I'm breaking my long-standing policy of not addressing any comments on Dr. Marc DePree's website to clarify two matters.
First, I am not "thought to be" Linda Vance, I AM Linda Vance. I was Director of Assessment in the COB until June 30, 2009. The position is one of several staff positions across the university that have already been eliminated for the 2009-2010 fiscal year.
Second, I made a passing comment that the COB will need to notify AACSB of a substantive change. There is no need to "precertify" anything with them, and no conflict with my remark, that a certain procedure will be needed in the future, and Dr. Nail's remark that AACSB does not require an economics major. I have every confidence that administration in the COB will handle AACSB-related matters properly.
Anyone can look at www.aacsb.edu and review the requirements.
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East