You were very fortunate. You caught the tail end of a run in the old CBA that coincided with your graduation. We've gone from 60 something faculty to 45 and falling. The Marketing department lost Riedenbach (private consulting), Robin (chaired professor Wake Forest), Hardesty (Miami), and 2 others (Oklahoma State and Western Illinois). It is an open secret that the Babin's are looking and Alvin Williams will step down as chair in August. Dolly Loyd is being forced to take more courses because she is not deemed "qualified" to teach Marketing (SACS casualty). The story is much the same in the rest of the COB. The college is now held together by what's left of the old crew who are mostly PERS indentured servants. The problem is compounded because the supply of new Ph.D.s is much thinner than 10 years ago.
For a brief time in the 90s we had the best undergraduate business program in the midSouth. The students are far shrewder than we usually give them credit for. As the college improved the students got better with about a 2 to 3 year lag. Things are now going in reverse. Faculty quanity and quality is declining and the good students are now migrating back to MU, MSU, and increasingly out of state to take advantage of "incentive" programs for bright students. We're all now struggling to adjust to our new student body. We do the best we can but its not the 90s anymore.
MU and MSU have always had more resources but have had to carry the ball and chain of Ph.D. programs they have to support to keep up with the rest of the Jones in the SEC. Being stretched too thin they couldn't do a good job at anything. CBA had been "encouraged" to offer Ph.D.s in business but our Deans fought that off, good move. By focusing on undergrads and an MBA program, we could more than hold our own against schools with more resources.
Since your coworkers are older your employer may have learned a lesson. Never hire bottom feeders from "name" schools. Much better to hire the best students at lesser schools. The better companies recruiting at USM swoop in for a day to talk to only the officers of the honor socities between multiday stops at LSU and Alabama. Good strategy.
We all miss our former friends and the overall quality of the old student body. Times change and you play the cards you're dealt. Paraphrasing Robert Louis Stevenson, The trick in life is not playing a good hand because most of us aren't dealt a good hand. The trick is to play a bad hand well.
Seeker in the first place there will be no one left to ask the professors questions nor will any of the new people, if there are any, will know what questions to ask. In the second place no one has asked your permission to leave. Most leave when they not you are ready. I see now that you are only here for a fight. Well shadow box away or go beat you wife again. The next time I come I will only bring the flit can.
If an individual is not happy at Southern Miss, I would never attempt to give them a reason to stay. Because, if you are not happy in a position, then you will not preform well in that position. If a professor is not happy at USM, by all means they should leave if they have the opportunity. If you as a student are not happy at USM, a transfer maybe needed as well. I know what it is like to be in a position where you are not happy. I left a very good, well paying job, because I was not happy with the corporate structure.
I understand the importance of having good faculty. I think I have a better understanding of the situation than many of you give me credit for having. I also, know first hand, just because an individual has been a faculty member for a long time, that dosen't mean they are very good at what they do. Many times individuals who are at a position for too long become stagnet. A change is good for the individual and organization. Sometimes a person with longevity becomes very self-important, and is more concerned with self than organization. I have seen this in HS, college, and in my professional career. Just because an individual is young, that dosen't mean they will not do a good job.
If we have faculty members with SACS responsibilities, that are leaving, and they do not pass along the information needed to accomplish the tasks that will need to be done, that is shameful. It can be spun in different ways, but it changes not the fact, that they are intentionally doing harm to the university because of petty, spiteful, self-indulgences. If an individual would do this, I wonder if they are worthy of a job at a more "respected" University.
As for who I am, believe what you wish. That dosen't change who I am, what I think, or what I will post."
Seeker: are you familiar with institutional knowlege? You dont just pass along years of experience when you leave. SFT has effectively destroyed academic transition at USM, not to mention loyality.
I agree that if you are unhappy you should leave, but thank goodness many faculty dont agree. If every disgruntled faculty left, can you imagine the the aftermath?
Keep in mind that you must question any new faculty on their reason for joining the USM faculty. Prospective faculty with any skills are resorting to USM as a last resort and cant find employment at another college or university. Accredation problems tends to take many qualified applicants out of the pool.
Seeker, get a grip. There isn't some secret SACS knowledge that's passed on, and that people can stick in their briefcases and sneak out of town with. It's a matter of experience and knowledge gained from having gone through the process before. In any large organization, there is lots of knowledge that's just out there in people's heads. If enough of the experienced, knowledgeable people leave, that can have a negative impact on the organization. I thought you were a business major.
A few years ago, some parts of the military tried something called "high year tenure" -- if a guy didn't make a certain rank in a certain length of time, he had to retire. In the branch of service I know about, they got into a situation of having a lot of officers and a lot of young troops, but the ranks of the middle-level noncoms got pretty thin. In most organizations, these are the people who know how to get from here to there by the shortest route, and when they leave, you know it.
Disgusted student is a student, and apparently doesn't understand the SACS situation very well either.
