The Hattiesburg business people who are scheduled to meet at the Cola-Cola plant on Thursday should be made fully aware of the business consequences of further faculty bashing or of inappropriately trying to interfe with USM's academic mission. This should be done at the earliest possible time. By Monday if possible but before the Thursday meeting for sure. A simple phone call should do if you are not going to have the opportunity to speak with them personally prior to Thursday. Merely not buying their widgets is not enough. They should be made fully aware that their widgets will remain unsold on the shelves.
I despair of you people. This is Missippi [that's spelled right, btw.] You don't switch to Pepsi, for cryin out loud. You switch to RC Cola. With a MoonPie. Sheesh, you Yankees.
quote: Originally posted by: LVN "I despair of you people. This is Missippi [that's spelled right, btw.] You don't switch to Pepsi, for cryin out loud. You switch to RC Cola. With a MoonPie. Sheesh, you Yankees."
I thought R-uh-C-uh and MoonPye (yellow, only, thankee much) was just a TN phenomenon -- people in South MS stare at me strangely when I talk of such. . .
Thanks for evoking good college memories on the Mountain, LVN. I needed them after a long evening despairing over why many so-called "educated" people no longer value the idea of a liberal arts education.
"I thought R-uh-C-uh and MoonPye (yellow, only, thankee much) was just a TN phenomenon"
They made Moon Pies in Chattanooga but sure sold lots of them in Mississippi. This past summer I found a Moon Pie bibbed cap in a thrift shop, with MOON PIE emblazed on the front. I bought it so I could wear it to those Mississippi catfish cafes (One can't eat catfish without wearing a bibbed cap. Mamma wouldn't like that because she said never wear your cap on an elevator, in the presence of a woman, or while eating).
You know, you may be right. Do they eat rag b'loney and rat cheese on crackers here? I guess to people in S. MS, we Tennesseans are Yankees!
I've never been big on boycotts except as a last resort -- I argued against the boycott of PP etc. a while back. But I'm thinking this is a last resort. As for me and my house, we may drink water.