Is there anyway I can find out if Thames had anything to do with Pinehaven coming down? It seems to me alot of the fraternity houses already torn down had plans in place before Thames came here. He obviously has some role in it now,though, if the tear-down is happening under his shift.
There was a meeting at PH a few days ago where this matter was discussed. The residents were encouraged to come to the meeting as though they actually were a factor in the decision and had a chance to have it changed. In fact, the decision was already made.
The lady in charge of Pinehaven, Vicki, was closed mouth yesterday when I talked to her about this. She said it was as much a surprise to her as anybody. I know this cannot be true though. PH did not do well on its "health and living environment" inspections last year. Some agency came in and took pictures of every apartment--the kitchen, the bathroom, etc. The results were not good, and I know she saw the writing on the wall after that.
What do you suggest Ms. Vicki should have done if she knew beforehand. You seem to think she had control over whether or not PH was going to be dismantled. It is so easy to gripe about issues, but difficult to solve the same issues.
quote: Originally posted by: yardman "which frat houses have been torn down since SFT came to power?"
Kappa Alpha came down last summer to make way for a new parking lot. The empty, condemned house next to it did as well. Actually I believe KA was condemned making way for the decision.
I hear that at the meeting with PH residents that Joe Paul stated that PH had to go for the Greek system to expand. The reason - The Greek system generates more money than the married students. I suspect the Sexual Assault Crisis Ctr. needs to be moved between the village and frat row to be on site for the assault cases on Thursday through Saturday nites each week.
quote: Originally posted by: Chug! Chug! Chug! "Kappa Alpha came down last summer to make way for a new parking lot. The empty, condemned house next to it did as well. Actually I believe KA was condemned making way for the decision."
quote: Originally posted by: qwerty "Don't USM's fraternities own their houses. Mine did at my alma mater. "
No, USM bought them out in the '80s (I think) because many of them were in such debt. As I understand it, they are technically part of Residence Life (I was told that they use to be threatened that if they did not have enough members living in the houses that regular dorm students would be placed in the house...boy I would hate to be that student).
quote: Originally posted by: yardman "...oursourcing seems to be the direction, why not outsource pinehaven to private sources?"
I had a conversation with a high up several years ago (either Fleming’s last year or the Lucas year) in which she said the idea of using the apartments near USM as family housing was floating around. She suggested that USM could possibly work out a deal such as guarantee 100% occupancy if the apartments would cut their rates for student families. I guess this second part will never happen.
quote: Originally posted by: lunchtime "KA was off campus right??"
Come to think of it, I'm not sure. It was across the street from the theatre building but I don't know if USM owned the property. Either way, USM now owns it and built a much needed parking lot. Now students don't have to park in Professor Scar's space
quote: Originally posted by: WhatWouldAlbertDo "What do you suggest Ms. Vicki should have done if she knew beforehand. You seem to think she had control over whether or not PH was going to be dismantled. It is so easy to gripe about issues, but difficult to solve the same issues. "
What are you talking about? Quit putting words in my mouth and read my posts more closely in the future. I was talking about whether Vicki knew if Thames had anything to do with it. And I clearly said the decision had already been made before she had that meeting with the residents. But because you brought it up, Vicki could solve the "health and living environment" problems from last year. Those are issues she definitely had control over.