Invictus, this seems like a good point for you to jump in.
quote: Originally posted by: Seeker " If an individual is not happy at Southern Miss, I would never attempt to give them a reason to stay. Because, if you are not happy in a position, then you will not preform well in that position. If a professor is not happy at USM, by all means they should leave if they have the opportunity. If you as a student are not happy at USM, a transfer maybe needed as well. I know what it is like to be in a position where you are not happy. I left a very good, well paying job, because I was not happy with the corporate structure. I understand the importance of having good faculty. I think I have a better understanding of the situation than many of you give me credit for having. I also, know first hand, just because an individual has been a faculty member for a long time, that dosen't mean they are very good at what they do. Many times individuals who are at a position for too long become stagnet. A change is good for the individual and organization. Sometimes a person with longevity becomes very self-important, and is more concerned with self than organization. I have seen this in HS, college, and in my professional career. Just because an individual is young, that dosen't mean they will not do a good job. If we have faculty members with SACS responsibilities, that are leaving, and they do not pass along the information needed to accomplish the tasks that will need to be done, that is shameful. It can be spun in different ways, but it changes not the fact, that they are intentionally doing harm to the university because of petty, spiteful, self-indulgences. If an individual would do this, I wonder if they are worthy of a job at a more "respected" University. As for who I am, believe what you wish. That dosen't change who I am, what I think, or what I will post."
I generally appreciate and enjoy reading your takes on the various USM matters discussed here, and credit you with many fresh insights and constructive thoughts. Your last post is an example of this, and I think the points you make are sound. I do wish, for Pete's sake, that you'd use spell check before firing off your missives. You're obviously a very bright, thoughtful, well informed young man, but the abundance of misspellings sometimes detract from the opinions you share with us. I mean no offense, and hope you'll accept my comments in the spirit of constructive criticism.
quote: Originally posted by: disgusted student "Seeker in the first place there will be no one left to ask the professors questions nor will any of the new people, if there are any, will know what questions to ask. In the second place no one has asked your permission to leave. Most leave when they not you are ready. I see now that you are only here for a fight. Well shadow box away or go beat you wife again. The next time I come I will only bring the flit can. "
If this is the best you can do for a discussion, then I feel very sorry for you when you have to leave the sheltering walls of academia. You are not mature enough to take good advice when you see it.
Please address me again, when you can do so in a civilized manner.
quote: Originally posted by: Anal-Retentive " Seeker, I generally appreciate and enjoy reading your takes on the various USM matters discussed here, and credit you with many fresh insights and constructive thoughts. Your last post is an example of this, and I think the points you make are sound. I do wish, for Pete's sake, that you'd use spell check before firing off your missives. You're obviously a very bright, thoughtful, well informed young man, but the abundance of misspellings sometimes detract from the opinions you share with us. I mean no offense, and hope you'll accept my comments in the spirit of constructive criticism. Respectfully, Anal-Retentive"
We already beat him up about that a long time ago. Just ignore it. Seeker, give disgusted student the same slack you were given.
quote: Originally posted by: Anal-Retentive " Seeker, I generally appreciate and enjoy reading your takes on the various USM matters discussed here, and credit you with many fresh insights and constructive thoughts. Your last post is an example of this, and I think the points you make are sound. I do wish, for Pete's sake, that you'd use spell check before firing off your missives. You're obviously a very bright, thoughtful, well informed young man, but the abundance of misspellings sometimes detract from the opinions you share with us. I mean no offense, and hope you'll accept my comments in the spirit of constructive criticism. Respectfully, Anal-Retentive"
Sadly I am a poor speller, always have been, and freely admit to the fact. I also, do not type as fast as I would like, sometimes my mind moves faster than my fingers.
I will try to be more studious of this in the future.
Some departing faculty and/or ADMINISTRATORS I might add may or may not have had contact with SACS. However, as usual we've blown our own foot off. Go to the USM web site and examine the "Ph.D." program in economic development. After you've done that ask yourself if you can be proud of your alma mater selling Ph.D.s online. If we'd quit doing stupid stuff like this, SACS might be happier.
BTW, the new COB is being burned at the stake for refusing to allow this degree to be offered in the College in the interest of protecting our ever-diminishing chances of surviving the next AACSB visit. But that's another story.
quote: Originally posted by: disgusted student "Thanks LVN, but I don't need any slack from seeker. The man is a joke. "
I am a great number of things but your opinion of me is of no consequence. I can make a point and take part in a debate without calling names, it is sad that you cannot do the same. I hope you will acquire this skill later in life. But, if calling me names is what you need to do to feel good about yourself, by all means continue. We all derive joy and self-assurance in different ways.
quote: Originally posted by: Seeker " Sadly I am a poor speller, always have been, and freely admit to the fact. I also, do not type as fast as I would like, sometimes my mind moves faster than my fingers. I will try to be more studious of this in the future. "
A-R did not suggest that you improve your spelling or become "more studious." Just use a free on-line spell check program. Try it; it's easy:
Boy, this thread really took off. Too bad it is completely off topic. No one even tried to address the issue of the thread, that is, defending SFT's statement to The Wayne County News.