WDAM news just featured a story about a 5 recipe gumbo cookoff that occurred in the Hub today. Students, faculty and staff were invited to sample five different recipes, with the winner being chosen as the featured gumbo recipe in the new Powerhouse Restaurant that will soon open on campus.
The story showed SFT eating gumbo, and he talked about how much he loves gumbo. The story also showed a big banner with the new Powerhouse Restaurant logo on it.
I particularly liked onionhead's attempt at humor.... "I might have to try them 3 or four more times to see which one I'll choose." As usual, his joke went flat....the man's as funny as a carcinoma.
quote: Originally posted by: lagassiboy "WDAM news just featured a story about a 5 recipe gumbo cookoff that occurred in the Hub today. Students, faculty and staff were invited to sample five different recipes, with the winner being chosen as the featured gumbo recipe in the new Powerhouse Restaurant that will soon open on campus."
There were some really interesting "intellectual property" issues in the gumbo contest, and I'm surprised that there were as many as five entries. The repetitive "call for entries" posted on the faculty LISTSERV said that any entry "would become the property of the University" with NO financial reimbursement to the entrant, other than the recognition.
What a deal here . . . let's see, I have a "wurl-class" gumbo recipe from my Cajun relatives, that's going to bring business into the "Powerhouse Restaurant" and I'm going to GIVE it away? What an interesting "business model" at work here.
Hmm, there are twelve recipes for gumbo in "Talk About Good" the best Cajun cookbook there is (published by the Junior League of Lafayette LA) -- why would you need to go to all this trouble?
There's even goose gumbo. Might be a good recipe to keep handy.