This was recently posted by Don Tiegeiser, who is an administrator of ET:
Can someone back on campus help me out. I know this is not Reply
sports related but I got a hold of a Student Printz article from March 1, 1988, Volume 71, Number 39. The Article is "USM reorganization plan causes stir." The copy I have is very bad and can't read the whole thing but basically Dr. William Scarborough attacks Dr. Lucas saying the administration is uncaring, the faculty is demoralized, the morale is shattered, the staff is leaving.
There is a second part "Faculty; Process has been secretive."
Looks like something is afoot from the eagletalkers.
There were some very unhappy folks at the time, but as I remember it, the reorganization plan was developed by a large committee (David Bodenhamer, chair) with input from every area of the university. It certainly was not developed in the dark of night, unveiled first to the community, and then sprung on the faculty complete with the dissolution of the colleges.