamber. Where does he come up with this stuff?
Fortunately, the EagleTalkers seem to have his number. Maybe even us red dirt Mississippians can tell hyperbole from horseapples.
This message board is here for exchange of information and for speculation. I hope we can all respect copyrights and just do small quotes and then insert links.
Also, I do not run this message board, it is only linked to the AAUP website.
quote: Originally posted by: LeavingASAP "If anything happened to the AAUP Board, how long would it take to start up another board?"
Another thought here: Given the "glacial pace" of local lawsuits moving through the system (for example, Melissa Whiting's case), just how long would a suit from ET take to be brought to court? Remember, the courts usually take these actions in the order in which they are filed. Sounds like intimidatory "saber rattling" is going on from the other side of town.
Can't help noticing that Mixon's attempt to intimidate is exactly like that of Thames when he went around the state last spring accusing Glamser and Stringer of "possibly criminal acts." Np reference to criminality, of course, came up at the actual hearing, when real lawyers were in charge.
I think that by following Amy's advice, we can all avoid doing anything that could reasonably be construed as copyright infringement--of EagleTalk material, or anybody else's material. (NB: Quoting from a post doesn't constitute copyright infringement.)
Then it will be up to Lanny Mixon and his friends to decide what their goals actually are.
If they are genuinely concerned about EagleTalk's copyrights, and nothing more, it shouldn't be hard to get them to leave us all alone.
If they are have some "more ambitious agenda" (like reprisals against anyone who criticizes their guy SFT, or against anyone who shows up some of the EagleTalkers), they'll have to find other ways to advance it.
Whatever Lanny Mixon is trying to do, I suspect he has enough sense not to let Son of Bubba give him strategic advice.
For if Son of Bubba has any other goal besides fomenting fights that do major damage to both sides, I've yet to see what it could be.
quote: Originally posted by: oldtimer "Another thought here: Given the "glacial pace" of local lawsuits moving through the system (for example, Melissa Whiting's case), just how long would a suit from ET take to be brought to court? Remember, the courts usually take these actions in the order in which they are filed. Sounds like intimidatory "saber rattling" is going on from the other side of town."
The only one I was ever involved in took five years and was a living nightmare (and I was the plaintiff.) You don't ever want to do this if avoidable.
Just a question. Since he seems to be a hot topic here, dose anyone actually know Lanny Mixon? He was in the CBA with me in the late 90's, I knew who he was, but I didn't really know him. Always struck me as a pretty decent guy.
quote: Originally posted by: Seeker "Just a question. Since he seems to be a hot topic here, dose anyone actually know Lanny Mixon? He was in the CBA with me in the late 90's, I knew who he was, but I didn't really know him. Always struck me as a pretty decent guy."
Seeker, that's one of the saddest things that's happened. A lot of pretty decent people are on the outs with each other over this situation, some possibly forever. The damage has spread throughout the community.
quote: Originally posted by: LeavingASAP "If anything happened to the AAUP Board, how long would it take to start up another board?"
About 10 minutes. And it could be done with so many layers of subterfuge (or to paraphrase Frank Herbert, "feints within feints within feints") as to make it impossible to find out who "owned" the board without filing papers against Activeboard itself, a process that would likely outlive the Thames presidency. This was something that should have been done when FireShelby folded. It was not a great idea for AAUP to "adopt" this board, really.
That said, I wouldn't be surprised if the same folks who can ante up $350K for a new baseball facility might ante up fees to prop up a bogus lawsuit by ET's "council" against AAUP. To any ET'rs who read this: Remember that these "evil professors" are in a position to render a large number of USM athletes academically ineligible in a matter of only a few months. (Unless things have changed dramatically in the past 20 years, a fair number of athletes are eligible out of the "mercy" & "good graces" of their profs & not because they are "scholars"...) Think about it.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus " To any ET'rs who read this: Remember that these "evil professors" are in a position to render a large number of USM athletes academically ineligible in a matter of only a few months. (Unless things have changed dramatically in the past 20 years, a fair number of athletes are eligible out of the "mercy" & "good graces" of their profs & not because they are "scholars"...) Think about it."
