After recovering from this morning's unpleasantness I am once again ready to leap into the fray. I was so grateful to Miss Angleterre for dealing with the threatening miscreant. I am sure the poster was not one of our own very gentlemanly and very scholarly business professors, but surely some imposter hoping to incite trouble. Nevertheless, as Miss Angleterre has told you, I shall henceforth avoid their extremely -- heartfelt, shall we say -- discussions. We took a spin in the country today, accompanied by family members who were most shocked at the loss of the de Guerre chauffeur. As I explained last night, he has completed his doctorate under the efficient tutelage of M. Malone. A family member was quite surprised at the speed at which Jean-Claude had completed the program. However, I explained that under the new regime at USM, such amazing progress will become the everyday experience. Soon our fair city will be brimming over with PhDs and one will need at least the Master's degree in order to serve those pommes frites at McDonalds. I have pondered enrolling Dervish in one of these programs, as he is most well-trained and much more intelligent than --- no, I think I shall not complete this thought. However, the loss of Jean-Claude is beginning to be felt. Before he came into my employ, he was actually named Jimmy Claude Ray Something or Other, I am so terrible with the American names, but I persuaded him that the new name was more chic and more pleasing to my ear. Please do not begin to think wickedly -- Jean-Claude is most happily married and the Pappa of many little children who all live in Wiggins (is that a real place?) But now that he is a professor of sleight-of-hand economic development and tax avoidance, I fear for the 'Vette's well-being. I shall begin taking applications for a replacement tout suite; perhaps there is a disgruntled accounting professor with the superior automotive skills? And a good evening to you all, mes amis. Do not forget, C'EST LA GUERRE (and NO QUARTER)
PS and thank you for the most flattering photograph of moi in the original Resistance -- one almost remembers those days!
Thank you, Spell Checker. Mlle de Guerre does type rather rapidly and fails to proofread herself. Unfortunately, I am not a great deal of help in proofreading her French. I should also add that she has lived in the American South for many years, and her own French can be a tad sloppy. And we will not mention the consumption of champagne in the evening!
By the way, it's "Mademoiselle" (Mlle.) not "Madame" -- I believe that she has in fact been married, but she does not speak of it, and she prefers to use the family name of "de Guerre" particularly when we are in such a "war-like" situation at her beloved university.
Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated.
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre