Athletics: Bud Childers; Matt Clark; Terry Cooksey; Shelton Gandy; James Green; Troy Howell; Chris Klenakis; Amos Mansfield; Regiel Napier; Tyrone Nix; Austin Norris; Rick Reeves; Santiago Restrepo; Stephanie Rosehart; Rip Scherer; Dave Warner
Biology: Stephen Ross; Raymond Wayne Scheetz
Chemistry: David Creed; Newton Fawcett; Anselm Griffin; Emory Howell; Kenneth McMurtrey
Child & Family Studies: Muriel Azria-Evans; Judy Kinney; Thomas Webb
CISE: Sheila Alber; Gloria Beal; Ada Belton; John Davis; Douglas Feldmann; Perrin Lowery; Michael Martin; Sally Martin; Nancy Mazdel; Janet Nelson; Jessie Palmer; Janet Richards; James Siders; Gloria Appelt-Slick; Margaret Mary Sulentic; James Wharton; Melissa Whiting
Criminal Justice: Dennis Hunt; Stephen Mallory; Michael Smith; William Taylor
Economic Development: Mark Goodman; Tim Hudson; Bill Sisson; Ron Swager
Economics: Tyrone Black; Jennifer Caveny; Philip Jeffress; Vicki Ward; Frank Whitesell
Education: Don Cotten; Ric Keaster; Jack Klotz; K.B. Malear; John Marshak; Carl Martray; April Miller; Warren Ortloff; Amy Schweinle; Will Schweinle; Harold Shoemaker; Margaret Smith
ELI: Audrey Blackwell; Gail Hamwi
English: David Berry; Bettee Boyd; Jeanne Ezell; Tamara Harvey; Kim Herzinger; Evelyn Ashton-Jones; Lisa Langstraat; Susan Malone; Noel Polk; Mary Robinson; Gary Stringer; Mary Villeponteaux; Anne Wallace; David Wheeler
Finance: Ken Cyree; Iskandar Hamwi; Roger King; Michael Melton; Doowoo Nam; Durwood Ruegger; Walton Taylor
Foreign Languages: Elizabeth Anglin; Jean-Louis Dassier; Luz Marina Escobar
Foundation & Development Officers: Jan Delancey; Jim Hanecke; William Hansen; Suzanne Hirsch; Susan Hollandsworth; Helena Lassiter; Rob McElhaney; Bill Pace; Frank Pickering; Joan Stevens; Jim Wild
Geography: Jess McKee; Bob Wales; Donald Williams
Geology: David Patrick
History: Curtis Austin; Charles Bolton, Orazio Ciccarelli; Hayley Froysland; Terry Harper; Geoff Jensen; Neil McMillen; Brian O’Neil
HPR: Ronald Evans; Terry Kinney
International Business: Len Trevino
Library & Information Science: Rosemary Chance; Jerri Hall
Management: Billie Allen; Robert Boothe
Marine Sciences: Denis Wiesenburg; Robert Willems
Marketing: Dan Fisher; Talai Osmonbekov
Mass Communications & Journalism: David Goff; Linda Goff; James Hall; Yohan Yssel
Mathematics: Beverly Janice Davis; Mylan Redfern
Music: Dennis Behm; John DeChiaro; Marta Hofacre; Sherman Hong; Michael Kimber; Sharon Lesback; Mark McKean; Wilbur Moreland; Mary Ann Stringer; Martha Tisdale; Joel Treybig; Stanley Waldoff; Marian Wilson-Kimber
Nursing: Raylawni Branch; Luann Daggett; Wanda Dubuisson; Joseph Farmer; Marie Farrell; Kay Hobson; Sharyn Janes; Jeanne Morrison; Virginia Pearson; Sarah Powell; Cynthia Rouse; Betty Sylvest; Vickey Walley; Bobbie Sue Whitworth
NFS: Nancy Bertolino; Wayne Billon; William Forsythe; Ross Santell
Philosophy & Religion: Forrest Wood
Physics: Ray Folse; William Hughes; Grayson Rayborn; Rudy Sirochman
Political Science: James Lea; Gail Lucas; Ron Marquardt; Jerold Waltman
Polymer Science: Al Guyman; Gerald Mattson; Oliver Smith
Psychology: George Buelow; Theodore Christ; Ron Edwards; Vincent Fortunato; B. Jo Hailey; Jim Hollandsworth; Gary Jones; Todd Kahan; Jake Levy; Lynda Mae; Charles Noblin; Daniel Randolph; Lillian Range; Paul Siakaluk
Social Work: Carolyn Brooks
Sociology: Frank Glamser
Speech & Hearing Sciences: Richard Saniga
Theatre and Dance: George Crook; Rebecca Dyer; Brian Hapcic; Frank Kuhn; Blaine Quarnstrom; Andrew Sutherland
Tourism Management: Tanya Ruetzler
USM Libraries: Kathy Davis; Suzanne Graham; Toby Graham; Dolores Jones; Mary Hamilton; Meg Meiman; Ginamarie Pugliese; Irmgard Wolfe
Vice Presidents: David Anderson; Linda McFall; Curt Redden; James Williams
We have two nursing faculty who resigned in 2003 in School of Nursing who are NOT listed: Dr. Dianna Douglas Assistant Professor here, just received promotion to full Professor at LSU in New Orleans and Dr. Kandi Smith (from Gulf Park) to Unviersity of South Alabama School of Nursing.
Oops, one more change. Sarah Powell did not RESIGN, she is on active miltary duty at camp Shelby and will return to USM Gulf Park in same faculty position next year, we hope. You should probably note that in list.