While perusing the EagleTalk message board for material to use against the trolls, I ran across a thread on a linked board called “Babe of the Day,” which contains photos of “hot babes” in provocative poses and attire.
That thread got me to thinking: Can I add something like this to the AAUP Website? Of course, I cannot actually post pictures of “hot babes” out of respect for our fine female posters, and I cannot post pictures of “hot studs” out of respect for myself and the esteemed male posters. However, I can post something that is a lot more satisfying to all of us: a brief description and a link to an esteemed, non-SACS probation school’s website.
On the website, one can read about all of the activities that university’s community is engaging in while we are digging out from our mess of Thamesian (or should it be anti-Thamesian?(because he really is a very short man)) proportions. Pictures of academics engaging in teaching, research, and service without fear of email monitoring or random firing! While none of these “Babes of the Day” will be perfect, I am sure they all will look good to me. Maybe they will to you as well.
I will post one per day until I either run out of steam or non-SACS probation schools...whichever comes first.
Today’s “Babe of the Day” is Stanford University !!!!!
From the Stanford University online history: “On October 1, 1891, Stanford University opened its doors after six years of planning and building. In the early morning hours, construction workers were still preparing the Inner Quadrangle for the opening ceremonies. The great arch at the western end had been backed with panels of red and white cloth to form an alcove where the dignitaries would sit. Behind the stage was a life-size portrait of Leland Stanford, Jr., in whose memory the university was founded.
“About 2,000 seats, many of them sturdy classroom chairs, were set up in the 3-acre Quad, and they soon proved insufficient for the growing crowd. By midmorning, people were streaming across the brown fields on foot. Riding horses, carriages and farm wagons were hitched to every fence and at half past ten the special train from San Francisco came puffing almost to the university buildings on the temporary spur that had been used during construction.”
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "What a great idea! I enjoy "touring" university websites, too"
I agree, Invictus - the “Babe of the Day” posting is great. We could all learn a lot. But remember, to paraphase a C&W song, "The babes get prettier at closing time."