quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "Is it just me or did the IHL board basically give Shelby a one year contract extension?
It most definitely is not a retirement announcement. It's an announcement that he's been given an extra year before he has to retire.
And hey, in about a year, you can bank on Shelby's buddies all doing a big hoo-ha to get him another one year extension. And of course, when he sees how bad the applicant pool looks, he'll be right in the thick of it like he was 3 years ago. For the "good" of the university he loves, of course.
IHL just screwed USM again."
It's the best we can hope for right now, Vic. I understand that your Inner Conspiracy Theorist has to come out at times, but put him on the back burner for just a short while as we celebrate just a "tiny little bit!" It's the best news we've had in a looooong time.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "Is it just me or did the IHL board basically give Shelby a one year contract extension? It most definitely is not a retirement announcement. It's an announcement that he's been given an extra year before he has to retire. And hey, in about a year, you can bank on Shelby's buddies all doing a big hoo-ha to get him another one year extension. And of course, when he sees how bad the applicant pool looks, he'll be right in the thick of it like he was 3 years ago. For the "good" of the university he loves, of course. IHL just screwed USM again."
That's what I was saying to someone earlier but they didn't buy it. I still do.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "Is it just me or did the IHL board basically give Shelby a one year contract extension? It most definitely is not a retirement announcement. It's an announcement that he's been given an extra year before he has to retire. And hey, in about a year, you can bank on Shelby's buddies all doing a big hoo-ha to get him another one year extension. And of course, when he sees how bad the applicant pool looks, he'll be right in the thick of it like he was 3 years ago. For the "good" of the university he loves, of course. IHL just screwed USM again."
And, your scenario is even more likely if you faculty over there bail him out of the SACS disaster.
quote: Originally posted by: trader "And, your scenario is even more likely if you faculty over there bail him out of the SACS disaster."
Jeez, trader, if the SACS probation isn't lifted in December, the board will probably give him am additional contract extension to kick butt, take names & fix everything.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "Is it just me or did the IHL board basically give Shelby a one year contract extension?
It most definitely is not a retirement announcement. It's an announcement that he's been given an extra year before he has to retire.
And hey, in about a year, you can bank on Shelby's buddies all doing a big hoo-ha to get him another one year extension. And of course, when he sees how bad the applicant pool looks, he'll be right in the thick of it like he was 3 years ago. For the "good" of the university he loves, of course.
IHL just screwed USM again."
Yep. See the Shelby joke line about the addition problem.
quote: Originally posted by: Angeline "Let us never forget. From the CL story: The Thames file Thames caused an uproar in March 2004 when he suspended two tenured professors who investigated the credentials of a top USM administrator. The action ignited student-led protests and faculty no-confidence votes. USM's Faculty Senate unanimously voted no confidence in Thames in March 2004. The faculty responded with a 430-32 vote days later. In May 2004, the senate voted 39-1, with one abstention, to ask the College Board to request Thames resign and return to the faculty. This February, the senate voted 39-2 to ask the board for a national search to replace Thames. In December, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools put USM on one-year probation. SACS' Commission on Colleges has asked USM to evaluate its distance-learning activities."
Thanks Frank, Gary, Myron, Amy, Anne, Dave, Fire Shelby, Andrea for bringing us to this day.
NEVER FORGET!!! And don't let up. A wounded animal is a dangerous one. NO QUARTER!!!!
Everyone left at USM be careful. Don't think that Shelby isn't going to try to make life hell for his opponents for the next two years. We're all still with you if you need us.
(Sorry to be so negative, but maybe I don't quite believe it yet.)
I am normally as pessimistic as the next person (in fact, more so), but in this case I do see a silver lining. Remember: Shelby wanted four years, not two, and whether he will have even two is open to question, especially given the changes at the IHL. Let's also remember that he really is a 69-year-old man and that he really does NOT look healthy. My guess is that the fact that he has had to swallow this two-year-deal, and that he will now have to deal with Virginia Newton and Dr. Crofts, and that his buddies will begin bailing on him, and that attracting new buddies will be difficult, is all going to have a bad effect on his blood pressure. I honestly do not wish him any health problems, but if I were his doctor, or even if I were only playing a doctor on TV, I would advise him to slow down, take it easy, kick back, relax, and get the heck out of Dodge.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer ". . . I were his doctor, or even if I were only playing a doctor on TV, I would advise him to slow down, take it easy, kick back, relax, and get the heck out of Dodge."
