I thought so. In using this board I tend to lapse into typing like talking and forget the two means of communication are different with the potential for misunderstanding.
Especially on a night when the trolls are really busy.
Please do not fall for the trap of this post. There is no such error message in SOAR, I can guarantee that. I challenge the person who posted that to save a screen shot of the error message and post to this board.
Whether there exists such an error message or not, the fact remains that SOAR has to be the worst thing that ever happened to grade entry. I'm sure I'm not the only faculty member (former faculty member, in my case) who has gone to the registrar's office screaming about the inefficiency of this seriously flawed system and the time wasted trying to deal with it. Maybe SOAR works better now, but the first couple of years were hell, as far as I'm concerned.
What a relief it was this spring at the small college where I now teach, when I was able to turn in grades using good old-fashioned pencil and paper. It took a fraction of the time that SOAR would have demanded, and I was in a pleasant mood afterward.
BTW, are they still making you do the online FAR (Faculty Activity Report)? What a FARce THAT is/was!!!
To each his own. I would much prefer to sit at home and enter my grades on the web rather than to bubble in opscan sheets and hand carry to the Registrar's Office. There were many more errors in the old system because of miscoding on the opscan sheets, manual handling, etc. SOAR isn't perfect by any means but a much preferred way to enter grades in my opinion.
quote: Originally posted by: Michael Kimber "Whether there exists such an error message or not, the fact remains that SOAR has to be the worst thing that ever happened to grade entry. I'm sure I'm not the only faculty member (former faculty member, in my case) who has gone to the registrar's office screaming about the inefficiency of this seriously flawed system and the time wasted trying to deal with it. Maybe SOAR works better now, but the first couple of years were hell, as far as I'm concerned.
What a relief it was this spring at the small college where I now teach, when I was able to turn in grades using good old-fashioned pencil and paper. It took a fraction of the time that SOAR would have demanded, and I was in a pleasant mood afterward.
BTW, are they still making you do the online FAR (Faculty Activity Report)? What a FARce THAT is/was!!!
quote: Originally posted by: So why? "What do you think the purpose of the post was? It isn't particularly trollish?"
I didn't view the error message post as trollish either. I chucked under my breath when I read it. I viewed it as subtle humor. I'll bet whoever posted it is an attention getter in the classroom, particularly among the more savy students.