Has anyone heard who the speaker will be for this spring's ceremonies? Let us hope we are not subjected to the jackass-braying of Governor Boober or Homophobe Hewes or their ilk. I believe this was brought up in the PUC last fall and the selection was given over to SGA, but that may have been more of an advisory role.
Given the date, maybe Freddy Krueger would be a good choice.
quote: Originally posted by: Friday the 13th "Has anyone heard who the speaker will be for this spring's ceremonies? Let us hope we are not subjected to the jackass-braying of Governor Boober or Homophobe Hewes or their ilk. I believe this was brought up in the PUC last fall and the selection was given over to SGA, but that may have been more of an advisory role. Given the date, maybe Freddy Krueger would be a good choice. "
As you all know, I have been asked to deliver the Summer commencement address at the new USM-D'LO campus, and I've almost finished writing my speech. It is very positive and forward-looking. Dr. Thames and Ms. Mader were delighted with the draft I submitted to them. Dr. Thames even described it as visionary and inspiring. There has been some mention of shifting my speech over to the Hattiesburg Spring commencement, and I have told Dr. Thames I'd be honored to serve. I only mention this now so that no one will be surprised to see me up there at the podium next month. I hope to see all of you there, or in D'LO, or at both ceremonies.
Yours truly,
W.J. Johnson, Clinical Professor of Business and Economic Development
quote: Originally posted by: W.J. Johnson " As you all know, I have been asked to deliver the Summer commencement address at the new USM-D'LO campus, and I've almost finished writing my speech. It is very positive and forward-looking. Dr. Thames and Ms. Mader were delighted with the draft I submitted to them. Dr. Thames even described it as visionary and inspiring. There has been some mention of shifting my speech over to the Hattiesburg Spring commencement, and I have told Dr. Thames I'd be honored to serve. I only mention this now so that no one will be surprised to see me up there at the podium next month. I hope to see all of you there, or in D'LO, or at both ceremonies. Yours truly, W.J. Johnson, Clinical Professor of Business and Economic Development"
Professor Johnson,
Dr. Thames has been trying to reach you all week. He'd just about given up when his secretary spotted the message you posted on the professors board. Are you in Hattiesburg or D'LO? If you're here, Dr. Thames would like to speak with you about your commencement address, specifically the references you make to his great leadership. There are a few new accomplishments and anecdotes about his human side that he'd like you to incorporate into the speech. Please call his office at your earliest convenience, or better yet, come by the house for the covered dish dinner tonight.
W. Cain, Clinical Professor of Economic Development and Counselor to the President
quote: Originally posted by: W. Cain " Professor Johnson, Dr. Thames has been trying to reach you all week. He'd just about given up when his secretary spotted the message you posted on the professors board. Are you in Hattiesburg or D'LO? If you're here, Dr. Thames would like to speak with you about your commencement address, specifically the references you make to his great leadership. There are a few new accomplishments and anecdotes about his human side that he'd like you to incorporate into the speech. Please call his office at your earliest convenience, or better yet, come by the house for the covered dish dinner tonight. Sincerely, W. Cain, Clinical Professor of Economic Development and Counselor to the President"
Hey Walt,
You don't mind if I call you Walt, do you? I'm up here at D'LO right now. I posted that message from a new gadget I just recently picked up called a Blackberry. It hooks right on my waist and I can use it as a cell phone or an e-mail sender. It's an amazing thing. Anyway, I have to teach a graduate class this afternoon at 3, and then I have a couple of conferences scheduled for my doctoral students. Afterwards I'll plan on heading down your way. I'll go straight on over to Shelby's house. We can talk about my speech after I get a couple of shots under my belt. I'll tell you what, this has been one helluva long day. By the way, you didn't mention it, but I'm assuming it's okay for me to bring the little woman along? I didn't ask what kind of get together it was, but since you mentioned covered dishes I expect it won't be one of Shelby's special gentleman's parties. I'll see you there little buddy.
quote: Originally posted by: Friday the 13th "Has anyone heard who the speaker will be for this spring's ceremonies? Let us hope we are not subjected to the jackass-braying of Governor Boober or Homophobe Hewes or their ilk. I believe this was brought up in the PUC last fall and the selection was given over to SGA, but that may have been more of an advisory role. Given the date, maybe Freddy Krueger would be a good choice. "
quote: Originally posted by: Pomp and Circumstance "The following link contains the name of the commencement speaker. See if you can figure out who it is. http://www.kinkyfriedman.com/people.htm"
After reading the link I'd say it has to be President George W. Bush or Ronald McDonald. I'll take a wild guess: Ronald McDonald.