Our clocks have been moved forward one hour. The big hand is on the 12, the little hand is on the 1, and the time has come to confer the April 3 Citation de la Semaine Awards. This week's winning statements, one from English and one from History, are brief and to the point:
RUNNER UP: Ellen Weinauer - "When I arrived at USM in 1994, I was so happy to come in the office - - so much energy, so much intelligence. Now, I trudge in to echoing hallways -- a manifestation not only of the concrete losses, but also of the problems in morale that has sent many people home to do their work without the static of institutional misery."
THE WINNER: xyz affair - "What's happening at USM is really an act of vandalism on a public resource."
On behalf of the entire Mr. Wonderful organization, congratulations to Ellen Weinauer and xyz affair for saying it so well.
The selection committee reminded me to point out to new viewers that xyz's post is only a metaphor.
quote: Originally posted by: Monique de Guerre "Yes, mon ami, but we did not order an omelette, and the eggs they are breaking are people's hearts and lives."
Aucun mot plus vrai n'a été jamais parlé.
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RE: Mr. Wonderful's Citation de la Semaine: April 3
quote: Originally posted by: T. Johnny Honeysuckle "I sure wish we'd had bablefish back in the day of Madame Eikelboom's French class. I might be parlaying that Francais today."
Eikelboom's French class? Eikeboom taught German. You were in the wrong class. No wonder you don't speak French.
RE: RE: Mr. Wonderful's Citation de la Semaine: April
quote: Originally posted by: Monique de Guerre "Yes, mon ami, but we did not order an omelette, and the eggs they are breaking are people's hearts and lives."
quote: Originally posted by: Credbility Gap " Unfortunately, the IHL has made the bed that we have to sleep in."
USM never had satin sheets to sleep on, but neither did it have to sleep in this bed filled with cracker crumbs while the plantation managers sleep in their mansions on the hill. Very uncomfortable. Keeps me awake at nights.
quote: Originally posted by: Jeanie P. "USM never had satin sheets to sleep on, but neither did it have to sleep in this bed filled with cracker crumbs while the plantation managers sleep in their mansions on the hill. Very uncomfortable. Keeps me awake at nights.
The bed crumbs are bad, but having to listen to these bedtime fables is even worse!