Mr. Johnson, I want to warn you that this bulletin board software automatically records the Internet Protocol Address (IP) of every poster. The webmaster and a few of her close associates then discuss this in email to ascertain whether the poster is the same person or who the poster might be. Just thought you would like to know.
I don't know a lot about computers, but I think I am correct in saying that even if person A knew person B's IP address, that person A would need the cooperation of person B's internet service provider to determine the precise identity of person B. I also think I'm correct in saying that such a company would provide such information only to a law enforcement agency, and only if a judge had determined that there was evidence that a crime had been committed. Therefore it doesn't seem that Mr. Johnson has anything to fear, even IF the webmaster scrutinized IP addresses, which I very much doubt.
Besides, Mr. Johnson (if he really exists) has freely given his name and the name of his city; he has also (supposedly) given his name, address, and (I would guess) phone number to the Sun Herald, to which he allegedly has submitted a letter to the editor. In other words, Albert, Mr. Johnson SEEMS to be a "red-blooded American male" (in SFT's famous phrase) who is willing to take a public stance and stand up for his opinions.
Of course, many of us are beginning to suspect that he doesn't really exist (certainly his letter has yet to appear in the Sun Herald), so maybe your concern for him is ill-founded if he is just a faker, as has been alleged. Only Mr. Johnson can refute that charge of fakery.
quote: Originally posted by: Albert "Mr. Johnson, I want to warn you that this bulletin board software automatically records the Internet Protocol Address (IP) of every poster. The webmaster and a few of her close associates then discuss this in email to ascertain whether the poster is the same person or who the poster might be. Just thought you would like to know."
Idiot! If you are so scared of exposing your IP address, get a cable modem service and you will be assigned different IP addresses from time to time.
By the way, nobody's interested in your true identity. You could be Mader, Lassen, Malone, or even dome emperor. After all, you are all the same trolls. So, be my guest and make yourself home here without fear. We are different people from your kind. NKOB.
quote: Originally posted by: Board memory "Didn't Opie post this last summer?"
Yes, and while it's true that the software does record IP addresses, it's a pain in the a** to track people down even if you wanted to (and as NKOB mentioned, if you have a cable modem, you will be assigned a different IP every time you log in). The Web Master has no time for such shenanigans.