* It was strongly suggested that only a few faculty are "inciting" the masses. Myron was mentioned specifically as in, "That Myron Henry should have never been brought here!"
* Stated that the no confidence votes that have happened in the past were coerced; that is, for fear of reprisal, non-tenured faculty voted along with the masses (for those of you reading this, all votes were by secret ballot!!!)
* Those who get tenure, go on to be nonproductive faculty
* the Hattiesburg American is biased against Dr. Thames and can't be trusted to print articles or statements correctly; one suggested boycotting the American by cancelling subscriptions or not buying advertising space
* those organizing the meeting that happened tonight have been threatened with bodily harm and boycotting; one participant proclaimed to have a pistol under the seat of his car and stated, "I'm not afraid of some faculty member."
* If SFT leaves the University, it will not survive; who would want to come to a university in such turmoil
* all were urged to contact the IHL in support of SFT
* everyone was urged to visit the AAUP web site
* there was no mention of SACS probation, the fall from Tier 3 to Tier 4, the College of Business, Nursing, or any academic program for that matter. or the library
* Shelby knows how to talk and work the legislature and that helps the university
* teaching faculty are jealous of the Athletic Department.
"* If SFT leaves the University, it will not survive; who would want to come to a university in such turmoil"
If Shelby leaves, I suspect USM would enter a honeymoon period for the new president that would be nearly unprecedented in the annals of higher education. Faculty would be so grateful to have Shelby gone that they would probably bend over backwards to give the new person the benefit of the doubt. The easiest way to calm the waters at USM would be to toss Shelby overboard.
quote: Originally posted by: From one who has spent a life teaching " * It was strongly suggested that only a few faculty are "inciting" the masses. Myron was mentioned specifically as in, "That Myron Henry should have never been brought here!" * Stated that the no confidence votes that have happened in the past were coerced; that is, for fear of reprisal, non-tenured faculty voted along with the masses (for those of you reading this, all votes were by secret ballot!!!) * Those who get tenure, go on to be nonproductive faculty * the Hattiesburg American is biased against Dr. Thames and can't be trusted to print articles or statements correctly; one suggested boycotting the American by cancelling subscriptions or not buying advertising space * those organizing the meeting that happened tonight have been threatened with bodily harm and boycotting; one participant proclaimed to have a pistol under the seat of his car and stated, "I'm not afraid of some faculty member." * If SFT leaves the University, it will not survive; who would want to come to a university in such turmoil * all were urged to contact the IHL in support of SFT * everyone was urged to visit the AAUP web site * there was no mention of SACS probation, the fall from Tier 3 to Tier 4, the College of Business, Nursing, or any academic program for that matter. or the library * Shelby knows how to talk and work the legislature and that helps the university * teaching faculty are jealous of the Athletic Department. This is flat out scary. "
It is apparent that SFT has taken on a scorched earth policy. As he retreats all will be destroyed.
If you noticed the times on the posts, which may not have been "obvious" to you, you'll see that I was typing mine as the "tone" was being posted -- hence the apology post on the next page.
I said it in one of my posts earlier today. There is one exercise of power that will bring SFT and all his business cronies--most of whom earn incredible livings off the university and need the gnome in place--to their knees.
THE FACULTY SHOULD SIMPLY WALK OUT FOR A DAY OR "SICK OUT" FOR A DAY. I can tell you, darling, that will do it! Frankly, it's the only thing left those who love our university. Short of something dramatic demonstrating the real power of the faculty, we are doomed. I can guarantee you that students would follow the faculty's lead. Reprisals? They would be too frightened to even consider it.
I hope you won't think I'm being facetious in posing this question because I'm dead serious. In addition to the known Hattiesburg luminaries in attendance, did you see, hear of, or hear anyone mention in any context whatever, the mysterious W.J. Johnson?
I'm one who subscribes to the notion that he doesn't exist, but if he's real, and as he claims a former businessman, I'd think he'd have managed to be in attendance.
Also, I second the thanks already expressed by others for your superb reportage.
