I disagree with Stringfellow's last sentence, I believe SFT will slide the gear shift into reverse and dig a deeper hole for USM to climb out of before it's all over.
The first sentence tells us that Eric does indeed "get it." Very subtle, but packs a real zing "since he never particularly wanted to President." [quoting from memory] Anybody who knows SFT or knows anything about him can evaluate THAT claim!
This column is one of the best comments I've read on this entire controversy; I just sent a copy of it to the IHL. Others may wish to do the same: ssharpe@ihl.state.ms.us
quote: Originally posted by: Reporter "Thames' extension bad decision for transition By Eric Stringfellowhttp://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050522/COL0601/505220373/1189/NEWS01"
Stringfellow wrote a great editorial. Nonetheless, two sentences in his article provide an opportunity to comment on something that has irritated me ever since I heard the letters USM.
That statement reads: "Thames clearly has added value to USM and higher education in Mississippi. He started USM's Polymer Science Department 35 years ago."
Why has a virtual religion been created out of the fact that one person was at the helm when a new program was established? There have been many new programs created at USM and at other universities. I know of no other academic program that is identified by the general public with the name of any one person. Moreover, a chair can't create a new program without the support of the higher administration. Buildings have names, of course, but I'm not talking about buildings. I'm talkng about academic programs. Can anybody name just one other program at USM that the public at large associates with the name of one person? Thirty-five years seems like a bit much mileage to get from the fact that any particular person was at the helm when a new program was established. Can anybody name just one other academic program at USM that the general public associates with the name of one person? English? Chemistry? Political Science? Biology? Psychology? History? Sociology? Engineering Technology? Physics? Anthropology? Nursing is the closest I can think of, and even then the general public does not associate Nursing with the name of that person. Chairs are expected to take the lead in helping to establish new academic programs when there is a need, but who remembers their names?
quote: Originally posted by: Spitfire " ...That statement reads: "Thames clearly has added value to USM and higher education in Mississippi. He started USM's Polymer Science Department 35 years ago." Why has a virtual religion been created out of the fact that one person was at the helm when a new program was established? There have been many new programs created at USM and at other universities. I know of no other academic program that is identified by the general public with the name of any one person. ..."
MONEY! It isn't the program, it's the MONEY. Polymer Science is the only engineering program at USM. Engineering is connected to products, industry and money. That impresses the public in the poorest state in the union. To them the "value" of academics is money and jobs. Otherwise they have very little to do with the academic world, except for Football, and that too is all about getting the customers to H'burg to spend money.
And don't forget, academics get their children to think. That threatens their worldview. If it wasn’t for the MONEY they would get rid of all of those "liberals" connected to the academic world.
quote: Originally posted by: A tier above "At your university it may be called engineering, but my colleagues call it a subspeciality within chemistry. "
Agreed. It is actually applied chemistry with some chemical engineering and a whole lot of "coatings technology".
quote: Originally posted by: Ranting " MONEY! It isn't the program, it's the MONEY. Polymer Science is the only engineering program at USM. Engineering is connected to products, industry and money. That impresses the public in the poorest state in the union. To them the "value" of academics is money and jobs. Otherwise they have very little to do with the academic world, except for Football, and that too is all about getting the customers to H'burg to spend money. And don't forget, academics get their children to think. That threatens their worldview. If it wasn’t for the MONEY they would get rid of all of those "liberals" connected to the academic world. "
quote: Originally posted by: A tier above "At your university it may be called engineering, but my colleagues call it a subspeciality within chemistry. "
Amen--and not a particularly respected one at that.
Is it necessary or desirable to have a department of polymer science seperate from chemistry? Aren't strong polymer programs embedded in chemistry departments?
The story I was told when I came to USM is that ST was booted out of chemistry becuase those guys couldn't stand him and he couldn't work with anybody else, and so he started the poly program. He's got a bldg named for him because he & his boys gave so much $$, not because he's some genius, though he ought to get whatever credit is really due him. The ET guys and other faculty haters forget that ST was faculty almost all his life. The only other time he was an administrator he screwed up (so to speak) that time too.
quote: Originally posted by: Better living through. . . "The story I was told when I came to USM is that ST was booted out of chemistry becuase those guys couldn't stand him and he couldn't work with anybody else, and so he started the poly program."
If that story is true, I'd say somebody at the top of the USM hierarchy must not have known very much about managing people and problems. That would be like swatting an elephant to get at a flea.
quote: Originally posted by: Better living through. . . " He's got a bldg named for him because he & his boys gave so much $$, not because he's some genius, though he ought to get whatever credit is really due him. ...."
The building was pure pork. He has friends in congress.
I agree, Stringfellow's column was great. And he's right, Shelby will always be thought of in a "distinguished" type of way once he's extinguished from administration (once again). He'll forever stay notorious.
quote: Originally posted by: WKRP in Cincinnati "If that story is true, I'd say somebody at the top of the USM hierarchy must not have known very much about managing people and problems. That would be like swatting an elephant to get at a flea."
I've heard that General McCain was the one who gave SFT his own department when Chemistry said it wanted rid of him.
McCain is also supposed to have admonished Shelby to never do anything that made USM look bad.
I expect McCain would be disappointed, were he around to see how things have turned out.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell " I've heard that General McCain was the one who gave SFT his own department when Chemistry said it wanted rid of him. McCain is also supposed to have admonished Shelby to never do anything that made USM look bad. I expect McCain would be disappointed, were he around to see how things have turned out. Robert Campbell"
Robert, you amaze me at the information you obtain. You had to be informed of this by some real old timers to know of these famous stories. Congratulations in reporting these old events so accurately.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "thames has often repeated the story about mccain telling not to do something that would make usm look bad. "
Its a real shame that Thames didn't heed McCains words isn't it.