The new payscale is out for summer and minisession. The assistant folks will receive a $21 per hour raise for the summer while minisession pay will be cut from $4500 to $3200. Summer raises for associate and full professors are just as modest. The associates lost a nice chunk of change for minisession while full professors will only receive a $300 cut.
Our pay is below average for the Southeastern US. We rarely receive raises. Small percentage raises for the junior folks result in only a miniscule salary increase in terms of take-home pay. Summer pay is rotten and results in junior faculty having to teach three courses just to make ends meet, which in turn hinders productivity during the summer (e.g., writing manuscripts, preparing grant applications).
Minisession pay was the one bone thrown at us that made our rotten summer pay more palatable. Now, administration has seen fit to cut off an awfully big chunk of that bone (i.e., >25% for assistant professors).
Does anyone else find this huge minisession paycut for the assistant and associate professors unreasonable?
I find this to be an attempt to move toward academic integrity. Waving "big bucks" in front of underpaid faculty to offer one and two week courses encouraged people to offer courses which may have been ill-suited to such a time frame. It also may have hurt summer enrollment which is where most faculty supplement their income.
I have been teaching minisession since my first year at USM. The May minisession is critical for me as I cannot survive the summer without that extra pay. An assistant professor who teaches 3 courses during the summer takes home about 2,600 per month. I cannot survive on $2,600 per month.
I haven't studied the data intently, but I can't imagine that the few minisession courses taught with enrollment somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 to 20 makes a huge dent in summer enrollment. I could be wrong, but I just don't think minisession courses are greatly affecting summer enrollment.
I would like to add that I offer a rigourous minisession course and I'm confident that the majority of faculty in my department do the same.
I'm a little disheartened that senior faculty have not come to support junior faculty on this issue. My guess is that senior faculty are not very interested b/c the assistant folks are receiving the biggest cut and many senior faculty do not teach minisession courses anyway. Also, senior faculty pay for the summer is quite a bit more than that of the assistant folks.
For those of you who have been around USM for some time, has there ever been an instance where administration cut pay? Is it okay to tolerate such a move? My feeling is that any paycut is intolerable given our below average regular pay and horrid summer pay.
A very important component of this discussion is summer pay in general. The majority of universities with characteristics similar to USM's pay a % of the 9 month salary. For a very few, this would be less than the current summer stipend, but for a great many it would be an increase. Those of you with grants likely create budgets in which you factor in summer work at 28% of the regular pay.
Frankly, I don't understand the idea that a faculty member is worth less in the summer than during the regular session, especially given that we are teaching in 10 weeks what is normally done in 15 weeks.
A little university history might be helpful in understanding how things got to where they are now. USM has never had as much money as State or Ole Miss to do everything we would like or even need to do. It has always been a zero sum game internally. During the Lucas administration, nine-month faculty salaries were a very high priority. In many years USM had the highest faculty salaries in the state. At the same time, summer term was seen as a major source of needed income for the university. Every effort was made to grow summer programs and enrollment to augment the university budget, and the USM summer enrollment was the largest in the state. Summer term salaries were very low compared to other universities in general and State and Ole Miss in particular, and there was an understanding that summers were an opportunity for some faculty members to participate in overseas programs or to work on personal research. That was only possible if nine-month salaries were adequate, and summer school revenue would be available to support those salaries.
Over time, summer term has come to be seen as free standing. Revenues would cover expenses for the term including salaries. Believe it or not, summer salaries are much higher than under the old approach in a relative sense, and nine month salaries are much lower relative to State and Ole Miss. It is my understanding that summer enrollment is no longer the largest in the state. I can see how faculty members who find their nine-month salaries inadequate have become dependent on summer or minisession salaries to cover their needs. Whether the university has drifted into the present situation or it reflects policy decisions would be worthy of discussion. I can say that the old approach to summer term and nine-month salaries seemed to work reasonably well, and it aided faculty growth and retention.