Everyone should make a point to go by and read the two-paragraph sign over at Nitchampburg, especially the second paragraph. It highlights what has become of the place --- smoke and mirrors and false realities.
Better yet, let's post it up. Maybe Cox-Purvis could do that. Or, the first person that gets over there with a pen and pad (maybe even me).
Please someone do this for those of us who are unable to go see it for ourselves! I still would love to have a t-shirt that says "My university went down the tubes at Nitchampburg, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
I forgot to add: Now this is truly "Wurl Class." Thank you Dr. Thames for showing us the way to publicize all of the little things that make our school and State great.
I know the second paragraph is an alternate universe, but I would like to see some research on whether there was really a capacity crowd in MSG. I doubt it seriously.
quote: Originally posted by: Shared Humor "This Week's IHL Meeting thread started by Thames Watcher now on page 4 and Lisa's 1st Day by on the bus, now on page 3."
Robert, what did you think about the factual error in the Nitchamburg sign (as reported by Cox-Purvis)? Just another example about how SFT creates his own realities?
I understand it's a date and not a zip, but it's not very clever. Zip 32686 is Reddick, FL. Zip 32692 is Suwannee, FL. Logically, 32687 would be somewhere in between, if it really existed. It wouldn't be in Mississippi. Just another example of the PR director (bye-bye!) not thinking things through.