If a USM staff person spent university time ferreting out those quotations, then someone is quilty of pretty egregious misconduct. Which reminds me, wouldn't it behoove Ms. Lisa Mader, the UNIVERSITY spokesperson, to jump to the defense of our maligned friend, Dr. Lares? After all, Ms. Mader makes a lot more money than most faculty and keeping the TRUTH out there is or ought to be part of her job?
If Mr. Mixon is the "designated" spokesman for the group, he of all people owes JM a huge, huge apology. If I were her, I'd be on the phone with Kim Chaze talking about that slander suit mentioned earlier. But she probably won't.
quote: Originally posted by: Outside Observer "Seems to me this is worthy of a letter to the editor, or even a news story...the fact that the gnome lovers took a fragment of a sentence - plus out of context - to attack the aaup board. Their claims were an outright lie. "
I'll own up to making several "this is war" statements on my own. In fact, I've even said that in a faculty senate meeting.
I did not, however, mean we should all grab our AK's and go rush the Dome and not a single one of my Senate colleagues misunderstood what I was saying.
That a pitifully small set of citations from thousands of lines of dicourse on this board were wrenched out of context and cited in a public meeting to stir up anger is both pathetic and frightening. That such intimations were used to misrepresent the faculty, the AAUP and individual posters on this board even as the meeting was being characterized as not beong anti-faculty is yet another example of how Thames' allies will twist the truth to gain their objective.
And I agree with other posters that Jameela Lares is absolutely above reproach -- one of the very few people I know of whom I am absolutely confident that an appeal to, or use of, violence would be unthinkable.
I'm surprised and a bit miffed that I wasn't cited at the meeting. After all, my nom de net means "of war." Surely the local business community should be afraid, be very afraid: I might have to curtail my champagne purchases DRASTICALLY, and rethink the new Crown Vic.
(Now that's the sort of silliness we fall into on this board -- it just keeps our energy up. We can't let Shelby have all the fun, now can we?)
Good grief! I had no idea I would stir up this much interest. Thank all of you who responded. My inquiry was in response to comments in the HA yesterday. I did not know what was handed out at the meeting; I was not there. As soon as I saw the number of posts, I saw it would be a major task to look through all of them. At the baseball game last night I spoke to a friend whom I had seen on WDAM in the pictures of some of those present at the meeting. I asked him about references to threats of violence. He had no idea from what person or source the HA obtained such information. He mentioned no handouts. Again, maintaing a neutral position, I thought Bob Mixon's statements on TV and quotes in the HA were reasoned and appropriate, encouraging reasonable dialog and a calm, rational resolution of differences. I was also pleased to see the letter to the editor from one of my mentors, Dr. Terry Harper, this morning, also calling for an end to the strife. Lest there be any misconception, yes, I am an ardent athletic supporter. I hold the record for consecutive attendance at football games, home and away. You can read about it in THE DRAWL. I have served long and hard in several athletic support groups, but I have also served long and hard in non-athletic support groups and continue to do so. I have a liberal arts education, with a double major in History and German from Southern Miss and an MA in History from another institution. Thank you for allowing me to participate in your discussions.
We have never met, but I know of your reputation as a long time supporter of USM. You are due our thanks. Welcome to the board. We hope, no, we encourage you to come back often.
I am not on the faculty. I am a card carrying alum of more than 25 years. As a local business person, I have received a copy of the handout that Mr. Mixon delivered to the attendees. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to retype all that he said, nor have I the time to dig through the old threads to link up to the quotes. But I will provide the thread names so that others might find them.
One of hot link's many surrogates may even provide a direct link to the original threads: "Shelby ain't worried" (an exchange between Cossack and Tiger by the Tail in which the Bufford Pusser allusion was included.); "You will be tracked down" (included a post by someone who was pretending to be SFT ordering faculty to stop posting on this board); "Why Faculty Will Fail in the War Against Thames" (thread begun January 21 by poster known as G. Washington's Strategic Advisor including a strong "this is a war" theme).
I read the original posts when posted, and it never occurred to me that any were intended to incite actual violence. They were all clearly intended as metaphor or attempts at humor, a coping technique that is often used on this board. Having read the passages provided at the meeting last Thursday, I think the hyperbole/satire/sarcasm was obvious even in those redacted passages.
