Today's Printz is a doozy. The admin is getting hammered by residents of Pine Haven and others. The Panhellenic has a piece not too nice.
Love the quote from Joe Paul about the lack of consultation with Pine Haven residents: "We could've consulted residents, but we knew they would want to maintain the family housing." Does this mean, "We knew they wouldn't give us the reaction we needed/wanted from them, so they weren't told." This is a peach. Whose side is he on? I think you NOW (finally) know.
Sid Gonsoulin said that Pine Haven residents were not consulted beforehand because administration would not have been able to answer all questions and concerns.
"During those three months, we weren't able to answer all their possible questions, we didn't have potential housing planned, and we did not have all the information they would've needed to know," said Gonsoulin. "But as soon as we had all the information and facts needed, they were the very first students to know."
What does this mean? Does it mean, "we couldn't give them a heads-up until we got our stories straight, then we went to them." Does it mean, "We knew they would be opposed, so we waited until it was too late [i.e., the wrecking balls were already swinging] to let them know about it. As soon as it became too late to back out, they were the first students to know."