All over America, university presidents need to have such meetings to shore up their administrations. This sort of thing is done regularly in Oxford and in Starkville. Aubrey Lucas had to have meetings like this all the time. And somehow, Aubrey Lucas managed to hire hundreds of worthless malcontents, inept administrators, and hopeless staff members. Thank heavens Dr. Thames came along in time to save us!! God knows where we'd be without him! (Well, except not on probation, still in Tier 3, and with a nationally-known Dean of Nursing.) Except for that.
quote: Originally posted by: Advocate "If you noticed the times on the posts, which may not have been "obvious" to you, you'll see that I was typing mine as the "tone" was being posted -- hence the apology post on the next page. "
sorry, going too fast with the key board. too many posts coming too fast.
Poor Dana. I must say, in all honesty, my heart goes out to her. Her father and she go to work everyday with people who despise them. And it is not Dana's fault, even though she has benefited enormously from daddy's tenure as dictator. I have to say that Shelby is undaunted. He has no idea how much he is despised. He really believes he is an effective leader. Of course, he is, by any standard, a BIDness man.
quote: Originally posted by: Just an opinion " Is there any truth to the rumor that he has built and bunker and is now wearing a funny little moustache? "
Very observant. Looking from the outside at the department of Poly Sci (not the liberal Poli Sci), I see scorched earth. He has moved his cabal into a new mausoleum within the Polymer building and is casting aside those who don't agree with him. What will happen over there as the scorching increases, his research glory is based upon millions in government welfare that have yielded little credible science and a company that can barely afford to get by with student workers. He will strike out to make sure that no one is bigger in perceived Mississippi stature. I feel sorry for those who answered his call to come back to Mississippi.
As a business member in our local community I attended the meeting tonight. Numerous times during the meeting we were urged to visit this website and were furnished select copies from the site.
As I have taken time to read the different responses I have gained a new respect for the faculty at USM.
FSWWT was kind regarding the organizers and the tone of the “support USM” meeting.
To enter the parking lot several ladies were checking off names with three or four Warren Paving employees blocking the entrance until you were cleared.
Everything was very planned and rehearsed. The meeting began with the bashing of the Hattiesburg American and their biased coverage. This set the tone for the business community to know that anything negative regarding Shelby was biased and untrue. They began praising USM and the accomplishments. Very subtly they moved from USM’s accomplishments to Thames’ accomplishments. Not only did the accomplishments become his (Thames) accomplishments, but it was stated that the biased Hattiesburg American would never report such. In fact, it was stated that Shelby himself had to provide the information at an earlier meeting.
We were reminded of the economic boost the University provides to our community.
We were then told to anticipate more funding cuts for higher education for the entire State. This smoothly led into the numerous ways that the move to technology would help the deficit.
As each speaker presented to the audience, we were notified that the meeting was not “pro-Thames.”
However, if Shelby were to leave with the present conflict, one of the organizers was unsure the University would survive. Another reason to keep Shelby was because they (the organizers) are unsure a good replacement could be enticed to take the job given the current salary. Due to the conflict created by the faculty, the position would be considered risky, and coupled with the low salary, would attract someone of poor quality to lead the University.
I am not sure which I found more offensive;
The organizers’ assumption was that “the invited business leaders” were not bright enough to realize this was a pro-Thames meeting. As each one began their presentation, it began with “this is not a pro-Thames meeting.” The ending was always the same; I personally support Shelby and urge you to contact IHL and let them know you support Shelby and the changes he is making.
The implication that our local economy and personal businesses would suffer if Shelby left, because “they fear what the results would be.”
The implication that the faculty was entirely to blame for the conflict. No mention was made of the SAC problems, the situation with the College of Business, the embarrassment over the enrollment mistake, or the lack of support for academic programs.
Had they really wanted to support the University this would have been a meeting to discuss the positive and request support for the entire University not Thames.
Thank you for providing your insights on tonights meeting. I would recommend, if you have not already done so, reviewing some of the previous topics/postings on this board as well as the old FireShelby board (archived at the top of the opening page).
As I learn more and more about this "meeting", I become more thoroughly convinced that this thing was entirely politically motivated, organized by a very small, very select few amoung the entire Habttiesburg business community, for the express prupose of propping up Shelby Thames. Shelby has been a member of the "upper crust" of the community for a very, very long time now, and it seems obvious that he has decided to enlist the aid of his friends within that community in an effort to prevent himself from going down in flames.
