Toy McLaughlin is back on Eagle Talk again (like some said he would be). In a recent string, another posters says he would be glad to shoot faculty for them all.
RE: Toy back at it again ... another poster "shoot
First, I suggest people who really find that noise objectionable report it to Lanny or Don (Tiegieser), the owners of EagleTalk. Lanny & Don are both good folks who love USM & enjoy athletics. It would be better to give them the opportunity to "police" their board first. If they choose to permit that sort of hogwash, then by all means let the HA know that EagleTalk is back at it.
I believe I was the one who said that Insomniac could not stay away from that board. As USM alumnus Jimmy Buffett once wrote, "A$$holes are born that way & seldom, if ever, change."
Moving Target
RE: Toy back at it again ... another poster "shoots"
As students of the Columbine generation begin entering our classrooms, it is highly inappropriate and a little scary to have distinguished alumni members advocating shooting faculty members.
Stan Still
RE: RE: Toy back at it again ... another poster "s
quote: Originally posted by: Moving Target "As students of the Columbine generation begin entering our classrooms, it is highly inappropriate and a little scary to have distinguished alumni members advocating shooting faculty members."
He wasn't advocating just shooting faculty members.......the post was stated to just "start shooting". Get yer facts straight, and be stationary.
Word of Caution
RE: Toy back at it again ... another poster "shoots"
This entire ordeal of taking something that was said in jest on Eagle Talk and turning it into a witch hunt make me sick. You are hurting your cause by focusing on the trivial stuff instead of the real issues. In my opinion, you are playing into the hands of the Thames' supporters.
Originally posted by: EagleTalk Insurgent "Toy McLaughlin is back on Eagle Talk again (like some said he would be). In a recent string, another posters says he would be glad to shoot faculty for them all."
quote: Originally posted by: Word of Caution "This entire ordeal of taking something that was said in jest on Eagle Talk and turning it into a witch hunt make me sick. You are hurting your cause by focusing on the trivial stuff instead of the real issues. In my opinion, you are playing into the hands of the Thames' supporters."
Once again, the main reason this is such a big issue is because of the way the same arguments were used publicly at the Warren Paving meeting to stir up resentment against faculty.
quote: Originally posted by: Hypocritical oaths " Once again, the main reason this is such a big issue is because of the way the same arguments were used publicly at the Warren Paving meeting to stir up resentment against faculty. "
Ho, you are right. And remember, the only people who have said anything about even carrying a gun are (1) the person at the Warren Paving meeting that said he wasn't scared of faculty because he had a pistol in his vehicle, and (2) Toy McLaughlin, the distinguished USM alumni who said he would scale the dome with a rifle and start shooting if discussion of the Raines signing continued any further.
I am not for shooting people, but how does this differ from David Beckett suggesting that faculty who give final exams at times not on the schedule be thrown from the dome?
quote: Originally posted by: position "I am not for shooting people, but how does this differ from David Beckett suggesting that faculty who give final exams at times not on the schedule be thrown from the dome?"
I believe you have this wrong "Position". It was SFT that wanted more sever punishment for faculty giving early finals. Dr. Beckett was just asking, "how sever" by jokingly suggesting they be "thrown from the dome"? It was obvious sarcasm in response to SFT. But more importantly this conversation was not being published on a public message board. Did you know that it was later discovered that the deans didn't know of the policy of no early finals?
disgusted student
RE: Toy back at it again ... another poster "shoot
I can't say I'm afraid to walk on campus, but I am concerned about safety. The problem isn't so much that I think Toy will start shooting off anything other than his mouth. The problem is that when people start making statements like this, even in jest, it can prompt others to see such actions as acceptable and some psychotic might just be tempted to make a name for himself during commencement or some other heavy traffic time on campus.
Threats of violence are not a laughing matter. Frankly, I'm surprised that the feds haven't taken an interest in this business. Under the Patriot Act, these 'jokes' could be seen as terrorist threats. They should be treated seriously. Disgusted student is more right than I'd like to think.
Appalled, but not surprised
RE: Toy back at it again ... another poster "shoots"
I hope that someone who has access to the thread is alerting the FBI. After all of these other school shootings I am getting frightened or as David said concerned for the safty of even bystanders on campus. Thames has ignorant people "whipped to a froth," and that is all it takes for mob rule.
Mother's day grandmom
RE: RE: RE: Toy back at it again ... another poste
quote: Originally posted by: Mother's day grandmom "How can anyone who thinks like that possibly help raise money for a university?"
He isn't raising money for a university. He's raising money for a public institution that sponsors sports teams, which is the only thing he evidently thinks USM does halfway well (and he probably will spent half his time next fall screaming for Bower to be fired).
His "sig" should be widely distributed among potential Foundation donors. Why donate to support faculty when the guy asking for the donation has such a low opinion of faculty.
While I'm ranting, is there a definition of malpractice for stockbrokers?
Alma Mater
RE: RE: RE: RE: Toy back at it again ... another poste
quote: Originally posted by: Mother's day grandmom " How can anyone who thinks like that possibly help raise money for a university?"
While we're on the topic, I attended my undergraduate college's class reunion this year. The president, alumni director, and director of development all played significant roles in the event. Not once - I repeat: not once - was mention made of contributions to the institution. When the alumni have a love affair with the institution, they'll give because they want to give. Nudging is only an occasional thing, and even then it is done very gently.
UTEP bound
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Toy back at it again ... another p
quote: Originally posted by: Alma Mater "While we're on the topic, I attended my undergraduate college's class reunion this year. The president, alumni director, and director of development all played significant roles in the event. Not once - I repeat: not once - was mention made of contributions to the institution. When the alumni have a love affair with the institution, they'll give because they want to give. Nudging is only an occasional thing, and even then it is done very gently. "
You lucky person. I'll bet good money your alma mater wasn't a Tier III or Tier IV institution.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Toy back at it again ... another poster "s
quote: Originally posted by: Mother's day mom " Also, Toy's/Insomniac Eagle's signature line: 'The teaching profession is the only profession that has no definition for malpractice.' Merimon Cunningham "
I see Toy has "updated" his signature. It used to be something to the effect of "a cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."
Toy likes to make statements that sound significant upon first hearing, but lack any real meaning. His old quote is just a garden variety insult; one could substitute any subject and it would make just about as much sense: e.g., A stockbroker knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. A shelving clerk knows the price . . .. A wholesaler knows . . .. A critic . . .. A lawyer . . .. A banker.
His current one is just as strange. Who is Merimon Cunningham, and why should his or her opinion matter? A Google search reveals nothing. Do you think maybe he was trying to quote "Marion Cunningham", a character from "Happy Days"? The quote sounds like a gag line from a sitcom; it certainly has no basis in fact.
For example, among the "traditional" professions, we are all familiar with legal and medical malpractice, but I have never heard of military or -- much less -- clergy malpractice. Nowadays there is not even any consensus about what constitutes "a profession." (Let's not even think about malpractice in the "oldest profession.")
I think Toy is making the jokes with us. Odd sense of humor, his.
During one the Golden Eagle's (baseball) away games, he was in the Eagletalk chat room and when someone jokingly asked him about wall mounts, he said something to the affect of having a few for a couple of AAUP profs and a HA reporter. Wish I had thought of saving the chat transcript but I didn't.
oh and when someone pointed out that he shouldn't say things like that in public, he basically told them to get over it and that he was only joking about the wall mounts.