As someone mentioned earlier regarding a similar letter to the editor, the only thing these folks have right is the perception that USM is a prison and currently surving under a dictatorial warden. Well, that means that all USM employees are at USM because they need punishing or rehabilitation. The fact that prison isn't very good at rehabilitation and only deals with punishment speaks volumes about how Mr. Thames has handled his tenure as president/warden. You're being punished for the crime of caring about education and discovery and knowledge. Boy, what has higher education come to in the state of Mississippi - Parchman South? What an informed mentality of some folks in the area!!!
quote: Originally posted by: interested bystander "Well, that means that all USM employees are at USM because they need punishing or rehabilitation."
To "punishment" and "rehabilitation" we can add "to protect those on the outside" as a third reason for imprisonment.
But let us not forget that one does not have to be in a brick-and-morter formal "prison" in order to be a prisoner. One can be a prisoner in their own home. USM faculty members have become prisoners in their own home - as some abused housewives learned very rapidly. USM faculty members are, indeed, prisoners in their own home.
You know, the funny thing about this fellow's letter is that I'd be willing to say that he doesn't feel that way when citizens vote for elected officials. Hmm, USM president - 4 year term, sounds a lot like politics to me, not a prison system.
I'm hoping that this is the same person who submitted a similar letter to the HA. PLEASE tell me that there aren't two people out there who think universities are comparable to prisons.
When I was a kid growing up among the Mississippi Kudzu vines, I frequetly saw large "chain gangs" along the highways and byways. Each chain gang, of course, was being watched carefully by one or more guards, and there was usually a trusty running errands and fetching things for the guards. Sometimes there was a bloodhounds prepped for the chase in the event any of the prisoners escaped. The chain gang may be a more appropriate analogy for what has happened to USM - there is a guard, and there are several trusties. The prisoners are out there working for the man.The uncaring superintendents are in Jackson. At this rate it won't be long before the USM faculty will be decked out in black-and-white stripped uniforms.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer "I'm hoping that this is the same person who submitted a similar letter to the HA. PLEASE tell me that there aren't two people out there who think universities are comparable to prisons."