Well, let's hope he's going to be very busy with the Melissa Whiting lawsuit.
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier " Well, let's hope he's going to be very busy with the Melissa Whiting lawsuit."
Thanks for reminding us of this; I had forgotten about the suit! More bad publicity for Shelby just when he doesn't need it. The Last Stupid Things come home to roost!
Roughly the same newspaper story, but much different titles spinning the morning's events:
HA: Thames to step down in 2007; return to classroom CL: Thames to keep USM presidency through May 2007, then return to teaching SH: College Board extends Thames contract through 2007
Didn't somebody today already mention the parable of the blind men and the elephant?
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier "I am astounded.
Everyone left at USM be careful. Don't think that Shelby isn't going to try to make life hell for his opponents for the next two years. We're all still with you if you need us.
(Sorry to be so negative, but maybe I don't quite believe it yet.)"
SFT is a very mean man. He now is a very angry man. As many have pointed out, including Gene Saucier who knew him well and worked with thim, he carries grudges for years. And as someone said earlier, a wounded animal is most dangerous. I don't think it is time for the "coming out" party yet.
And for the conspiracy theorists, could the IHL have done anything more devisive. To extend his contract for another term would have defeated the faculty. To have terminated him would have saved the university. Now.........
Great news, on SFT's lame duck status, but I remain concerned by the damage a lame duck, (yes a bleeding wounded duck) can do.
SFT could do one of two things in his short tenure: Nothing, or Scorched Earth policy.
Although we see the light at the end of the tunnel, we need to be worried that it's a freight train named IHL. I still believe IHL has it in for USM, and I agree with Invictus, USM got screwed again. It may be two years, but it may be a Looooong two years.
quote: Originally posted by: Green Hornet "So much for my vacation............. Great news, on SFT's lame duck status, but I remain concerned by the damage a lame duck, (yes a bleeding wounded duck) can do. SFT could do one of two things in his short tenure: Nothing, or Scorched Earth policy. Although we see the light at the end of the tunnel, we need to be worried that it's a freight train named IHL. I still believe IHL has it in for USM, and I agree with Invictus, USM got screwed again. It may be two years, but it may be a Looooong two years."
Exactly what I was saying. The IHL is no friend of USM.
There is a university president named Shelby who is not too bright. He really wants to wants to stay president, but he is causing a new problem every day. He begins to tell people about his problems, and some ardent supporters (car salesmen, dentist's wife, restaurant owner, etc.) get together and put pressure on the IHL to let Shelby continue.
So the IHL commisioner asks all sorts of people what should be done with him, but the supporters loudly scream "Give Shelby another chance. Give Shelby another chance. Give Shelby another chance."
The commisioner says "OK you people really want this little guy to stay, so let's ask him a question. If he gets it right, we'll assume he's smart enough to stay. If not, he has to leave." He asks the board what they think of this, and they take up the chant "Give Shelby another chance. Give Shelby another chance."
So the commisioner turns to Shelby and says "OK, President Thames. What is 2+3?" The board eagerly awaits the answer as Shelby confidently exclaims "It is 7!" To this they all shout together, "Hooray! two more years!"
Of course, it would be better if the IHL Board actually wanted USM to do well. But it's not necessary. All that's necessary is making it so costly to keep harming USM that the Board will give up on doing any more of it.
What the IHL is most afraid of is bad publicity. And as long as he is in the Dome, Thames will keep bringing it.
If the USM faculty keep up the pressure on Thames and his underlings, the majority of the Board will want rid of him sooner, and will have short patience with any faction that wants to keep him around beyond the two years that were recently agreed to. How much of their political capital have Klumb, Ross, and Colbert already pi$$ed away, in their desperate promotion of Shelby Thames?
During Thames' lame-duckitude, there will also be an opening for the Faculty Senate and other faculty bodies to take the initiative and put forward better policies while daring Thames to reject them.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell " What the IHL is most afraid of is bad publicity. And as long as he is in the Dome, Thames will keep bringing it."
Imagine my surprise here in sunny New Mexico when at work, I opened the board and saw this headline. My jaw dropped open, my heart stopped beating for a second, and I asked myself, can this be true? The more I read, the more I realized it was true.