Again, the interest of all supporters of USM is genuinely appreciated.
quote: Originally posted by: ram ".. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to retype all that he said, nor have I the time to dig through the old threads to link up to the quotes. But I will provide the thread names so that others might find them. One of hot link's many surrogates may even provide a direct link to the original threads: "Shelby ain't worried" (an exchange between Cossack and Tiger by the Tail in which the Bufford Pusser allusion was included.); "You will be tracked down" (included a post by someone who was pretending to be SFT ordering faculty to stop posting on this board); "Why Faculty Will Fail in the War Against Thames" (thread begun January 21 by poster known as G. Washington's Strategic Advisor including a strong "this is a war" theme). ..."
A little research during spring break produced these threats of violence:
Page 5: Thread:You will be tracked down
Poster: Patti
Up your nose with a rubber hose SFT. Just try and terminate me. I don't work for you.
Poster: Monique de Guerre
oooh! I do so love to be followed by wealthy gentlemen! Just don't get too close or I'll have to smack you on your little nose.
Let's see, Corner Market, church, library, post office, dentist, home, champagne purveyor, jewelry store (to have the diamonds reset), hairdresser --- yes, following me around should be very, very exciting.
Page 7 Thread:Shelby ain't worried
Poster: Tiger by the Tail
The only problem is that we have to wait on SACS to get down here, and by the time that happens, the whole university may be "in the grave." What are the ramifications of faculty directly contacting SACS and/or discipline-specific accrediting bodies and asking for an immediate investigation? Would that even catch anyone's ear?
When dealing with a corrupt local sheriff, one might want to contact the FBI. Since our local "sheriffs" are on the side of SFT, might that be our only hope of a resolution in the near future? Or, should we just make like Buford Pusser and get a big stick and beat the crap out of all of our corrupt enemies?
Page 26: Thread :Why Faculty Will WIN the War Against Thames
Poster: We shall overcome...but
will any of us who love USM be here in person to enjoy the vistory? WE will win the war, its these *!@% battles that are killing us! Tell us more, give us a shard of hope! Some of us are sending out vitae and really do want to stay here, every day our resolve gets weaker and our spirits lower. Details, please.
Here is the link to the thread where the "Buford" quote came from. It is about half way down between Tiger by the Tail and Cossack. Also note that the quote attributed to JL (about violence being effective) is on here too but it was Cossack.
NB, I actually worked with a lady whose disabled husband had her followed. I sort of appropriated her response --- "if he wants to pay somebody to follow me from work to the nursing home to see my mother, and then to the grocery store and then home, I'm sure they'll have a lot of fun."
Here is the link to the "this is war" quote. It is not from Angeline. It is the first post at the top from G Washington's strategic advisor. Geez- they can't even get who said what right.
quote: Originally posted by: Tiger "http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=24082&subForumID=36767&commentID=1906484&action=viewTopic&commentPage=1&topicPage=90 Here is the link to the "this is war" quote. It is not from Angeline. It is the first post at the top from G Washington's strategic advisor. Geez- they can't even get who said what right. "
Thanks,Tiger. Note that the link takes you to page 2 of the thread. Readers need to go to the bottom of the page to get to page 1.
quote: Originally posted by: Tiger "http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=24082&subForumID=36767&commentID=1906484&action=viewTopic&commentPage=1&topicPage=90 Here is the link to the "this is war" quote. It is not from Angeline. It is the first post at the top from G Washington's strategic advisor. Geez- they can't even get who said what right. "
Monty gets very violent on page 1 of this link.
Manty says, "Even Nazi Germany had White Rose and other underground movements.
Take a note from Churchill: We'll fight in the hills, on the beaches, in towns and cities and hamlets, we'll fight him in the air and on the high seas, we'll fight him wherever he is.....
Otherwise, I suggest we all hang white bedsheets out of office windows and get on with a more peaceful and orderly occupation."