The irony here is, the very fact that this meeting even took place may just be the final nail in SFT's coffin. On another thread on this board, it was pointed out in very specific language (to include quoting the specific SACS rules by chapter and verse) that SACS considers undue influence upon the president or the board of any school as a major violation, one that could easily result in USM having it's SACS accreditation yanked forthwith. The SACS people have already been made aware that this meeting was taking place tonight and I have no doubt that they will recieve full reports of what took place there. These reports will not only come from certain faculty members, but from members of the community at large, as well as others outside the community what are very interested in the goings on here.
Once again, thank you for your thoughts and opinions HBM.
"Numerous times during the meeting we were urged to visit this website and were furnished select copies from the site."
Can HBM, or anyone else, tell us what, specifically, from this site was furnished at the meeting? It would be instructive to know this for a number of reasons. Thanks, and thanks, HBM, for your report.
By the way, I can tell you for certain that SACS was informed of today's meeting.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer "The great thing about this list is that if it is as easy to refute as some of you are suggesting, then a point-by-point written refutation can be prepared and handed out to people in the community. In other words, Shelby and his supporters may just have handed us further ammunition to use against them. If this is really the best they can do, and if these points can be countered as easily as some of you have suggested, then Shelby may once again have turned an attempted PR ploy into a PR disaster. I hope that people will sit down and write a reasoned, factual refutation of the points on this list rather than confining their refutations simply to this board."
I am reminded of the day of the hearings when there was widespread recognition that Shelby Thames had....nothing!
An excellent post, reflecting the sort of insight I had hoped for from the business community. The faculty will, in the end, out-last the administration, as will the businesses. The sooner the transition is made, the sooner faculty and administration can again unite to drive USM to the sort of real prestige it should be getting.
The business community just helped the faculty make a strong point. If USM would fail should SFT depart USM, then SFT has not positioned USM for such a “fatal disaster”. The sign of a good president is someone who leads an organization into being self-sufficient, and who operates near silently behind the scenes. When a “good” president leaves, it should virtually go unnoticed. When you get rid of a “bad” president, it sets the tone for better things to come.
Give the business community some credit. Sounds like the meeting last night helped the faculty, not SFT.
quote: Originally posted by: donald "Poor Dana. I must say, in all honesty, my heart goes out to her. Her father and she go to work everyday with people who despise them. And it is not Dana's fault, even though she has benefited enormously from daddy's tenure as dictator. I have to say that Shelby is undaunted. He has no idea how much he is despised. He really believes he is an effective leader. Of course, he is, by any standard, a BIDness man."
Just as her father is running USM into the ground, she is doing the same to her own department. Besides that she is completely out of touch with reality, the students, planet earth....and she's a b****!
HBM's post restores my faith inthe overall decency and fairness of people. I hope he or she networks with like-minded people inthe business community and encourages them to express their viewpoints also.
Never forget that the key people behind last night's meeting and the "keep-Shelby-or-the-world-as-we know-it-will-end" effort are the same cabal that staged the coup that ran off Fleming and installed Thames. And never forget that at the cold heart of their motivations you will find their support for the athletic program. Finally, never forget that their negative perception of faculty has been consistently cultivated by the minions of the Thames administration.
Regarding the "who-would-be-crazy-enough-to-take-the-job-if-Shelby-left" gambit... I have no doubt that there would be quality applicants. What concerns me is the mess that the IHL and a badly crafted search committee could make of the search. Look what happened last time.
quote: Originally posted by: local interest "I'm still eagerly awaiting a list of attendees but thought it was worth passing along that Ted Webb, local president of Bancorp South (and certainly a prominent H'burg business leader), was seen at the art lecture tonight. He'll get my business!"
quote: Originally posted by: local interest "All the more reason to be pleased that he didn't appear at the Thames rally."
What my multifaceted eye has detected over the past few months is that the IHL member in question is not in the Klumb-Ross-Colbert "we love Shelby" camp. In fact, Klumb, Ross & Colbert may be all that would vote to keep Shelby right now.