Little Fire Shelby visited his grandparents this morning, and, when he came home, he told me that he saw in the Clarion Ledger that Shelby's contract was extended an additional year. Immediately, I came here to see what all of you think about this.
Two years. On a pretty tight leash, with a strong commissioner and a board president who doesn't care a whole lot for him. Let's hope that he can't do too much damage in the next two years. From what I gather, the board has charged him with pulling USM out of the SACS quagmire for which he is to blame.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Sure, the tunnel seems rather long, but we'll make it. Congratulations to all of you who have worked so diligently to finally see this day arrive. Not exactly what I wanted, but a hell of a lot better than FOUR more years.
It's a bittersweet announcement. While we celebrate Thames' departure, we mourn the losses of great professors and staff members who saw no hope, who are now gone. To look back, to see the destruction that has been wrought on our university in the past several years....well, it's difficult. Thank God it'll be over soon.
Now, let's look forward to the new presidential search.
What a gracious and modest response to these events, considering the huge role you played in help bringing them about. Everyone who cares about USM is in your debt, and I look forward to shaking your hand someday and thanking you personally.
I had about the same response you did...muted celebration. Though I did have a glass of wine last night at dinner in celebration (wasn't quite up for the margarita! will save that drink for the coming out party)...
Thanks again for all you did and continue to do,
Truth (PS--not bad for some small-town rabble-rousers! You-know-who would be proud...hope you catch my drift!)
Boy the trolls are really out in force aren't they? Seems they just have to give it one more try. Sorry trolls, but my give a damns busted. Go away, go post on Eagle Talk, go somewhere.
Truth and Fire Shelby, thank you for your tireless efforts to bring about this day. Yeah, we have a ways to go yet, but we are getting there.