I don't think I have ever seen you respond to Robert Campbell's challenge to defend Shelby Thames in a substantive, serious way. (If I have missed such a posting by you, please copy it as a reply to this message.) From now on, everytime I see a post of yours, I will kick the present message to the top of the board so that everyone is constantly reminded that you seem unwilling or unable to make a positive case for SFT. Until and unless you do, why should we take any of your postings seriously?
Here, then, is your big chance, Albert. Let's hear your best arguments in favor of Shelby's competence as a university president.
Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer "Albert. Let's hear your best arguments in favor of Shelby's competence as a university president."
Just one, Albert, just one. Give it your best shot.
: Troll Patrol
Date: 4 days ago Views: 435
Quote | ReplyRE: Challenge to Albert albert is just a troll and he doesn't care about SFT one way or the other. He posts only to get a rise out of people. AND, even if he were an SFT supporter I doubt he could make his case...even if there were one
: USM Sympathizer
Date: 4 days ago Views: 405
Quote | ReplyRE: Challenge to Albert Since Albert has just posted on another thread without addressing this thread, I have no alternative but to KICK.
Quote | ReplyRE: Challenge to Albert For heaven's sake, Albert, can't you provide any kind of defense whatsoever? Speak up. You've had ample opportunity. If you're too shy to do so, ask a friend to do it for you.
: USM Sympathizer
Date: 3 days ago Views: 204
Quote | ReplyRE: Challenge to Albert Albert's silence speaks volumes. Notice that the other trolls won't even come to his assistance.
Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer "Albert's silence speaks volumes. Notice that the other trolls won't even come to his assistance."
Maybe when the Coca-Cola crowd obtains the information they requested from USM somebody will say something. But they'd better be specific and accurate.
Originally posted by: Time to kick and for Albert to respond "Time for Albert to respond to Robert Campbell's challenge to defend Shelby Thames in a substantive, serious way."
Albert is occupied at the moment. He is on the coast helping Professor Johnson crate up his book in anticipation of the move to Hattiesburg.
: truth4usm/AH
Date: 4 hr, 16 min. ago Views: 70
Quote | ReplyRE: Challenge to Albert How long can you ignore this thread, Albert? If "Albert" is your real name, that is!