Today I picked up my repaired bike and on the way home I passed the Dvorak and Hanbury law firm. However, the sign only had Hanbury listed. Does anyone know what is going on there? Nothing important, I'm just curious.
Check out the Hanbury webpage, (the "hd" probably have stood for Hanbury-Dvorak when the page was registered). Dvorak is nowhere to be found.
A Google search on "hanbury & dvorak" still returns the old page name header:
Hanbury & Dvorak, PC Providing a broad range of business law services from offices in Hattiesburg. - 28k - May 3, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
But the link and yesterday's cached file point to the new Dvorak-less page.
It is always sad when someone's marriage ends, for whatever reason. We should not gloat. The entire situation has always been tres strange, but I am of the belief that when one walks out of the office at night, one is entitled to privacy, n'est ce pas? Unfortunately, this Kentucky Cabal as you so charmingly say, did bring themselves into our midst in a most officious and unpleasant way, so perhaps there is less privilege of the privacy than others may be afforded. There is something here of reaping and sowing, perhaps. One cannot say. Similar things have happened among les bonnes hommes ("the good guys") --
Let me ask my special friends, however, to do me this one great favor. Please do not give M. Dvorak my telephone number. Perhaps you read Miss Angleterre's excellent list of requirements for my gentlemen callers? She omitted the very important item, "Must not have been a member of the Henchcrew." I would not be able to answer for Dervish should such a person (I nearly said "gentleman" and that would never do), should such a PERSON approach the door of my home.
I hope you are all enjoying this lovely spring that le bon Dieu has given us all, and are rejoicing that you have survived one more semester. One hopes for better days.
I find this split between Mark Dvorak and Jack Hanbury strange because Angie Dvorak is heading up ADP and I though most of the business of the two law partners was ADP. With Mark Dvorak out, who gets the ADP business?
As a citizen who is affected by the local economy, I am interested!
When I arrived at work this morning, there was a small note on the computer, in which Mlle. de Guerre asked me to correct her typing of "les bonnes hommes" to "les bonhommes" -- I do not speak French myself, but I do recognize the gender error. So I am happy to oblige. I am also happy to note her addition to the Rules for Gentlemen. It never occurred to me to list the "no henchcrew" provision, simply because . . . well, it's too unthinkable.
I should also like to report on another matter at the de Guerre home. We have now become Diet Pepsi drinkers. This is a bigger sacrifice than you may realize. Mlle de Guerre discovered that she does not LIKE Diet Pepsi, but she is faithfully chugging away in the interests of solidarity and all that. Makes me glad to be a tea-drinker. We investigated the possibility of bringing in C*ke products from another state, but Mlle felt that was somehow not right; she thought the symbolism of walking out of Corner Market with a 12-pak of Pepsi was important, even in a small way.
Like everyone else, I was intrigued by the Hanbury-Dvorak situation. My, my, we love our juicy gossip, don't we all?? Like a soap-opera in our midst. Unlike Mlle, I have little sympathy or understanding for the people in question, who created so much havoc and grief in others' lives, including wives, children and friends of those affected. Possibly I am more of an Old Testament person than Mlle, who can be a tad soft-hearted. I believe that when we commit evil, we open the door to evil and should not be surprised when it comes to visit.
Good day to you all. I must close and begin my duties. Today we are preparing our final order for the champagne for the great celebration. Mlle de Guerre is convinced it will be soon.
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
quote: Originally posted by: Amy Young "I find this split between Mark Dvorak and Jack Hanbury strange because Angie Dvorak is heading up ADP and I though most of the business of the two law partners was ADP. With Mark Dvorak out, who gets the ADP business? As a citizen who is affected by the local economy, I am interested! Amy Young"
quote: Originally posted by: Around town "HEARD THEY ARE GETTING A DIVORCE."
I am of the opinion that either Judge or Mrs. Cooley (undercover agents) have something to do with this. Perhaps M. was distracted by Mrs. Cooley. It would be easy.
