I cannot answer your question concerning motives, that is, whether the actions of Dean Doty were for selfish reasons or for altruistic reasons. It is similar to asking whether the medical doctor is operating on me for the sake of humanity or because she earns money for the procedure. While I realize that character is important, and I value that trait highly in my personal relationships, it is not always necessary, nor sufficient, in cases such as we have here. Markets usually work better than systems based on altruism. Again, whatever shortcomings Dean Doty may have, he has done more to counter the forces of the evil empire than any other dean. I guess I subscribe to the old adage that, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I suspect we have no common ground on this issue.
quote: Originally posted by: Cossack "We have come full circle to comparing hours worked. The labor theory of value is like Godzilla, it never dies. It is the marginal product of the worker that is the measure of worth, not how many hours of input are used. I learned that in my economics class in undergrauate school, strictly a liberal arts school by the way. I have no idea how many hours a week any of the deans work. I do know that Dean Doty's output exceeds that of most , if not all, of the other deans."
Yeah - I agree. This whole "nobody works harder than me" crap that Shelby promotes severely distorts the outcomes of such "work." As professors we do not, or should not, grade on a student's "effort" - though an increasing number of students seem to expect such credit for how "hard" they worked - we grade on results, on the knowledge attained. We hold Adminstrators to the same measure: how "hard" or how long you work does not matter - it is the results that matter, and Shelby is a failure by such a measurement.
Back to work everyone! You can get back on at 5.00 when you clock out!!
On a serious note, I see people at USM working beyond the call from top to bottom, under adverse conditions, well beyond their compensations. (except the ones that sit and count cars in and out of parking lots)
quote: Originally posted by: Hen "Back to work everyone! You can get back on at 5.00 when you clock out!! Geez. On a serious note, I see people at USM working beyond the call from top to bottom, under adverse conditions, well beyond their compensations. (except the ones that sit and count cars in and out of parking lots) "
quote: Originally posted by: Angeline "Yeah - I agree. This whole "nobody works harder than me" crap that Shelby promotes severely distorts the outcomes of such "work." As professors we do not, or should not, grade on a student's "effort" - though an increasing number of students seem to expect such credit for how "hard" they worked - we grade on results, on the knowledge attained. We hold Adminstrators to the same measure: how "hard" or how long you work does not matter - it is the results that matter, and Shelby is a failure by such a measurement. "
No small irony that SACS has whopped USM "upside the head" for failure to perform adequate "outcomes assessment," isn't it?
quote: Originally posted by: Angeline "Yeah - I agree. This whole "nobody works harder than me" crap that Shelby promotes severely distorts the outcomes of such "work."..."
Actually, a friend of mine that used to work in his lab said that Shelby was a big 8-5 advocate saying that if you can't get what you need done between 8-5 then you are not working hard/efficiently enough while you are there.