Dr. Thames has had Lisa Mader compiling an exhaustive report detailing all the monies that have been saved and/or reallocated to education since his ascendance to presidency. These include things like the restructuring (that saved $1.8 million), program consolidations (like the new School of Computing that will save $30,000), increasing Mardis Gras Break and creating Fall Break (saving well over $10,000), outsourcing bookstore, meal services, etc. (saving in the millions), and other efforts.
The report is nearing completion (this week some time) and will contain over $10 million in savings and reallocations. The local business support group is anxious to get their hands on it. There is supposed to be an appendix by Gregg Lassen refuting the hastily done "Gunther Report" on the restructuring savings.
All of this, from the originator of MaderMath? No wonder she was cutting back her time talking to the press...
If Lassen does undertake to refute the Gunther report, so much the better. A direct confrontation between Lassen and the USM Faculty Senate is overdue.
Robert Campbell
PS. Do you really think the Gunther report was compiled as "hastily" as the original claim of $1.8 million saved from the reorganization?
quote: Originally posted by: Thames Watcher "Dr. Thames has had Lisa Mader compiling an exhaustive report detailing all the monies that have been saved and/or reallocated to education since his ascendance to presidency. These include things like the restructuring (that saved $1.8 million), program consolidations (like the new School of Computing that will save $30,000), increasing Mardis Gras Break and creating Fall Break (saving well over $10,000), outsourcing bookstore, meal services, etc. (saving in the millions), and other efforts. The report is nearing completion (this week some time) and will contain over $10 million in savings and reallocations. The local business support group is anxious to get their hands on it. There is supposed to be an appendix by Gregg Lassen refuting the hastily done "Gunther Report" on the restructuring savings. "
Assuming the total university budget has not declined in the last two years, no money has been "saved." It has merely been moved around.
Hanging giant banners on buildings is not saving money.
Hiring big bucks administrators for positions that did not exist is not saving money.
Buying large mall stores is not saving money.
Running off senior scholars may be saving money, but that is not something good university administrators are proud of.
A SACS 'n Save method of money management? Indeed!
quote: Originally posted by: SACS 'n Save "If the president's primary mission were to save money, that could be accomplished by closing the university. Is that what the IHL Board wantsw?
See if you can figure out this acronym: FCCC.
I think that's at least the model that some on the IHL Board would like to see: non-rank/non-tenure system, open admissions, etc.