This is a trap being established. Touting the names of "experts" some of whom may choose to invest in your program does not allow you to by-pass academic standards in a short-cut to take advantage of Mississippi taxpayers.
quote: Originally posted by: Robot from Lost in Space "Danger! Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! This is a trap being established. Touting the names of "experts" some of whom may choose to invest in your program does not allow you to by-pass academic standards in a short-cut to take advantage of Mississippi taxpayers. "
RLS, My question was not a trap. It was a challenge. Based on my admittedly limited knowledge, I do not view economic development qua economic development as a discipline. I believe that those who do should have the opportunity to provide names. My question had nothing to do with "touting the names of 'experts' some of whom may choose to invest in your program." Neither does it have to do with by-passing academic standards "in a short-cut to take advantage of Mississippi taxpayers." Read my lips which appear here:
'My question: name three prominent living scholars who identify their discipline as economic development, and their institutional (department, agency, or school) or other primary affiliation."