What is so funny is that I know Andrea but don't know who FireShelby is, and they have both worked on the same team during this huge crisis!
Big Kudos to both! Andrea is able to stand out there with her real name because she has gone, but FireShelby could not have done the same in his/her situation. Both deserve enormous thanks!
Needless the say, the FireShelby Board has Forever changed communication on campus. Never have we all been so well connected! When the hearing from G/S happened, those who could not tune in came to the FireShelby board for updates, and it was a great community endeavor!
I've got to give props to Fire Shelby...one of my first thoughts when this all broke last year was "well, if I was still there, I don't know if I would be able to speak out." You see, I was working in the bldg. named after SFT right before I left. And while I had wonderful support from then-chair Doug Wickes, I have no idea what would've happened had I actually been in the Polymer Palace when the crisis hit (I'm too much of a loud-mouth to be quiet for long, I'm afraid!). Fire Shelby took that risk, and for that, my hat is off to you, FS. It's easy for me to be "out" with my name because there's not much they can do to me from so far away, but it takes a lot of courage to do what Fire Shelby did from the "inside."
FS, thanks for all you did, and all that you continue to do...you're an inspiration! Hope to see you at the Message Board Coming Out Party (I'll be the one with the big margarita!).
I say this in all seriousness: Fire Shelby is one of the people I most admire, even though I have no idea who Fire Shelby is. We all owe that person a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE debt.