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus " About 10 minutes. And it could be done with so many layers of subterfuge (or to paraphrase Frank Herbert, "feints within feints within feints") as to make it impossible to find out who "owned" the board without filing papers against Activeboard itself, a process that would likely outlive the Thames presidency. This was something that should have been done when FireShelby folded. It was not a great idea for AAUP to "adopt" this board, really. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if the same folks who can ante up $350K for a new baseball facility might ante up fees to prop up a bogus lawsuit by ET's "council" against AAUP. To any ET'rs who read this: Remember that these "evil professors" are in a position to render a large number of USM athletes academically ineligible in a matter of only a few months. (Unless things have changed dramatically in the past 20 years, a fair number of athletes are eligible out of the "mercy" & "good graces" of their profs & not because they are "scholars"...) Think about it."
quote: Originally posted by: Academic Integrity? "That's a pretty strong accusation to make. "
I don't see any accusation, except as to what might have happened 20 years ago. What may be happening now is obviously just supposition. Of course things have changed in the last two decades. As long as the good folks at ET understand that none of the current USM student-athletes receive preferential treatment, they will be laughing at this little joke.
Looks to me like Invictus is just playing with the possibilities of what escalation might entail.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus " That is exactly what it was I was trying to suggest. Things do change over 2 or 3 decades. It should be obvious to everyone that the standards of academic integrity at USM are far higher now than they were in 1985 or 1975. "
Invictus, I don't know what things were like in 1975 (except what read in Exit 13 and also heard from those who were at USM at the time), but I do have some idea about 1985. I stand to be corrected, but I thought that USM was in its glory circa 1985. I know things began to deteriorate, but I honestly thought the deterioration came some years later than '85. Could you give us some insight?
quote: Originally posted by: Flyover "Invictus, I don't know what things were like in 1975 (except what read in Exit 13 and also heard from those who were at USM at the time), but I do have some idea about 1985. I stand to be corrected, but I thought that USM was in its glory circa 1985. I know things began to deteriorate, but I honestly thought the deterioration came some years later than '85. Could you give us some insight?"
We did have an ethically responsible VPAA in 1985.
1985 is simply 20 years ago. And 20 years ago this month, the real person who types this stuff received his (last & terminal) degree from USM.
Other than that, the year has no real significance... Except that the mid-80s were probably the high point of USM academically, if for no other reason than the fact that I was still a student.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "1985 . . the mid-80s were probably the high point of USM academically. . "
Invicticus, I agree. USM was well on its way during that era. But why did you say "the standards of academic integrity at USM are far higher now than they were in 1985"?
quote: Originally posted by: I was there "Invicticus, I agree. USM was well on its way during that era. But why did you say "the standards of academic integrity at USM are far higher now than they were in 1985"? "
Because "Academic Integrity" got his/her britches in a wad to begin with. It was a feeble attempt at sarcasm. I've seen plenty of posts here over the past year that suggest that, if anything, academic integrity isn't a top priority for the current administration.
Athletic integrity isn't a top priority either, if you think about it.
quote: Originally posted by: Seeker "Just a question. Since he seems to be a hot topic here, dose anyone actually know Lanny Mixon? He was in the CBA with me in the late 90's, I knew who he was, but I didn't really know him. Always struck me as a pretty decent guy."
Folks, Lanny Mixon is top notch. Black and Gold through & through. A solid citizen and one you can sit and talk to (and he'll listen) for hours. He's the type on 1st impressions that you say to yourself, "Man, what a neat guy". He's in his upper 20's, but clearly a kid who has his head screwed on straight. When I think of the New Southern Miss........he always comes to my mind. I'm in my upper 50's, and we are always on the same page or we eventually agree to disagree. A true, young southern gentleman..............and those are rare these days.
quote: Originally posted by: Way out of the loop " Is that what Seeker was talking about? Who is Bud? Kirkpatrick? No, that wouldn't make sense, because Lisa would have gotten all of his money and then some. The very, very beginning of what "it all?" What did happen at USM the last time Athletics and Academics locked horns? "
I don't know. Yes. Yes. No, she didn't. Not a dime. The madness. Bud lost, Athletics won, the university began to spiral out of control when integrity died and, well, you know the rest ...