One of the posters mentioned SFT being kept on a short leash, yeah buddy, and I hope the collar is a choke collar and the first misstep Mr. Crofts, yanks Shelboo's chain but good. I do have a question however, SFT's original four years is up next March/April right? If he resigned today, why isn't the effective date then and not 07? How did he manage that? Or is this another smoke and mirror thingy?
Whatever it is, USM is gonna be rid of SFT, thank god for small (ok, huge) favors. But, in two years time, he can wreck a lot of damage yet and that concerns me. The one binding thread that I have read over and over again is how vindictive SFT can be. I would still be very very quiet for awhile and not party too loudly. I however will raise a glass of wine tonight to Frank, Gary and all of those who have fought and are continuing to fight the battle. It would appear, that while battles have been lost, you have finally won the war.
God speed to all of you, the resurection of USM is going to be hard work, its going to take time, and lots of it. But knowing you the way I do from this board, that will truly be a labor of love.
It is not a resignation. It is a two year license to fix things that the Board wants fixed. It won't be less than two years. It is two years. Hold onto your hats. Lots of things are going to change!
quote: Originally posted by: In the Know "It is not a resignation. It is a two year license to fix things that the Board wants fixed. It won't be less than two years. It is two years. Hold onto your hats. Lots of things are going to change!"
Knowing you've been wrong before, don't waste your money on a bad bet.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "Is it just me or did the IHL board basically give Shelby a one year contract extension? It most definitely is not a retirement announcement."
Remember when Horace Fleming received a one-year extension when he was "eased out?" Some believe that was IHL's way of "sacking" him. And now another president gets a one-year extension. Sounds awful similar to me. Could it be that a "one-year extension" is IHL's name for "sacking?"
quote: Originally posted by: In the Know "I'm not wrong on this one. There is absolutely NO leash."
And do you want to tell us how you happen to be "in the know" and why you are so confident? Why didn't they give him four years so he could really finish the job? Why make him look like a lame duck if he's really out for bear? I won't take your posts seriously until you share with us more of details of your supposedly inside knowledge. I suspect you can't because I suspect the details don't exist.
The IHL carefully outlined his duties, something that was earlier noted is "not done." If that's not a leash, what would you call it? Which leads me to my question. Given this strictly deliniated job description, who's going to be President of USM now? (As in, PR, fund raising, and all the real duties of a PResident?)
I believe that the IHL was in a real pickle. They had finally come to the realization that SFT was an utter disaster. However, if they canned "Mr. Disaster" now that would do at least two very bad things in their view. 1) It would change horses in the middle of the SACS stream (though disciplining him might have also been part of bowing down to SACS -- tough call). 2) firing him would have been "giving in to the faculty". No matter how right we were and are the IHL could and would never do that. "Allowing the inmates to run the asylum" kind of thing. In the end this was the most effective way of "firing" SFT. Make no bones about it. He and his supporters wanted four more years. They were rebuffed. Though they had to sugar coat it (maybe to achieve a majority) SFT was fired today -- just with a post dated pink slip. What does it mean for us?? Short or long leash??? Here is my spin. We have had a cancer for three years. We have just heard that the docs have finally diagnosed the cancer and have come up with a treatment plan. The treatment might involve pain and heartache, but the patient will live. We can now fight hard with smiles on our faces, knowing that there is a future for us and for USM. We can absorb losses and heartaches knowing that der Furher is being backed slowly into his bunker. Two years from now (at the most) SFT will be in his lab, terrorizing far fewer people (and heading a polymer dept that is quickly sinking in national rankings). We will still be here, fighting for the USM that once was -- and now will be again.
quote: Originally posted by: waiting watching "The board did very explictly state that Thames would focus his efforts on accreditation. I think your short leash idea is right on the money. Why else would they say something like that unless they wanted to reign him in?"
just catching up. does everyone think this is the case?
It isn't customary for a governing board to tell a university president, in public, what his priorities will be.
Thames was just told in public what his priorities were going to be.
The top priority is accreditation, and Thames has already been chewed out in public for his poor performance on accreditation, then overruled in public by Commissioner Crofts on a matter pertaining to accreditation--when he was compelled to retract the Black Friday Memo.
Hence the conclusion that Thames is on a short leash.
The only serious attempt to deny it has come from a poster who almost certainly dwells in the Dome.