Health crisis. He really does not look well, and this stress can't be good for him. A medical person I know says he looks like he's in congestive heart failure. Eveni f I LIKED him I'd be urging him to resign sooner rather than later, for his own sake.
quote: Originally posted by: LVN "Health crisis. He really does not look well, and this stress can't be good for him. A medical person I know says he looks like he's in congestive heart failure. Eveni f I LIKED him I'd be urging him to resign sooner rather than later, for his own sake."
Odds are good on this prediction is that the initial press release is all about saving face. It has nothing to do with the reality of what's happened. All of that blah, blah, blah about "returning to my first love" is standard academic-speak for "I got the shaft!"
I really wish someone would ask SFT if he's still "having fun." I dare Reuben Mees to do it!
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH " Odds are good on this prediction is that the initial press release is all about saving face. It has nothing to do with the reality of what's happened. All of that blah, blah, blah about "returning to my first love" is standard academic-speak for "I got the shaft!" I really wish someone would ask SFT if he's still "having fun." I dare Reuben Mees to do it! Truth"
I say this is pretty close to the way things will fall out, but you forgot spend more time with my family and travel.
quote: Originally posted by: Rod_Sterling "This one wins.... The "new" road between Polymer and the Ed Psych building was finished two months paving, curbs etc..... Its now closed and they've ripped up the "new paving" to put down "newer paving." Brick and motar? How about gravel and macadam... "
Here's another. That new winding sidewalk next to Manoni Performing Arts, the winding one down the hill, that they just finished 4-5 weeks ago. They have a jackhammer out there right now ripping the whole thing back up.
I guess Lawrence Warren has more time to work around here than he thought.
quote: Originally posted by: LVN "Health crisis. He really does not look well, and this stress can't be good for him. A medical person I know says he looks like he's in congestive heart failure. Eveni f I LIKED him I'd be urging him to resign sooner rather than later, for his own sake."
Maybe that's what he's getting at with the line in the Hatt. Am.: “I’m thrilled to death,” Thames said.
quote: Originally posted by: San Fran " Here's another. That new winding sidewalk next to Manoni Performing Arts, the winding one down the hill, that they just finished 4-5 weeks ago. They have a jackhammer out there right now ripping the whole thing back up. I guess Lawrence Warren has more time to work around here than he thought."
The road to (and from) hell is paved with good indentions, thanks to Warren's jackhammers.
I will make the only prediction sure to come true: the sun will set in the evenings and rise in the mornings. Beyond that, I have no predictions. The university is still rocking and reeling. Anything could happen.