I just got an email from a friend of a friend. It turns out someone left an evelope on a student's door. The envelope was unsigned of course. In the evelope were some copies of some posts from this board and from some bloggers elsewhere on the net. Word has it that this student has been contacted by an attorney who was working on behalf of two other people who wanted to sue the bloggers. Looks like you folks and the bloggers might have pissed off the wrong people this time.
Please pardon my ignorance, but I keep seeing "FUD" on here, and I don't know what the term means. I can see it is pejorative from the context, but I'm curious as to the exact meaning.
quote: Originally posted by: Reporter "This is the typical troll post pointing to FUD. No evidence is provided for a rumor of a rumor by a friend of a friend. Yawn "
Indeed. And the envelope under the door's already been done. BOR-ing!
quote: Originally posted by: What is FUD? "Please pardon my ignorance, but I keep seeing "FUD" on here, and I don't know what the term means. I can see it is pejorative from the context, but I'm curious as to the exact meaning."
quote: Originally posted by: Emma "Class action works BOTH WAYS"
Indeed, were I in Lee Gore's place (or the IHL board), I'd be concerning myself with the pending class action suit that may well be brought on behalf of students who have suffered the diminished value of their degrees under the present administration. Should SACS go against us totally (which I think is unlikely), the class action suit will be filed post haste!
little albert; anybody can sue someone but will waste their money if the person that they sue for slander can prove what they say is true. I haven't said anything that I can't prove - in fact, I know a whole lot of things that I haven't said. Might be fun to air them in court.
There is a lawsuit that's about to out a lot of people. Always interesting when you hear the Thames' duo spin on it. The spin consistently remains nothing but a lie. Facts say way different. Thank goodness sweet Melissa found a new life but isn't willing to abandon a lawsuit that will benefit many.
Where's the class?--You have to have a group of aggrieved plaintiffs before you can petition the court for class action status. You don't know you a## from a hole in the ground.
We've been down this road before. There is no way to file a class action suit in the benighted state of Mississippi, despite attempts to get the Miss. Supreme Court to change the rules. Mississippi remains the only state in the Union to deny citizens legal remedy through class action.
I truly don't know the answer to this, but I'm wondering whether a class action suit could be filed in federal court? And, if so, would a suit brought by students or former students have legal standing in such a court, given that the university does business across state lines (interstate commerce act?), is a recipient of federal funding, and a distributor of federal student financial aid?
Some days I'm wondering if the US Attorney shouldn't start a RICO investigation around this place, too. I"m not sure if you can do racketeering with monopoly money is my only real concern on the criminal front.
in each case someone has to show he or she has been adversely impacted. in terms of SACS we're still accredited. #1 sounds like a student saying "i thought USM would have a better football team when i decided to come." folks ought to also take a good look at the court docket in Forrest County--some actions against USM will be at least 7 years old before they see the light of a trial.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "folks ought to also take a good look at the court docket in Forrest County--some actions against USM will be at least 7 years old before they see the light of a trial. "
I think this is a very important consideration. When a suit involves on party with limited resources & another party with essentially unlimited resources, the latter party is usually going to get the better deal. It's a game of attrition.
Anyone who thinks that a lawsuit will have an immediate effect on the situation at USM needs to think again. A suit filed today against SFT or the university would eventually be played out as a suit against a very old man or the university where he once was employed...
quote: Originally posted by: Little Albert "I just got an email from a friend of a friend. It turns out someone left an evelope on a student's door. The envelope was unsigned of course. In the evelope were some copies of some posts from this board and from some bloggers elsewhere on the net. Word has it that this student has been contacted by an attorney who was working on behalf of two other people who wanted to sue the bloggers. Looks like you folks and the bloggers might have pissed off the wrong people this time. Repeat after me...... CLASS ACTION"
I think I know who Little Albert is, for this false email, rumor message mirrors a very similar recent threat by none other than Patrick Fagan, the letter-to-the-editor writing, faculty-hating, former political science graduate student who thinks that USM should ignore US News & World Report rankings. He recently sent a letter to the AAUP demanding that any reference to his website be removed from this board. He didn't like seeing his words of wisdom pasted on this board with no financial compensation or permissions. Hell, he should feel lucky that someone finally looked at his site.
Fagan should know that 1) you can only sue for damages: what would the damages be? 2) It aint free to sue; who is going to pay the legal fees to sue anonymous posters who have done nothing worthy of claiming damages? 3) No one will fall for this idiotic self aggrandizing fear mongering fundamentally pathetic attempt to what? cause "fear." The only fear Fagan should have is that his cover is blown
oh I forgot #4) Didnt the state just make class action suits illegal? So now only federal cases can go to class action status. Zeej what an alleged dweep this alleged fool is
quote: Originally posted by: Black Cat "I think I know who Little Albert is, for this false email, rumor message mirrors a very similar recent threat by none other than Patrick Fagan, the letter-to-the-editor writing, faculty-hating, former political science graduate student who thinks that USM should ignore US News & World Report rankings. He recently sent a letter to the AAUP demanding that any reference to his website be removed from this board. He didn't like seeing his words of wisdom pasted on this board with no financial compensation or permissions. Hell, he should feel lucky that someone finally looked at his site."