quote: Originally posted by: Lamar Reynolds "Good grief! I had no idea I would stir up this much interest. Thank all of you who responded. My inquiry was in response to comments in the HA yesterday. I did not know what was handed out at the meeting; I was not there. As soon as I saw the number of posts, I saw it would be a major task to look through all of them. At the baseball game last night I spoke to a friend whom I had seen on WDAM in the pictures of some of those present at the meeting. I asked him about references to threats of violence. He had no idea from what person or source the HA obtained such information. He mentioned no handouts. Again, maintaing a neutral position, I thought Bob Mixon's statements on TV and quotes in the HA were reasoned and appropriate, encouraging reasonable dialog and a calm, rational resolution of differences. I was also pleased to see the letter to the editor from one of my mentors, Dr. Terry Harper, this morning, also calling for an end to the strife. Lest there be any misconception, yes, I am an ardent athletic supporter. I hold the record for consecutive attendance at football games, home and away. You can read about it in THE DRAWL. I have served long and hard in several athletic support groups, but I have also served long and hard in non-athletic support groups and continue to do so. I have a liberal arts education, with a double major in History and German from Southern Miss and an MA in History from another institution. Thank you for allowing me to participate in your discussions. "
Mr. Reynolds,
As I look through the handout that was passed out to all in attendance (that includes me), I can tell you that statements were made referencing the issue of violence. Furthermore, to stir the waters even more, copies of passages from the message board were provided (circled and with asterisks) to support their contention. Additionally, I must state, rather emphatically, that the tone of the meeting as presented by the organizers behind the closed doors was certainly not the message that was delivered by Mr. Mixon when he was on camera. Reasoned and appropriate would hardly characterize the tone of the meeting as presented by the organizers! Thank you for your questions. If you provide me with your mailing address, I will gladly put a copy of the handout in the mail pronto!!!
quote: Originally posted by: FSWWT " Mr. Reynolds, As I look through the handout that was passed out to all in attendance (that includes me), I can tell you that statements were made referencing the issue of violence. Furthermore, to stir the waters even more, copies of passages from the message board were provided (circled and with asterisks) to support their contention. Additionally, I must state, rather emphatically, that the tone of the meeting as presented by the organizers behind the closed doors was certainly not the message that was delivered by Mr. Mixon when he was on camera. Reasoned and appropriate would hardly characterize the tone of the meeting as presented by the organizers! Thank you for your questions. If you provide me with your mailing address, I will gladly put a copy of the handout in the mail pronto!!!"
The more we learn about what occured inside the meeting the more it seems that the purpose of the meeting and its content has been mischaracterized all along. Would that be a fair statement FSWWT?
There are numerous reasons why this is of interest. But one big one for me goes back to the link between those who organized the meeting and the administration -- particularly Lisa Mader's Office.
It is one thing to supply information to anyone who asks -- it is another to stimulate activity on behalf of a cause -- particularly if that cause was indeed "faculty bashing."
Is there anyone on the Board who has any inside knowlege about how closely the cooperation between the organizers and Mader's office actually was?
quote: Originally posted by: FSWWT " ... Furthermore, to stir the waters even more, copies of passages from the message board were provided (circled and with asterisks) to support their contention. ..."
I am sure we would all be interested in seeing this handout. So far the three quotes posted on this thread from the handout were all attributed to the wrong people - one of which uses her real name (JL). I wonder who else is on this list as saying things they really didn't.
I am not sure who first made the erroneous attribution to Jameela Lares of the "offensive" remark. Maybe it was at the meeting or maybe it was on this board in response to reports of the meeting. I just don't know.
I am looking at a copy of the paper that I understand to have been handed out Thursday night. I hope FSWWT can verify. The thread "Shelby ain't worried" is reproduced in part on the hand out. A post by Cossack begins on the bottom of one page only with the name and caption. The actual body of the very short post (in response to Tiger By The Tale) is printed at the top of the following page. Jameela Lares's longer post (about complaint procedures) follows the short "offensive" post. To someone not familiar with the format of this board (partiularly reproduced in hard copy) it might appear that she was the author.
Originally posted by: Lamar Reynolds At the baseball game last night I spoke to a friend whom I had seen on WDAM in the pictures of some of those present at the meeting. I asked him about references to threats of violence. He had no idea from what person or source the HA obtained such information. He mentioned no handouts.
As stated by FSWWT under tonight's meeting
“…those organizing the meeting that happened tonight have been threatened with bodily harm and boycotting; one participant proclaimed to have a pistol under the seat of his car and stated, "I'm not afraid of some faculty member."”
I will gladly post my copy of the handout Monday.
I do not know the name of the participant who boasted about his gun under his seat. However I did hear the remark and his quote included the caliber of the pistol he kept under his seat. At this point the room started numerous side conversations on their own.
I mention this to explain the atmosphere created by the organizers of the meeting. The participant was pumped up after the numerous remarks made about the threats made by faculty.
quote: Originally posted by: Lamar Reynolds "The HA refers to threats of violence on the AAUP Web Site. Can someone please direct me to the post(s) to which they refer? "
This website is nothing more than a source of entertainment. Very few people here take responsibility for anything they say. There is fabrication, half-truths, and screeds all over this site.