I am delighted to learn that our cher Judge and Mrs. Cooley are still on the job. Mrs. Cooley must be a braver soul than I. Do watch your step, ma petite -- this is the "kentucky mafia" we are speaking of.
Please come by chez de Guerre when you are able -- always an open door and a glass of Dom Perignon for these kind friends.
M. de G.
PS I have given Miss Angleterre instructions to alert me as soon as there is any word from Jackson tomorrow. I am speaking to le bon Dieu at great length this evening on the subject!
quote: Originally posted by: Interim Adjunct Risk Manager " I am of the opinion that either Judge or Mrs. Cooley (undercover agents) have something to do with this. Perhaps M. was distracted by Mrs. Cooley. It would be easy."
I inform you that POTCLAWS has left the city (with the usual security detail) for a few days to go back to Paris and spend some time with his wife and daughter. You all by now know some things about her. Well, here's more. She is a German-born former model, now actress (her name is Diane Heidkrueger). She has a big new movie out and is ready for some R&R. She is back at her home in Paris, which is where Judge Cooley is headed. Here is a photo of her at a recent press event (Judge Cooley is just out of view to the left):
She is a special person, and may travel back to Hattiesburg with the Judge and their daughter in a few days. We may try to arrange a cocktail party for some, and maybe some of you will be invited.
Back to things here. I guess you all read about Bobby Chain's problems with the Trent Lott Center. He's steamed, and rightly so. He's been working hard for quite a while on the fundraising, and to see it come to a halt is quite disheartening for him. But don't worry, he can handle himself (as you probably know). He's locked into giving them 2 more year's of hell for a day's pay.
My associate is in Jackson tonight. He says to tell you all that a tuition increase at USM is headed down the highway soon. Get ready for it. He also has some audio of Robin Robinson outside of the IHL meeting room he's trying to improve the clarity on. Hopefully we'll have something to report soon.
Where's Lisa Mader? Anyone seen her lately. We lost sight of her a few days ago, and want to get someone on her. If you see her, please drop a comment on the board and we'll get right on it.
I find it very sad that the posters on the board take advantage of someone's personal life. So what if they divorced! This is not the place or forum to publically criticize another's personal and private issues. As for the lawfirm it is a business, again who cares?
quote: Originally posted by: REM "I find it very sad that the posters on the board take advantage of someone's personal life. So what if they divorced! This is not the place or forum to publically criticize another's personal and private issues. As for the lawfirm it is a business, again who cares?"
Oh it matters. My namsake tried to ruin lives and careers (Stringer & Glamser) in order to protect her own falsefied resume. She deserves far worse than she has gotten.
quote: Originally posted by: REM "I find it very sad that the posters on the board take advantage of someone's personal life. So what if they divorced! This is not the place or forum to publically criticize another's personal and private issues. As for the lawfirm it is a business, again who cares?"
Who's divorced? I don't think anybody involved here is.
If you're here to cause trouble, don't let the door hit you in the rear on your way out. You seem to be unfamiliar with the concept of "message board" -- this is an unmoderated but filtered board. Most posters are anonymous, though some of us know who each other are. Not all posters are faculty, or even located in Hattiesburg. Anybody can say pretty much whatever they want to. We are not fair, as you were told on another thread. We are not objective. We aren't even very nice sometimes. We are here to bitch and moan and complain and gossip and laugh and ventilate and compare notes and generally hang out with like minded people. We beat up trolls. If you don't like it, start your own board.
"I just wanted everone to know that the information presented on the board was inaccurate and was just CRAP."
Dude, we know that. We never said it wasn't. Actually, some of it is inaccurate -- we get lots of what we call FUD, where people post CRAP on purpose to stir stuff up. Sometimes people post nonsense just to be mean or to be funny, or to take a pot-shot at others. You want accurate, try, not us. But once in a while, we're very, very right. We kinda know who to trust by now.