It's amazing to me the contradictions that exist on this board. For example (paraphrased):
"Students should be willing to work harder at their schoolwork. They shouldn't just expect to 'get their tickets punched.'" AND "We have got to start using 'kick' in the poster name when we kick posts." I guess it's too much trouble to look at a kicked post and possibly rethink the post.
"We can't keep playing by SFT's rules and expect to win." AND "If you don't follow our rules of logic when posting an argument, then we're going to ridicule your thought." Perhaps some posters have lived a long time making persuasive arguments that do not follow you selected form. Does thatmake them any less persuasive to Mr. and Mrs. Mississippi, most of whom do not have a logic course on their resume?
Just thought I'd take a moment to point out that many of the things trolls and SFT are being accused of take place in the microcosm of this board. They're just not a problem because they're perpetrated by "friendlies."