Then again, I could also be talking about the Hattiesburg American, couldn't I? Don't even get me started on the rag calling itself independent.
You've been asked repeatedly. You still haven't provided a positive defense of your man, Shelby Thames.
I won't answer on the threads you and your buddy CoolD keep putting up. But, you knonw, it doesn't matter, because those old pro-Thames letters won't help your cause any.
It isn't just because they are all blind appeals to authority.
It's because they were all written before SACS put USM on probation.
I doubt any of the letter writers knew what SACS was, how Thames' recklessness could be getting USM in trouble with SACS, or what the consequences of such trouble would be.
Then again, maybe you still don't know, and that's why you think reposting those letters accomplishes anything.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "Albert, You've been asked repeatedly. You still haven't provided a positive defense of your man, Shelby Thames. I won't answer on the threads you and your buddy CoolD keep putting up. But, you knonw, it doesn't matter, because those old pro-Thames letters won't help your cause any. It isn't just because they are all blind appeals to authority. It's because they were all written before SACS put USM on probation. I doubt any of the letter writers knew what SACS was, how Thames' recklessness could be getting USM in trouble with SACS, or what the consequences of such trouble would be. Then again, maybe you still don't know, and that's why you think reposting those letters accomplishes anything. Robert Campbell
I would bet that ALBERT and COOLD are the same person.......................
quote: Originally posted by: FSWWT " Mr. Reynolds, As I look through the handout that was passed out to all in attendance (that includes me), I can tell you that statements were made referencing the issue of violence. Furthermore, to stir the waters even more, copies of passages from the message board were provided (circled and with asterisks) to support their contention. Additionally, I must state, rather emphatically, that the tone of the meeting as presented by the organizers behind the closed doors was certainly not the message that was delivered by Mr. Mixon when he was on camera. Reasoned and appropriate would hardly characterize the tone of the meeting as presented by the organizers! Thank you for your questions. If you provide me with your mailing address, I will gladly put a copy of the handout in the mail pronto!!!"
Might I also request a copy, since I am named there as saying something I didn't say? Jameela Lares, Department of English, The University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive #5037, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001.
quote: Originally posted by: Jameela Lares " Might I also request a copy, since I am named there as saying something I didn't say? Jameela Lares, Department of English, The University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive #5037, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001. JL"
Correction--it appears that someone posting here may have misread the sheet. (That'll learn me not to post before I read all the contributions!) But I'd still like a copy. Thanks. JL
quote: Originally posted by: Jameela Lares " Might I also request a copy, since I am named there as saying something I didn't say? Jameela Lares, Department of English, The University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive #5037, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001. JL"
Jameela, please get a copy to a seantor so it can be posted on the Faculy Senate Listserv. The senate's representatives on the President's Council may also like to post it to their listserv.
Hmmm... Did Mr. Mixon get appropriate copyright clearance from AAUP-USM to use posts from this board?
The material presented to the "community bidness leaders" on Thursday night by Mr. Mixon was, first & foremost, selectively edited & presented out of context. Secondarily, it was used without permission of the board owner.
Attaching a name, rather than a board alias, to the "edited" material -- as was done with Dr. Lares -- may represent a criminal action intended to defame her. Anyone who was present at the Thursday night meeting would be well advised to think about that. Mr. Mixon wasn't simply about pumping up his good ole boy Shelby; he was also slamming a lady who simply stands up for what she believes is right, professionally & ethically.
quote: Originally posted by: ram "I am not sure who first made the erroneous attribution to Jameela Lares of the "offensive" remark. Maybe it was at the meeting or maybe it was on this board in response to reports of the meeting. I just don't know. I am looking at a copy of the paper that I understand to have been handed out Thursday night. I hope FSWWT can verify. The thread "Shelby ain't worried" is reproduced in part on the hand out. A post by Cossack begins on the bottom of one page only with the name and caption. The actual body of the very short post (in response to Tiger By The Tale) is printed at the top of the following page. Jameela Lares's longer post (about complaint procedures) follows the short "offensive" post. To someone not familiar with the format of this board (partiularly reproduced in hard copy) it might appear that she was the author."
Here are the posts that were included in the handout:
Posted by Are the Rabble Roused?
