It is interesting that no one cares to comment. While that is perfectly fine, I have to wonder if the lack of responses means we are once again returning to an era much like that of a former USM president.
A recent article in US News and World Reports had the following:
Many university executives are attempting to reduce the impact on students and lead by example by absorbing some of the financial pain themselves. The leadership of the University of Tennessee voluntarily took a 5 percent pay cut and turned in the keys to university cars to save the campus $400,000. Arizona State University President Michael Crow donated his $60,000 bonus for 2008 to the university's financial aid office and took the same 15 unpaid furlough days as the rest of the executive staff in the first half of 2009.
Let me put in perspective the "sacrifice" of the Tennessee administration on cars. This comes from president Petersen's press release:
"The University expects to save about $150,000 a year on the relinquishing of 19 staff vehicles."
19 staff vehicles!!! Some folks at UT had it "cushy." They also had about 3 1/2 months to relinquish their vehicles in order "to provide time for any needed arrangements to secure personal vehicles." I seriously doubt this was leadership by example.