And, the NCATE visit has been put off - how smart of us to really single ourselves out to NCATE. This is something to be happy about. NCATE hasn't slammed us yet. Kewl.
USM is much more "flexible" than previously. Things get done faster. Sometimes major academic decisions seem to get done so fast that even the faculty and deans don't know about them before they are announced. Efficiency is our middle name.
Remember all the time we used to have to spend on promotion/tenure committees, and how difficult it often was to make those decisions? Well now we have the "double secret promotion" system that allows everybody more time for wurl' class economic development activities, like training our students to be telemarketers. Oooh I love progress!
Another evidence of progress during the past two years: A hugh salary savings. The salary savings created by the departure of experienced senior faculty members can now be used to hire new inexperienced Ph.D.'s to do the SACS preparation.
i know this is not the purpose of this thread, but given salary compression at USM there hasn't been a lot of salary savings. i know one department where assistant profs are coming in at more than associate profs.
USM had the vision to buy Garden Park Hosptial. This helps both IHL and Ole Miss. If the Ole Miss medical school fails, USM will come to the aid of IHL by moving the medical school to the coast. USM's vision has provided a contingency plan for our beloved IHL, and USM will be able to purchase all the equipment from Ole Miss, therefore, keeping our state funds in Mississippi.
One of the most positive changes around here is that we have our own expert limerick writers on this message board. Therefore, we no longer need to hire those high-paid stuffy scholars who study dull things like John Donne and Shakespeare. Let Ole Miss and Texas A&M teach them things. Besides, a 5-line limerick carries a much higher level of student interest than does a poem written in cryptic Olde English or something. Proof that the limerick trumps John Donne in student interest: you don't see anything by John Donne written on the walls of a bathroom stall.
Question: "Professor Dork" has been lying about himself in published columns, claiming he's much more popular, sincere, and generous than I know him to be. How can I choose between roaring laughter and vomiting bile?
Oh, Ms Mentor!! Thank you for the link to this column. She was wonderful -- I just spent half an hour reading her past columns. Funny, funny, funny (and helpful.)
quote: Originally posted by: 1/USMTTT "We've stepped up our campus recycling efforts by shredding 17,000 brochures that contained plagarized material."
USM now offers more "oportunities for travel" than it previously offered. Hudson move from Hattiesburg to the Coast and then back to Hattiesburg? Grimes make a similar move I believe. USM position advertisements should carry the notation OPPORTUNITY FOR TRAVEL.
I think we have all learned more. Each time that a poster uses a term that I don't understand or points out a spelling/grammar mistake, I know that I look it up. Better than a word-a-day calendar! I also read more newspapers and journals than I used to!
The Gulf Park campus will not have to host the international John Donne Society for the 20th year and put up with all those scholars from all over the world. Let the Cajuns at LSU deal with those wild and crazy guys and girls.
The Summer Reading Conference can drop the stupid "3rd Oldest in the Nation" lie since it is not true and nobody cares. Finally, a breath of honesty will exist. The Reading Conference can happen without the taint of dishonesty.