Since Lisa Mader invited the following "local business supporters of the university" to co-host the meeting at the Hattiesburg Coca-Cola Plant next week, isn't it time to recognize these people:
Hosts are Brad Brian Hattiesburg Coca-Cola Bobby Dews Dews Foundry Bonnie Drews Richard Drews Dentist Gwen James Coldwell Banker Don Nace Realty Richard Jones Hattiesburg Area Development Partnership Jan Lacy Copy Cats Printing Bob Mixon Courtesy Ford> Carl Nicholson Nicholson & Company, Accountants Doug Rouse Southern Bone & Joint Clinic Specialists Lawrence Warren Warren Paving
It seems logical that residents of the Hub City, who believe that recent events are good for the university and the local community, would choose to support these businesses.
Similarly, if you believe that recent events aren't conducive to the continuing "support of academic excellence," doesn't it seem that you should choose to let these businesses know of your disagreement with them, say by choosing not to use their products and services? (This one is circled and marked.)
After all, if a television program's advertisers can be "held accountable" for their support of broadcast programs, shouldn't this also hold true here?
It is prudent to continue to ask Malone and others to meet with the appropriate faculty representatives and respond to questions. I doubt it will result in any cooperation from Malone, but it maintains the pressure on SFT and minions to communicate with the faculty. It could also lead to some revelations that were not known. Who knows, Malone may solicit the Faculty Senate’s help in lynching Kevin Walters. I still think that the ultimate hammer that will smash SFT and shake up the Board is what SACS has in store. I posted earlier that SACS accreditation for USM is not going to happen in the near future. We are going to be the example that SACS can hold up to any other school that thinks that SACS is a paper tiger. Nor do I think that SACS will stop with USM. I am sure that SACS is aware that the IHL is a rouge Board. I do not think SACS will satisfied with only the removal of SFT. I think they will slap the IHL Board around enough to send a message. That is, take care of business and stop trying to create a university in their image that hacks off SACS. If that happens we will see other universities in the system become more interested in our problem. They will not want SACS looking more closely at them because of the Board.
Also...Posted by Tiger by the Tail
The only problem is that we have to wait on SACS to get down here, and by the time that happens, the whole university may be "in the grave." What are the ramifications of faculty directly contacting SACS and/or discipline-specific accrediting bodies and asking for an immediate investigation? Would that even catch anyone's ear?
When dealing with a corrupt local sheriff, one might want to contact the FBI. Since our local "sheriffs" are on the side of SFT, might that be our only hope of a resolution in the near future? Or, should we just make like Buford Pusser and get a big stick and beat the crap out of all of our corrupt enemies? (this paragraph was circled and marked)
Also...posted by Cossack
SACS is already here in some dimensions. Look how quickly it was communicated to the administration about the SACS view on starting new programs while on probation. The informal communication between the USM campus and SACS in Atlanta will continue. We have a SACS approved consultant on campus and leaks of information to SACS occur often. I agree it will not be quick, and that many more bad things can happen. But, I do think it will be through and SFT will go and the IHL Board will be chastised.
Also by Cossack
Tiger By The Tale, I forgot to respond to the other part of your post. I agree with you about smacking the crap out of some of them. Violence is a very effective tool and it can be very satisfying. Unfortunately, the old country axiom I used to hear in my youth, "they needed killing," is frowned upon by the law. Moreover, there likely are many at the university who would not wish to participate being sensitive to the rule of law and the rights of the accused as they are. (Passage circled/marked.)
Also by Lares
As noted on another thread, complaint procedures--and note, this is for individuals--should have been widely posted. I'm still checking out the "how" on this wide posting, but I don't remember ever hearing about how such complaints could be filed. But see http://www.sacscoc.org/pdf/complaintpolicy.pdf, which includes the language, "The Commission on Colleges recognizes the value of information provided by students, employees, and others in determining whether an institution's performance is consistent with the Commissions criteria for attaining or maintaining accreditation. The Commission's interest also is in insuring that member institutions maintain appropriate grievance procedures and standards of procedural fairness and that the procedures are applied appropriately and consistently."
Note that the Complaint cannot be filed anonymously and cannot concern local issues best dealt with in house but certainly can deal with issues that compromise SACS accreditation.
Again I ask, were we ever informed that we had the option to complain individually? Please let me know, as otherwise the administration's failure to widely publicize the existence of the Complaint will be part of the complaint I mean to file.
No quarter.
Also... by Athena
As far as I know, Faculty in college of health were not notified.